The Abyss Lord, who summoned the thunder shield, then launched another basic attack at Ying Fei's fire element, and easily killed him instantly. At the same time, the lightning ring had expanded to its maximum distance. The rapid retreat of Chen Fei and others did not allow the extra units to be hit by the lightning ring.

"Continue to summon new summons, Zheng Wen, and the Tuyuan guards will follow." Watching the lightning ring retract, Chen Fei followed up and issued a new command.

Naturally, the others quickly followed the operation, and the new water element and fire element were summoned, plus Zheng Wen's two earth element guards, chasing the lightning ring and approaching the abyss lord. The summons that were still in the lightning ring were quickly damaged for the second time. With just such a skill, most of their health bars were immediately knocked out! The next one is no problem at all.

Of course, the summoned objects are meant to absorb attacks. They can resist for a while.

After using the Abyss Lord's two skills and killing several other remaining health summons, Chen Fei and others took their respective positions and began to attack with all their strength. Under the siege of several people, the thunder shield of the Abyss Lord was quickly shattered, and the blood loss exceeded 30,000 in the blink of an eye! At this speed, a few people can indeed kill the Abyss Lord in a short time.

However, it is not that easy to really get such results! At this time, several people are relying on summons to resist damage. Once there are no summons in front, except for melee mercenaries and heroes who can withstand an attack from the Abyss Lord, other squishy units will basically be killed instantly!

Another water elemental fell under the attack of the abyss lord. The only summons still standing on the scene were an earth elemental guard and two split fire elements. Zheng Wen summoned another wood elemental guard. Pushed up.

"Corn, use Exile!" Seeing that his skills had almost cooled down, Chen Fei immediately asked Corn to use Exile!

Needless to say, Corn's reaction was that he immediately threw his skill at the Abyss Lord, and happened to interrupt one of its attacks. When its body became translucent, lightning, fireball, ice cone and other skills all hit it again, knocking off a small part of its health tank.

However, after several people smashed it with their skills, the Abyss Lord suddenly turned around and stopped attacking the summons in front of him. Instead, he raised his mace towards Chen Fei's hero! A bolt of lightning shot toward the hero instantly!

The Lord of the Abyss's sudden U-turn was not something Chen Fei could have expected. How could he have time to react? There is no chance to interrupt its attack! Seeing the lightning fall on the hero, taking away more than half of the hero's health in an instant!

Fortunately, several of Chen Fei's units were far away from each other, which did not give the Abyss Lord a chance to trigger a lightning attack. At the same time, seeing that the Abyss Lord suddenly changed his attack target, Zheng Wen immediately pulled the Tuyuan guards closer to the Abyss Lord, launched a taunt, and regained his hatred.

With the restraint of the Tuyuan guards, Chen Fei's pressure immediately disappeared. However, the free time was only for the Abyss Lord to attack twice. After that, the Earth Elemental Guard was killed, and there was no guarantee which unit it would choose as the attack target.

Frowning slightly, Chen Fei immediately made a new decision: let others pause their output, step back some distance, and let Chen Fei do the output first.

"Xiao Fei, aren't you taking too much risk? You may not be able to withstand the damage alone, right?" Zheng Wen was the first to express his disapproval when he heard Chen Fei's decision. The attack power of the Lord of the Abyss is there, no matter how powerful Chen Fei is, it is too unrealistic to challenge him alone, right?

There's nothing wrong with Zheng Wen's thinking, but for Chen Fei, it's not the same thing. Since he dared to say this, how could he not think of what to do? On the contrary, the other people did not make a sound and were already pulling their units back.

"Then you should pay attention to yourself. When you need our support, speak up in advance." Seeing that his opposition was ineffective, Zheng Wen could only helplessly control his unit to retreat. Of course, his Yuan Guard still remained - the summons could still attack the Abyss Lord, which could also be regarded as supporting Chen Fei.

In order to ensure that the Abyss Lord would not encounter unexpected situations when everyone moved, Zheng Wen's second Earth Elemental Guard accurately followed up with taunts, continued to control the Abyss Lord's hatred, and at the same time summoned a new Earth Elemental Guard again. .

Watching everyone's units retreat, Chen Fei also pulled his mercenaries back a good distance. In the next battle, in addition to summons, only his heroes will attack the Abyss Lord!

In the eyes of others, such a crazy move is definitely seeking death! If a single player challenges a boss monster with a higher level than himself, the chance of winning is probably infinitely close to zero! Not to mention anything else, the HP of the boss monster alone is dozens of times that of the hero! Not to mention the attack power!

But for Chen Fei, dealing with the Abyss Lord alone actually greatly reduced the occurrence of accidents. After all, I am the only one fighting you, so you can only treat me as a target. So should I be on guard against every move you make?

Of course, being prepared and being able to prevent it are two different things.

The second Tu Yuan guard was killed by two more attacks from the Abyss Lord, while Zheng Wen's third Tu Yuan guard continued to follow, and continued to fight for time with Chen Fei. But it is enough to get here.

A thunderstorm technique was launched first, followed by a basic attack, and then the banishment followed. As the abyss lord's body became transparent, all the cooled-down skills on his body were thrown at the abyss lord in one go! Gale winds and thunder, flame tornadoes, wind and thunder formations, fireballs and ice cones, all took away more than five thousand lives of the abyss lord in one breath!

As the skills were smashed together, the last earth element guard was killed by the abyss lord. Without the mandatory restrictions of taunting, of course the Abyss Lord immediately chose Chen Fei as his attack target after he was freed! The mace burst out with a bolt of lightning and shot towards the hero! Then, the lightning ring activated again and crashed towards Chen Fei!

Chen Fei did not dodge the Abyss Lord's basic attack, but resisted the attack, and his health tank plummeted! Quickly knocking down a blood bottle, and then swiping the mouse, the hero retreated diagonally, keeping distance from the abyss lord to ensure that he would not be hit by the lightning ring.

But the Lord of the Abyss has identified Chen Fei at this time! Seeing that he had withdrawn from his attack range, he chased after him the next second! It brought Chen Fei into his attack range again, and it was also within the range of its lightning ring!

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