The Frost Queen's blood volume was steadily declining again. Eighty thousand, seventy thousand, sixty thousand... fifty thousand!

The last 50% of life left! Mutations reborn!

The Frost Queen condensed four frost balls again!

"Oh no! You can't let anyone live! Four are enough to kill you, and now there are four more!" Sun Zhenzi shouted loudly, and what he said was also what others thought!

Chen Fei watched the four frost balls spread out again. Originally there were only four of them, but they relied on the summoned beasts to communicate with each other, and perfectly controlled the damage of the frost ball! So that it can no longer be transmitted to the system unit. But now four more are here, how to play?

Chen Fei gritted his teeth slightly and once again cursed the game designer in his imagination. After that, I had to think of new strategies for the situation in front of me!

The eight frost balls, according to the previous operation, can still weaken the power they exert. However, the effect dropped a lot, and the number of summoned beasts couldn't keep up. A more effective method must be found! Or, it would be more thorough to directly find a way to solve the frost ball!

It’s just that it’s difficult!

Thinking in his mind, Chen Fei's operations did not stop. Controlling the water element, he hooked another frost ball. After turning around and running out, Pushing Technique quickly followed. At the same time, Si Gai also hooked another frost ball at the same time, and his pushing technique was less than one second different from Chen Fei's! This caused the two water elements to run out of the battlefield almost at the same time, hooking the frost ball!

After that, the two of them kept the distance between the water elements in a tacit understanding and continued to move towards the outside of the battlefield. During this period, Chen Fei took the opportunity to hit another wave of output, and the Frost Queen only had less than 40,000 lives left!

After Chen Fei released several high-damage skills, the frost ball also hit the water element of the two people, and then flew towards the opponent's water element in turn. Once again, Chen Fei and Si Gai pulled their respective water elements in opposite directions in tacit agreement! Further gained time!

Now, it’s good to buy a few seconds! At least with this little effort, the Frost Queen's life dropped below 40,000! One step closer to being killed!

But the power of eight frost balls is there! Although everyone tried their best to pull the summoned objects, the summoned objects were still killed very quickly! Seeing that the Frost Queen still had 35,000 lives left, everyone except Zheng Wen was in a state of cooling down! And the frost ball was transmitted among the system units again!

Doubling the quantity will naturally bring doubled damage! The number of already few system units has been further reduced! After the three heroes were hit by the freezing effect again, their output dropped sharply again!

The battle is once again unsettled!

At this time, Si Gai spoke: "Xiao Fei, can we use one summon to seduce multiple frost balls, and then use two push techniques to directly push them to a super long distance?"

The idea given by Si Gai made Chen Fei suddenly wake up! Indeed, Chen Fei has never thought about whether Frost Ball can be seduced by the same unit. However, based on everyone's previous operations, Chen Fei was 80% sure that this issue was ok. Then, as long as a summoned beast can attract several frost balls, and then follow Si Gai's idea, the power of the frost balls can indeed be weakened to a great extent!

But just doing this, Chen Fei felt it was not enough! The frost ball will still fly back again, and the time we can buy is still limited!

If the distance can be further increased...wait!

Suddenly, after Chen Fei watched the dwarf cannon's shell hit the Frost Queen, he finally thought that he still had two things that he had not used! That was a deliberate choice he made to prevent the system from arranging a branch that would deceive people. But he didn't expect the BOSS battle to start so quickly that he even forgot about their existence!

"Sun Zhenzi, give me the evacuation scepter and the return scroll to Si Gai."

The two things that were missed were the refuge scepter and the scroll of return to the city that Chen Fei asked Sun Zhenzi to exchange for the title of logistics officer! For these two things, Chen Fei's original idea when exchanging them was that the Refuge Scepter could protect the unit at critical moments, while the Town Return Scroll was prepared to prevent any unexpected attacks on the temporary base.

"Everyone, continue to draw the frost ball out. Si Gai, you and I will pull the frost ball over as much as possible." Chen Fei commanded again. But he didn't say exactly what he wanted to do.

Fortunately, everyone was used to Chen Fei's command, and according to his wishes, they seduced Frost Ball again. The new summons hooked out several frost balls again, and with the acceleration of the Feng Yuan guards, they pulled them out again. Among them, the water element of Chen Fei and Si Gai is the most eye-catching one. With the clever movement of the two, their water elements pulled two frost balls!

With this operation, all eight frost balls were hooked by everyone! However, there are not many system units left on the scene.

The situation of the system units is not something Chen Fei can solve, but fortunately the Frost Queen's health has dropped to about 30,000! As long as Chen Fei's idea can be successfully implemented, then the victory of the battle will belong to them.

"Put the summons together." Chen Fei continued to give new instructions. After that, their respective summons chose a central point and concentrated there. However, the frost balls behind them are not far away from them! It might take less than three seconds to catch up with them. The water elements of Chen Fei and Si Gai also launched a push technique at the same time, pushing them and shortening the distance between them and other summoned beasts!

The scene situation at this time turned into several summoned beasts leading the frost ball to move towards the same location. Once the frost ball catches up, it only takes one hit! It will be transmitted continuously between summons instantly! The biggest possibility is that all the summoned objects will be killed in the blink of an eye!

However, the summoned object was killed by the frost ball. This is actually what Chen Fei did next!

However, he still has two steps to take before the summoned object is killed. The first one activates flickering and lands behind a group of summoned objects; the second one summons a clay figure...

After the Nendoroid was summoned, the summoned object was finally hit by a frost ball. Although they have not completely assembled, they are close enough to each other! After the frost ball hits, it doesn't even take a second to pass to the next unit! I saw the frost balls hit continuously, and all the summons were killed in an instant!

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