Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 494 The Abyss Lord also plays advanced games

A terrifying explosion took away more than 10,000 lives of the abyss lords and killed all ten abyss ghosts! Let the Lord of the Abyss become a polished leader again!

I don’t know how the Lord of the Abyss would feel when he saw that the younger brothers he had finally summoned by selling his blood were killed all at once. But for a thoughtful unit, it would definitely be quite unhappy! Therefore, this guy immediately rushed towards Chen Fei again! While rushing forward, the lightning ring activated again!

However, for players, any monster, whether it is an ordinary monster or a BOSS monster, as long as its combat routine is figured out by the player, it will be very difficult for this monster to cause harm to the player! And the degree of difficulty here will be infinitely increased due to the player's personal operating strength!

Now, this is the situation of the Lord of the Abyss! It is indeed stronger than the Ice Storm Bear, and stronger than many BOSS Chen Fei encounters, but as a leader monster, its skills are too few! It doesn't even have a single displacement skill, which makes it destined to have such a tragic situation! Flicker, Push, Fire Meteor, Ground Fire, and even stone walls can all effectively contain it! As long as the Lord of the Abyss identifies Chen Fei as the target of attack, it is destined to continue to be miserable like this...

One skill after another was unleashed on the Abyss Lord, and the bombing of the dwarf cannons continued, and Corn also began to launch skill attacks on the Abyss Lord. Of course, in terms of frequency, Chen Fei still asked him not to do too much. As for Zheng Wen, there was only one earth element guard left to prevent possible accidents, and the other three were all replaced by fire element guards, staring at the abyss lord and throwing fireballs crazily!

In just a few minutes, the Abyss Lord lost 50,000 blood! With a loss of 150,000 HP, its second trigger skill has also met the conditions!

Once the conditions were met, a dark cloud appeared out of thin air above the Lord of the Abyss. Before anyone could figure out what the dark cloud was for, several bolts of lightning suddenly burst out from the dark cloud! Accurately hit all the summons around the Abyss Lord!

A -951 damage appeared on the head of a water elemental, and three-quarters of its health was gone! A fire element has -662 damage and half a blood tank! As for the others, the lowest damage is more than 400, and the highest one is not higher than the water element.

Unexpectedly, this second one turned out to be a range type. What's even more troublesome is that it continues to cause damage every second! The first attack triggered, and several summons failed to respond. The second lightning hit them immediately, and only one earth element guard was lucky enough to survive with red blood! It's just that this thunder and lightning storm is a super long skill that lasts for thirty seconds! In the next second, the Tuyuan guards can also be killed.

"You guys pause the attack first and retreat a little." Seeing that the thunder and lightning storm was so strong, in order to ensure that no accidents occurred, Chen Fei naturally asked others to withdraw one after another, and used himself to contain the abyss lord.

Obviously, the more units that come up to this thunder and lightning storm, the greater the power it can exert. Of course, players will not join in and get beaten in vain!

The hatred of the abyss lord is still on Chen Fei. It seems that the person with the greatest output can easily attract the hatred of monsters. Seeing that the Lord of the Abyss was about to catch up again, Chen Fei decisively used the Push Technique and moved diagonally back a distance - the range of the thunder and lightning storm should be as large as the attack range of the Lord of the Abyss. Coupled with a normal one, if you are unlucky, you may be instantly killed!

Naturally, the Lord of the Abyss would not give up the pursuit of Chen Fei easily. Although the open space was not small, it would always retreat to the edge! And the skills it possesses only last for more than twenty seconds! It was enough to force Chen Fei back into a blind corner!

At this time, Chen Fei just used a stone wall to push the abyss lord back a little, and then connected with a flash to close the distance again, without any intention of continuing to output.

It wasn't that Chen Fei didn't want to output, but that he suddenly realized a key problem at this time - the blood volume interval between the two triggering skills of the Abyss Lord was much shorter than the cooldown of his skills!

Losing 100,000 blood, the abyss ghost is summoned for the first time; adding 50,000, triggers the first thunder and lightning storm; adding another 50,000 is the second activation of the abyss ghost! And with everyone's output, no matter how slow it is, it won't take five minutes to reach 50,000 lives! The result is that the Sheng Yao Ming Lei has not completely cooled down!

So, without the Holy Glory Underworld Thunder, how can the second wave of abyss ghosts kill instantly? In other words, what method should we use to deal with it?

Thinking of this problem, Chen Fei temporarily stopped his output. However, stopping the output is definitely not the best solution. Time waits for no one, so we must find a way to deal with it!

All of his own skills and the skills of others are also taken into account, but without the Holy Glory Dark Thunder, the total damage value is not enough no matter how you calculate it. The abyss ghosts appear at random locations within 500 yards of the abyss lord. It is impossible to hit all of them without a wide range of skills. You still need to use single-target skills to instantly kill those that have not been killed.

wrong! Even if there is no Sheng Yao Ming Lei, I still have to speed up! Even if a few mobs can't be killed instantly, they won't have much impact!

Chen Fei, who finally understood, smashed the cooled-down skill over again! At the same time, a pit fire re-framed the Abyss Lord. Waiting for the effect of the pit to disappear, the flame meteorite connected to it and continued to control it. In addition, the long-range bombing of dwarf cannons has begun again!

Waiting for the effect of Thunder Storm's skill to end, the Abyss Lord suffered another loss of nearly 20,000 blood!

The new summons were summoned after the thunder storm ended, and they launched another attack on the Abyss Lord. But Chen Fei still activated his skills one after another, always keeping a distance from the abyss lord. Occasionally, he would only consider resisting the attack if he had no other choice.

Soon, the Abyss Lord's blood loss reached 200,000! The second wave of abyss ghosts appeared under its summons!

"Keep up with the skills together!"

Although without the Shengyao Underworld Thunder, it would be impossible to kill all the Abyss Ghosts immediately, but this does not mean that Chen Fei and others should not take action against the Abyss Ghosts. Thunderstorm Flame took the lead, followed by Flame Tornado, Thunderstorm Technique, Gale Thunder and finally Meteor Fire Rain, plus the skills and output of others, the burst of damage killed six Abyss Ghosts!

However, something surprising happened at this time!

The remaining four abyss ghosts did not run towards the crowd, but instead surrounded the abyss lord, with a black energy flowing from their bodies and injected into the abyss lord!

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