While Xia Peng and others were following Chen Fei's instructions. Chen Fei, Si Gai, Ying Fei, and Yu Mai had already advanced a long distance.

At this time, a forest appeared in front of them. The various plants in it were the kind of withered dark yellow. Obviously, there must be something wrong here!

Without waiting for Chen Fei's command, Si Gai consciously summoned the water element and walked to the front of the team to start reconnaissance. When they first entered the forest, the first thing they saw was the large and small wooden boxes on the ground. I think this should be used to store food before.

Except for the boxes, there was nothing else worth noting around. Si Gai controlled the water element to go deeper, but after half a screen of distance, except for the boxes and the more and more severe withered trees around, no other units appeared! There was not even a little movement.

This situation made several people feel very wrong.

According to the content of this branch, it should be a branch with a high correlation with the dungeon! Such a branch must be difficult to complete under normal circumstances! Chen Fei even prepared himself for the four people to not be able to complete this branch.

"I'll go in a little further." Si Gai looked at the time of the water element. There was still a little time left, so he continued to let the water element go in. It was more than a thousand yards away. At the edge of the field of vision, the ground situation also changed, turning into a corrupted land effect. The appearance of corrupted land is often accompanied by the undead. Si Gai hurried forward. However, what he didn't expect was that as soon as the water element stepped into the corrupted land, the surrounding ground suddenly turned over! In just a blink of an eye, more than a dozen spiders crawled out from the ground! After they crawled out, they all attacked the water element! The water element was so raw that it would be killed instantly against more than a dozen spiders! "These spiders are interesting. They know how to ambush." ​​Si Gai's tone was full of interest. It was probably the first time he encountered a buried spider. "Let's go in directly. Just be careful. I have sentry guards here, and I will set them up all the way there." After playing online, Chen Fei had a deep understanding of anti-stealth, so when he was free, he would carry at least three sets of eyes in his backpack! Si Gai summoned a new water element again. Seeing him like this, Chen Fei simply combined the water element and summoned it. The two units that were sent to die walked a thousand yards away from the other units.

However, as soon as they entered and walked to the place full of boxes, a large number of ghouls and skeletons suddenly rushed out from the surroundings! Looking the same, there must be at least 30 on each side! Add up to at least 50!

"Hurry up and retreat!" Chen Fei said hurriedly. There were only four of them. Once they were surrounded, no matter how powerful the operation was, it was impossible to guarantee that there would be no damage! The health of the mage mercenary was really low.

As soon as Chen Fei said it, several people had already pulled the units back. The two water elements were directly abandoned. Putting them in front could also attract the hatred of the ghouls a little. While retreating, Chen Fei quickly combined the stone wall and launched it against the ghouls on one side, intercepting them more or less. Then, the thunderstorm flames and flaming meteorites that had been stored in advance were launched on the other side to further buy time.

Yumi also threw out a flaming storm. Putting it in the thunderstorm flames, plus the damage of this skill, it directly killed several unlucky monsters.

With restraints on both sides, several people naturally retreated from the woods easily. The strange thing is that when they retreated from the forest, the ghouls also gave up the pursuit and ran back to the direction where they originally appeared. In a blink of an eye, they all disappeared again.

This made several people confused. What the hell is this system doing? Before, when the water element entered, the ghouls did not appear, but as soon as they entered, the ghouls immediately rushed out. Waiting for them to retreat, the ghouls disappeared again. Did they deliberately not fight?

"Let's try it again." Chen Fei did not speculate too much. He waited for the skill to cool down and summoned the water element again. This time, he and Si Gai summoned two water elements, and Ying Fei's two fire elements. Six summons, if the ghouls appear later, relying on them as restraints will be enough for everyone to buy a lot of time to run away.

When they walked to the previous position, the ghouls rushed out again. After they appeared, Chen Fei immediately noticed two things: First, the health of the ghouls was full again! Second, their number did not decrease!

Just now, he and Yumi's skills killed at least eight ghouls on one side. This number may not seem much to ordinary people, but for Chen Fei, if he observed carefully and compared it with the previous one, the number was definitely less than three!

"Let's fight!"

Seeing these two points, Chen Fei did not let everyone retreat, but decided to try the first wave!

Thunderstorm Flame, Thunderstorm Spell, and Thunderstorm Bomb! Chen Fei has now fired three thunders in a row! And the damage caused by these three skills is absolutely considerable! Especially Thunderstorm Flame, triggering magic critical strikes, directly reducing the life of all ghouls within the range by three-quarters! He couldn't help but jump his eyelids when he saw it: Fortunately, Yumi chose the Flame Blood Spell at that time, otherwise he might not have learned these skills until now.

The thunderstorm technique exploded, and a large area of ​​ghouls was immediately cleared away! This output is absolutely explosive!

At the same time as the skills were released, the knights, swordsmen, and alchemists were already pushing forward. The dragon hawk knights and muskets began to output, and the great wizard's quagmire technique was also launched!

On the other side, Corn, Si Gai and Ying Fei worked together to deal with the ghouls on the other side. Among them, Corn's performance is the most eye-catching. Not to mention the damage of the flame storm, the effect of the flame tornado alone is cool enough! A long dragon of flames hit several ghouls, just like shooting a laser.

Si Gai naturally released the blizzard immediately at this time. Although the damage of this range of skills is not too high, the cumulative damage is also very high! Of course, when the blizzard was released, he also used his shield warrior to push it up.

As for Ying Fei, he was a little embarrassed. In the face of such a surprise attack, there was no time for him to build a defense tower, and the only mercenary he had was a dwarf artillery output, so the assassin would never go up there. As a result, he could only use his fire elements and heroes to harvest the red blood units.

Chen Fei's strength showed its due strength at this time. One person stopped all the ghouls on one side! Do better than the three people on the other side!

However, this does not mean that Si Gai, Corn, and Ying Fei are inferior to Chen Fei in strength. What they are now is just out of the time period when they were growing up. As long as they are given a period of time, their strength will definitely not be much worse than Chen Fei's!

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