After a brief shock, when he finally came to his senses and activated the Wind Step to give Chen Fei the final blow, Chen Fei had already seized the initiative again!

Knock down a bottle of potion first, and then launch the fireball after cooling down! Feilai was under control again!

However, to Chen Fei's surprise, Feilai's reaction was really fast! As soon as he realized that he had lost the opportunity, he activated the Wind Step without any hesitation, took the blood potion and quickly retreated!

Although the fireball technique still controlled him, with the Wind Step, he was still about a hundred yards away from Chen Fei. Although this distance is not far, the control time of Fireball is more than one second, which can only allow melee units to attack for one round.

In addition, almost all of Chen Fei's skills are still in a cool-down state, and the Swordsman's set of bursts means that he has no mana. It is already impossible to kill Feilai within the stun of fireball!

Therefore, all Chen Fei could do was to reduce Feilai's health gauge to about one-third, and then watch him run out of the range of the sentry guards.

At this point, the battle became a bit of a headache for Chen Fei: the effect of the sentry guard has a time limit, 5 minutes. If Fei failed to be taken down in one wave, he could easily get close to him by being invisible as long as the sentry guard's time passed!

And with one experience, Feilai will definitely not give himself another chance to lose his health in the second attack!

He frowned slightly, and in the next five minutes, Feilai did not appear in Chen Fei's field of vision. Sentry Guards, it's time!

Seeing the sentry guards on the ring disappear, Chen Fei frowned. Having lost his anti-invisibility ability, how to deal with the coming battle gave him a real headache!

Fortunately, compared to Fei Yue back then, Feilai was at least a melee fighter. If he wanted to launch an attack, he had to get close. As long as Chen Fei could release his skills at the moment he appeared, he would have a chance. Go fight back!

However, there is only one chance! Once he is not sure, there is no guarantee that he will not lose!

Nearly a minute passed quickly, but Feilai still didn't make a move. This gradually put pressure on Chen Fei: the further back the opponent's attack is, the more likely it is that he will use new methods!

Chen Fei was so vigilant, but at this moment, Feilai finally took action! Appearance blow! Take away Chen Fei's three hundred and fifty lives!

what's the situation?

Such horrific injuries frightened Chen Fei! Feilai's attack before was clearly not this high! what happened?

However, now is not the time to think about this. After appearing, Feilai's skills are activated continuously! Lift and chop! Sudden cut! Two skills have been activated! Moreover, its damage is also nearly twice as high as before! This time, if he were to let him hit a complete set of output, Chen Fei would definitely be killed instantly!

Great wizard, the art of transforming into sheep!

He activated the skill with the fastest reaction. However, what Chen Fei didn't expect was that just when the great wizard's skill was about to select Fei Lai for release, after he used the horizontal slash, he decisively activated the clone technique! Entered a state of nothingness!

However, without the continuous output, Chen Fei immediately started his own operation! Thunderstorm flames were launched decisively at the hero's feet! However, the triggering time of the thunderstorm flames is two full seconds, which is enough time to kill him!

Therefore, after releasing the thunderstorm flames, while Chen Fei knocked down the only bottle of blood medicine, the underground fire continued to activate! The range of skill release is just to include your own heroes in the marginal areas!

As a result, there is an obvious difference between Chen Fei and Feilai! This makes it impossible for Fei Lai to target Chen Fei again! Unless he uses a heroic jump to enter the pit, and this is exactly what Chen Fei wants!

Three heroes, one real and two fake, appeared, but faced with the terrain effect caused by the submerged fire, it was impossible to continue to attack Chen Fei! Only by entering the pit can we continue to attack Chen Fei.

At this moment, Feilai was hesitant. He knew very well that once he entered the pit, he would fall into Chen Fei's trap. However, in this wave of attacks, he had actually used the Rune Ring! The reason why the damage just now was so high was because of the attack runes generated by the Rune Ring!

Now, Chen Fei's hero only has 5/2 HP. With the following three consecutive moves plus the effect of the second Wind Step, it is enough to kill him! But while killing Chen Fei, he might also be killed by Chen Fei!

The choice you make at this moment may very well determine the outcome of the game!

Heroic jump, start!

After a moment of hesitation, Feilai finally jumped into the pit decisively! Seeing him jump down, Fade Chen's lips raised.

In this game, he has already seen his victory!

While Fei Lai launched a heroic jump into the pit, Chen Fei quickly combined a new skill, Banish! Use target, don’t come!

Feilai, who fell into the pit, was already ready to launch the final combo of one day at Chen Fei and kill him as soon as he landed!

But after landing, when he pressed the skill to select Chen Fei, a prompt popped up that stunned Feilai:

The player is in a state of nothingness and cannot activate physical skills.

What's happening here? Feilai was really stunned, and then turned into surprise. He didn't expect that until now, Chen Fei had hidden such a skill and not used it! Although Fei Lai didn't know how long the effect of this skill would be, since Chen Fei would only use this skill at this time, he was definitely sure of killing himself!

The thunderstorm flames that had been launched a long time ago exploded first! With the void state and the increased spell damage from the Spiritual Wind suit, the damage of this skill has reached a terrifying 875! This is without the subsequent burning effect!

And just this skill took away nearly half of Feilai's life! And will there ever be a time when Chen Fei's hands lack skills? Fireball! Sheep Transformation! Fire meteorite! tornado! Four skills pushed Feilai to the final failure!

Congratulations to the player for defeating the opponent and advancing to the top 32. The next game will be held at 11 o'clock. Players are asked to prepare before then.

Watching the non-lai hero fall again, the system message that followed made Chen Fei finally convinced that he had really won. While breathing a sigh of relief, he shook his stiff hands.

In fact, there were only two contacts between the two of them from beginning to end, and they were peaceful for more than five minutes. However, after the sentry guards disappeared, Chen Fei raised his attention to the limit! In that situation where the enemy is in the dark and we are in the clear, I have to force myself to be nervous! And this made him feel stiff as soon as he relaxed.

As for the victory, in Chen Fei's opinion, there was still a lot of luck.

If Feilai had not chosen to enter the pit at that time, but instead used a heroic jump to jump out of the range of the thunderstorm flames, then re-entered stealth, waited for the skill to cool down before looking for an opportunity to take action, repeated several times, the loser would definitely be Chen Fei !

However, the outcome has been decided, and those assumptions are of little use. It can only be said that in the battle at that time, Chen Fei was superior in both sides' grasp and calculation of the battle...

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