Online Games: 10,000-fold Increase at the Beginning!

Chapter 270: Ten thousand times increase, whales fall


Lin Feng used the law of cause and effect.

Wounds the giant powerhouse with the peak strength of the holy level.

At the same time, he was also attacked by cause and effect.

Lin Feng was already prepared and sacrificed one of his clones.

As for the loss of air transport, it is almost negligible.

Because Lin Feng's luck is too huge.

At the beginning, even Hua Chi, a strong man in the Holy Land of Three Tribulations, was backlashed by Lin Feng's luck.

A little luck, but a drop in the bucket.

Seeing that his law attack was effective, Lin Feng attacked again.

He entangled the giant's causal line with the sanctuary of calamity and converted it into evil results.

Then, it is the sacrifice avatar.

"Kill!" Lin Feng's identity connection died.

With the blessing of the cause.

The death of Lin Feng's clone turned into a kind of damage that even the peak saint-level powerhouse could not resist.

The giant was completely overwhelmed by Lin Feng.

Even a little scared!

Waves of law attacks made the giant's strength drop rapidly.

At the same time severely damaged.

There's also the ongoing nerf for Town Santa.

The giant actually went from a tailwind to a headwind.

"Kill!" You can't wait for the powerhouse's attack to finally be able to inflict significant damage on the giant.

Wu Ling even chased the treasure pot and slashed wildly, and Loli pretended to be vicious, "I wash you, I wash you!"

The attack of the dust and the **** of gods, at this time, can cause more damage to the giant.

Lin Feng quickly summoned nine clones.

"This giant is an aborigines from the Outer Realm."

"If you don't kill him, you won't be able to continue to search for good fortune from the world."

"You can't even enter the depths of Yanjie, you must kill him."

"There's a lot to gain from killing him."

Lin Feng's eyes flickered, "But before killing him, we must clear the scene."

"Santa Town, fully open!"


The town sanctuary shook.

A circle of law ripples are like ripples in a lake, quickly covering a hundred thousand miles.

Originally, the town Santa was only aimed at giants.

Now, the town tower is aimed at all semi-holy powerhouses!

You can't wait for your friends to know the news and stay away from here.

The remaining semi-sacred powerhouses suddenly discovered that their strength was falling like a cliff, and they were scared to lose their souls.

"Damn it, Xingtian is crazy!"

"Made, another neuropathy!"

"Flee, our strength weakens that giant can kill us with a single blow."

The semi-sacred powerhouses fled one after another, and they all cursed Lin Feng in their hearts.

Pit ratio! !

Xingtian Giant Pit!

The **** realm of the witch spirit is very magical, it is a sea of ​​blood.

The sea of ​​​​blood actually resisted the looming law of Zhensheng Tower, and its strength was not weakened.

Wen Mushen does not have this characteristic, and his strength is weakening.

Wu Ling glanced at Lin Feng in surprise, and muttered, "Yah, Da Guoguo wants to eat alone, huh!"

She stepped aside.

Wen Mushen glanced at Lin Feng helplessly, and backed away.

The two of them thought that their strength was weaker than Lin Feng, and even if they were not reconciled, they had to be reconciled.

"Three thousand worlds in the palm of your hand!"

"Cause and effect!"

"The effect is the cause!"

Lin Feng's giant palm covered the sky and slapped the giant.

Not to be outdone, the giant also used supernatural powers to fight, and was able to force Lin Feng supernatural powers.




Lin Feng didn't care much.

At the same time, he was constantly consuming his clone.

The attack of the law of cause and effect was irresistible and extremely destructive, and the giant suffered waves of damage.

Lin Feng used up his clones and quickly summoned again.

"My clone can be summoned infinitely!" Lin Feng grinned.

It only took a few rounds of consumption...

The giant was hit irreversibly.

"Kill!" The giant palm shot again, this time the giant was powerless to resist and took the blow abruptly.


The giant's head was suddenly smashed by Lin Feng's giant palm.

at the same time…

"Reminder~ You killed the holy-level peak powerhouse [Jiaxin]."

"Ding Dong~ You have obtained 5,000 Square Domain Source Crystals."

"Ding dong ~ You have obtained the robbery [falling treasure basin (Xiantian)]"

"Ding dong~ You have triggered a ten thousand-fold increase; get the [Love Treasure Pot (Innate Law)]!"

"Ding dong~ You trigger a 10,000-fold increase; get 50 million square domain source crystals!"

"Ding dong~ You got 100,000 luck points!"

"Ding dong~ You have triggered a 10,000-fold increase; you have gained 1 billion luck points!"

"Ding dong~ You have gained Holy Will Points + 20 million!"

"Ding Dong~ You have triggered a ten-thousand-fold increase; you have gained Sacred Will Points +200 billion!"

"Ding dong ~ You killed a holy-level peak powerhouse, and you were extremely lucky to trigger [Whale Fall]!"

"Hint: The [Whale Fall] state will last for 5 minutes. Within minutes, there will be a large number of innate spirits and holy will points appear. Please pay attention to collecting and refining!"

Lin Feng's ears sounded dense beeps.

Almost every prompt sound is a huge gain.

50 million square domain source crystals!

This huge amount of money can be exchanged for a lot of points in the bronze tree.

The points of the bronze tree cannot be increased ten thousand times, because those points are artificially created, and every point is recorded in the ledger, and it is impossible for a large amount of points to appear out of thin air.

But Lin Feng can brush bugs, as long as the income he gets can increase ten thousand times.

Equivalent to a ten thousand-fold increase in points.

With 1 billion points of luck, this wave of luck not only supplemented Lin Feng's consumption, but also increased a lot.

As for the holy point...

A full 200 billion!

A wave of fat!

Perfect! !

And the biggest gain is undoubtedly Luobaopen.

Before the 10,000-fold increase, the level of Luobaopen was the same as that of Zhensheng Tower.

After the 10,000-fold increase, the Fallen Treasure Basin surpassed the town's holy tower by one level.

The key is…

There are treasures from other semi-sacred powerhouses in the Falling Treasure Pot!

One word: Earn!

As for the [Whale Fall] effect, it was a complete windfall.

At this time, Lin Feng could only sigh that he was lucky.

If Lin Feng alone wants to kill a holy-level peak powerhouse, even if he has a high-level law of cause and effect, it is extremely difficult to kill, and he can only slowly grind to death the holy-level peak powerhouse.

However, there were strong men such as Wu Ling, Wen Mushen, and Mo Chen who started a group first and fought Lin Feng for a while.

Only then did Lin Feng see how to deal with it and have a comfortable output environment.

If there is another unfamiliar Saint-level peak powerhouse, only Lin Feng will be alone.

Lin Feng would not choose to confront him, because it was too troublesome.

"I can't imagine that there are opportunities everywhere in the evolution world."

Lin Feng's eyes flickered.

The semi-sacred powerhouse that competes with himself is a chance, and if you kill it, you can win the treasure.

Those who are born without a master are also opportunities, and no one can beat Lin Feng.

Even the Saint-level peak powerhouse, the aborigines of the evolution world, had just been born.

After killing it, I also got a lot of gains.

Lin Feng knew that only the aborigines of the Evolution Realm could reveal so many things.

In exchange for other ordinary saint-level peak powerhouses, it is impossible to explode so many.

In short, as far as I can see.

It's all chance.

Lin Feng loves this place to death.


The holy-level peak powerhouse was replaced by Lin Feng.

Brain was smashed.

The dead can no longer die.

Lin front cover.

The Saint-level peak powerhouse is still standing in the starry sky.

It's just that his body exudes a colorful glow.

The colorful rays of light became more and more prosperous, and the giant's corpse became smaller and smaller.

The colorful rays of light continued to shoot from the giant's body and scattered throughout the starry sky.

"Whale fall!" Lin Feng's clones frantically collected the colorful rays of light.

A whale fell.

All things live!

Saint-level peak powerhouse explodes!

The colorful rays of light danced in the sky, and the semi-sacred powerhouses collected frantically.

"Wodi~Wodi~ it's all wodi!" Wu Ling, with his long fangs and red eyes, flew towards the giant and ate the flesh and blood of the giant.

Only she cares about the flesh and blood of giants.

"Ding dong~ You have gained Holy Will Points + 10,000!"

"Ding dong~ You have triggered a 10,000-fold increase; get holy will points + 100 million!"

"Ding dong~ You have gained Holy Will Points + 10,000!"

"Ding dong~ You have triggered a 10,000-fold increase; get holy will points + 100 million!"

Every time Lin Feng collected a colorful glow, a system alert sounded in his ears.

The whale fall only lasted five minutes.

100% of the colorful glow, Lin Feng alone got 80% of it!

The remaining 20% ​​were divided by the semi-holy powerhouses.

Lin Feng didn't care either.

The scope of the whale's fall is very wide, and it is impossible for him to occupy all the colorful rays of light.

Eighty percent, which is pretty good.

This wave is another 100 billion holy will points.

"This robbery seems to be somewhat similar to the legendary [Love Treasure Money]."

Lin Feng took out the Falling Treasure Pot.

"I don't know that the advanced level has become a treasure robbery of the innate law level. Where is this treasure pot more powerful than before?" Lin Feng looked at the treasure robbery of the innate law in his hand curiously.

This is his first innate law-level robbery.

It is also a rare finished product robbery in the trip to the evolution world.

Lin Feng thought so, and looked at Luobaopen.

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