The next day, Chen Fei got up early in the morning. After waking up and washing up, he consciously did housework throughout the morning, washing and mopping the floor, drying clothes and hanging quilts. Whatever he could do, he took the initiative to pick up and finish it.

The purpose of this is, of course, to help the mother calm down as soon as possible. Of course, the fact that the game hasn't been updated yet is one of the reasons why he has time to do this.

The morning passed quickly in a hurry, followed by making lunch and then continuing to clean up. When Chen Fei finally planned to turn on the computer to play the game, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon, and the game had been updated for an hour.

It is a common practice to turn on voice first when you are not in a hurry. But what Chen Fei didn't expect was that the audio room was usually relatively quiet when he entered it, but this time it was unexpectedly noisy!

"Damn it! Zheng Wen, your Tuyuan guards hurry up and attack these bastards! I'll go around and give them a hard slap! If you don't give them some color, you really think you are very powerful, don't you?" These words were spoken by Sun. vibrator.

"Lin Rong, come here with me. Let's go around and block them. These guys are so rampant!" Shen Feng's voice sounded.

Next, Zheng Wen spoke: "Qilong, use the binding arrows to control the two wild wolves, and then work with me to focus on the opponent's half-blood warriors. Let's kill them with a wave of explosions!"

"Fei Duo, Rob Bao, come with me! Yaya! Let them know that we are not vegetarians!" This was Xia Peng's voice, and as soon as he finished speaking, Fei Duo and Rob Bao responded.

Chen Fei was a little confused. Looking at this posture, everyone seemed to be in the middle of a fierce battle. But wasn’t the game just updated? How could there suddenly be a fierce battle? Did they meet the BOSS? But listening to their words, Chen Fei felt that it was not the case.

"I said, what's going on, everyone? What are you doing?" Chen Fei asked. And as soon as he opened his mouth, several people responded at the same time.

Sun Zhenzi: "Fuck! Damn Xiaofei, you're finally here!"

Zheng Wen: "Xiao Fei, hurry up! Get on the game! You are the only one missing!"

Xia Peng: "Hurry up and come to the game to help us! Time is running out!"

One by one they spoke, and the general meaning of what they said was to tell Chen Fei to quickly play the game. This made Chen Fei even more puzzled. Even if he encountered some BOSS, everyone wouldn't have to be in such a unanimous situation, right?

Chen Fei didn't ask any more questions, and just logged into the game as they said.

Open the game and soon come to the login interface. However, after the update, instead of the login box appearing immediately, a larger box popped up, which naturally showed the updated content.

Of course, Chen Fei watched the game updates immediately. However, looking down bit by bit, in the end, he was no longer calm!

The title of the update content is quite eye-catching: the new expansion pack, The Fall of Lordaeron has begun.

Looking at the title, it goes without saying that Lordaeron is doomed! Although Chen Fei knew that Lordaeron was going to be destroyed by Archimonde, he didn't expect that the official would announce it so directly!

Under the invasion of the Burning Legion, Lordaeron, a major city in the Alliance, has fallen. With the hard work of all races, the Burning Legion's war was finally prevented from further expansion.

Update content 1: Lordaeron has been changed into the battle map Ruins of Lordaeron. There are various Burning Legion units wandering in the ruins. Players can use the teleportation NPC in the corresponding main city to perform one-way teleportation, enter the Ruins of Lordaeron, and interact with the Burning Legion. Legions fight. Note: Both Alliance and Horde players can enter the Ruins of Lordaeron.

Update 2: Enable camp battle system. After the camp barrier is lifted, the Alliance and the Horde will meet on various maps. Both sides can attack each other. Killing the other party will gain a certain reputation value based on their level.

Update content three: Enable PK system. After players reach level 30, they will be able to turn on the PK system and attack any player. Players who attack the same camp will become yellow names. Once they kill players of the same camp, they will become red names.

Update 4: Enable the guild system. After players reach level 30 and obtain guild tokens, they can go to the main city to find relevant NPCs to apply for establishing a guild. Please explore more content about the guild in the game.

Update content five: Enable mercenary protection mechanism. If a player is killed by other players in the game, he can find the mercenary resurrection officer in the town to resurrect his mercenary. Note: This function can only be triggered once a day. The mercenary who dies for the second time in the same day will not be resurrected through this mechanism.

This update has a lot less content than the last one. However, its content made Chen Fei really unable to calm down!

It is completely acceptable for you to start camp battles, PK systems and guild systems! But if you allow players from both camps to enter the Lundanlun ruins, then you obviously want players from the two camps to fight each other!

The online competition has just ended, and the players are simply in a state of excitement! Then the competition ended with the Burning Legion's invasion of Lordaeron. I'm afraid there isn't a player in the game who doesn't know the words Lordaeron! Ruins of Lordaeron will definitely become the most popular map after the update!

Well, players from both camps have entered the same map. How big can your battle map be? How many players are there in the entire server? Friction will definitely break out between players! And as soon as there is friction, it is like lighting the fuse of explosives, and the next step is enough to cause players from the two camps to fight with each other!

Wasn't this the case with the original dungeon map and the Lost Temple?

Chen Fei now understood what was going on with everyone. They seemed to have entered the ruins of Lordaeron and had friction with players from the tribe!

Something! Just tell me what the officials are doing! I should have told them in advance yesterday that they should not be in a hurry to explore new content after the update!

It was already too late to think of this at this time. Chen Fei quickly entered his account password and logged into the game. While logging into the game, he gave instructions to everyone through the headsets, "Everyone, listen, no matter who you fight again now, you must exit the ruins of Lordaeron immediately! Don't get too entangled with others!"

Just kidding, once a battle breaks out between the two camps, no matter how strong Zheng Wen and the others are, they will be just a small splash in the face of massive players! Probably not even that! The output of four fire elemental guards is very powerful, right? They rushed out 20 or 30 long-range units, do you think they are awesome? I killed you instantly!

Even Chen Fei would not consider exploring the ruins of Lordaeron at this time.

However, he overlooked one thing. As an extremely successful game, Warcraft often makes players play emotionally!

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