Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 327 Guild Token! Gone……

His body froze, and his eyes were locked on the few prompts on the screen, or, should I say, his eyes were locked on the four words in it - Guild Token.

Ganis actually revealed the guild token! But this should have been an extremely exciting situation, but with the following reminders, it became unacceptable!

Dong He picked up the guild token, and directly exited the dungeon and left the team. This kind of script seems to be somewhat similar to the absconding with money that often appears on TV.

"Xiao...Xiao Fei, is this...something wrong?" At this time, even Sun Zhenzi, who was usually responsible for complaining, had no idea what to say at this time.

However, when he opened his mouth, others also reacted. And everyone who reacted instantly exploded!

"Damn it! Donghe, what does this mean?"

"Xiao Fei, what should we do now? That's a guild token!"

"Did Dong He steal the guild token? Did any of you add him as a friend?"

"That's gross! This guy's friend blocked me directly! Nanjiang and Beihai are also offline!"

"Asshole! He would actually do such a thing! It's a shame we brought them with us all the time!"

"Which of you knows their actual location? If it doesn't work, just find them offline."

Suddenly, everyone in the entire speech room spoke. But Chen Fei was the only one who never spoke. At this moment, he really regretted why he had taken action to save Dong He, and even more regretted not kicking him out of the team immediately when he found out that Dong He had betrayed everyone.

But what's the use of regretting now? Now the fact is that Dong He picked up the guild token and the dark certificate.

Chen Fei knew about this dark certificate. Although it cannot be compared with the guild token at the moment, its value is not as low as imagined! That is a special item that allows players to change their profession to a dark magician. As for the dark magician, just by the name, you can tell that it is definitely a hidden profession that is not weak.

If you say you don’t feel bad, that’s definitely a lie! But what's the use of feeling distressed? If Dong He is distressed, will he have a conscience and return the guild token? How can it be!

"Xiao Fei, what should we do now? Let's talk." Even Zheng Wen, who is usually relatively calm, sounded quite uncalm at this time. In fact, everyone is so restless precisely because they understand the value of the guild token.

On the other hand, Chen Fei unexpectedly calmed down at this time.

"It's useless to say anything now. Donghe will definitely not return the guild token to us. In fact, he may even sell the guild token. This may allow others to set up a business before us. Where is the guild?" Chen Fei calmly stated the possible situation.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned again. Most of them only thought about losing a guild token, but they didn't think about the following for the time being.

"Fortunately, although the guild token is gone, at this stage, except for a group of us, the number of players who have reached level 30 is still very small, and the number of people who can spend money to buy the guild token is even smaller. It’s missing. Then we just need to get a guild token as soon as possible and set up a guild first.”

Chen Fei did not tell the worst case scenario, which was that Dong He would establish the guild on his own. However, considering Dong He's ability, Chen Fei didn't think he would have the idea of ​​establishing his own guild. However, Chen Fei did not rule out that people who could afford guild tokens would let Dong He set up a guild first and then switch over later. In this case, Chen Fei would have no chance to establish a guild earlier than them.

But Chen Fei thought about it carefully later and realized that the probability of this happening was uncertain. After all, the first person to form a guild will definitely be notified throughout the server. There is no guarantee that the other party will not become famous by establishing a guild. Especially if the opponent is not far from level 30, then they are more likely to build it themselves!

After thinking so much, in general, I still need to get another guild token as soon as possible.

Turning their attention to the screen again, when they killed Ganis, the plot animation was triggered again, and Arthas, Jaina, and Varian led the team over. Looking at Ganis's corpse on the ground, Arthas walked up and directed a holy light at the corpse. It seemed that he planned to purify his corpse.

But what people didn't expect was that when the holy light fell on Ganis, the body turned into a black line and disappeared in an instant. Then, a phantom appeared not far in front of everyone, and it was Ganis!

Hahaha! Prince of humanity, do you think you can defeat me so easily? No, no, no, you are too naive, death is something you can never resist! Sooner or later you will truly understand what the horror of death is! Now, let you be happy for a while. I will appear in front of you again soon. Hahaha!

After Ganis's shadow said these words, he disappeared. Arthas, of course, expressed his determination to kill Ganis to Miss Jaina, hoping that Jaina could continue to help him. Unfortunately, Jaina would rather let His Royal Highness take a break and not put too much pressure on herself.

In this regard, Alsace refused directly. The reason is that his land is being invaded and his people are being persecuted by undead creatures. As the future heir of the kingdom, how can he rest at this time?

Looking at this plot, if Chen Fei was in a good mood, he might complain about Alsace. It's a pity that he is in a bad mood now...

In short, the copy passed. As for Dong He's matter, everyone could only force themselves not to worry about it. Instead, he turned his attention to the next dungeon reward, which could make everyone feel better. In addition, the four people from East, West, South and North will not get this reward... barely, which makes people feel better.

There are still regular server-wide announcements, which further enhances the reputation of Chen Fei and his team in the game! Unfortunately, if the guild token had not been taken away by Dong He, it would definitely be the best time for Chen Fei to establish the guild now...

The first dungeon reward is to increase the level by one level, which further improves everyone's strength.

Followed, of course, by rewards of gold coins and reputation. The number is quite large, with a reputation of two thousand and two hundred gold coins per person. The total number of people in a team can exceed 3,000 gold coins. Unfortunately, for a group of people, these two things are really not lacking.

The third reward can be obtained from Jaina, and it is up to the player to choose it. There are still four choices: equipment, skills, mercenaries and titles.

If you want to equip it, you can choose a level 30 suit. Skills are also more powerful after level 30. Mercenaries are also powerful. As for titles, everyone can choose other titles or upgrade existing titles. That is to upgrade the title.

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