Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 214: Battle against Mr. Dan, below

The first thing that needs to be judged in his mind is why the Sandan he met was obviously a beast tamer, but now he has become a hill warrior!

This may be the key to why Sandan wants to kill his own hero first!

Secondly, how to ensure that the hero persists until the time for the gods to descend to earth has passed! The duration of thirty seconds has only passed less than ten seconds so far! As for the time it takes for one of his Storm Hammers to cool down, Chen Fei definitely doesn't need to be ten seconds!

In other words, the hero must face two more Storm Hammers! On the other hand, Chen Fei himself, after using the Holy Light, the only thing that can be used to restore life is recovery! Moreover, this skill has not yet been combined!

Chen Fei's pre-existing skills, Stone Wall, were replaced by Holy Light, as well as Fire Meteor, Thunderstorm Technique and Thunderstorm Flame.

Chen Fei was not sure whether the launch effect of the flaming meteorite would be effective in the magic immunity state, but even if it was effective, Sandan had the skill to move short distances, and he could jump out of the range of the flaming meteorite in an instant! The actual effect will not be very big!

When Chen Fei was thinking about this, the hero's health was less than one-third! And his dizzy time was finally over!

The moment the dizziness ended, Chen Fei finally made a decision! Dark wind! Arcana is generated!

Exile, activate! Target, your own hero!

Since he couldn't figure out a way to get rid of Sandan in the end, he simply made it impossible for him to attack him!

Seeing his hero enter the exile state, Sandan's attack immediately stopped! In the state of nothingness, no matter how high his attack power is, it will be in vain!

However, Sandan is indeed a professional player in his previous life! After realizing that he could not physically attack Chen Fei, he immediately activated his skills and knocked on the floor the next second!

This time, banishment is no longer immune! On the contrary, you have to bear 1.5 times the additional damage! This is also the only disadvantage of using exile on your own units!

Of course, a player's skills are always limited. Moreover, judging from Sandanzhi's current performance, Chen Fei judged that his skills were either not large in number or the damage would not be very high! Otherwise, why would he just let the hero perform normal?

The damage caused by knocking on the floor reduced the hero's health to only a quarter! Chen Fei didn't dare to be careless. He knocked down a blood bottle and once again regained a lot of life!

Following this, the hero quickly moved two positions to one side, and the flaming meteorite activated! He hit the three eggs decisively!

The fire meteorite still has its effect. Although its damage is immune to the magic immunity state of the god descending from the earth, the effect can force the three eggs to be pushed to the right!

But as Chen Fei had long thought, the flaming meteorite only pushed Sandan less than two hundred yards. He dodged again and jumped directly from the front of the flaming meteorite to behind it! Avoid the subsequent push!

What shocked Chen Fei even more was that after Sandan jumped over the flaming meteorite, not only was the god in him gone! Even the hero's appearance has changed!

He is no longer the warrior holding two hammers, but a man wearing a black cloak, holding a round weapon, and his size has returned to the size of a normal hero!

What's happening here?

This scene made Chen Fei slightly stunned again!

It just so happened that he was stunned for a moment, causing Sandan's attack to explode again!

The round wheel in San Dan's hand pointed at Chen Fei's hero, and then, a ball of dark green energy flew out and hit directly! The moment the skill is applied to the body, a -180 damage appears from the hero's head! Immediately after the damage appeared above the hero's head, there was also a black continuous damage mark!

Moreover, the hero's movement speed has also been weakened by the skill!

damn it! Isn't this a poisonous dart? Isn't this a skill of the Watcher profession? Why does Mr. Dan suddenly know this skill again!

Chen Fei was really surprised by Sandan's performance! From a hill warrior to a watcher in an instant, and at least when he met Sandan, he was a beast tamer. Could it be that Sandan is a player with multiple professions?

This guess cannot be said to be wrong, but it is very close to the correct answer...

Calculated according to the effect of increasing skill damage by 1.5 times under exile, the original first damage of poisonous darts should be 120, then the damage triggered every three seconds in the subsequent 15 seconds will be 60 points, and it will become 80 points with the increase. The total damage will reach a terrifying 580!

This damage is enough to bring the hero back to a quarter of his health!

But Chen Fei missed one point. Is Sandan's only skill a poisonous dart?

The answer is obviously no!

After the poisonous dart hit the hero, Sandan's hero immediately turned around, and a large number of knives flew out in all directions as he turned!

Knife array whirlwind! Another Warden skill!

Under the influence of the poisonous darts, it is naturally impossible for the hero to escape from the scope of the knife whirlwind! Another damage appeared, -375!

With the first effect damage of the poisonous dart, the hero's blood tank has dropped below a quarter! Under the subsequent continuous damage of the poisonous darts, it is enough to reach the hero's blood tank to the blood skin!

At this point, Chen Fei finally reacted! He quickly controlled the great wizard to come closer and cast the Sheep Transformation Technique on San Dan to control him!

Without the immunity of gods descending from the earth, it is time for mercenaries to play their role! Although your hero will still receive continuous damage from the poisonous darts, the damage at most will turn the hero into blood skin. The holy light only has two seconds to cool down, and the potion only has three seconds to cool down. At that time, it is enough to ensure that the hero is effectively restored again!

However, will the situation really go as smoothly as Chen Fei thought? Or will Sandan give him that chance?

When Chen Fei controlled the great wizard to come up and the Sheep Transformation Technique had already hit the Three-Egg Hero, Three-Egg Hero activated another skill!

A short hammer, with lightning, rotated at high speed, and flew towards the hero at an extremely fast speed!

Storm Hammer!

"Puff!" "Bang!"

At the same time that the Great Wizard's Sheep Transformation Technique was released, the Storm Hammer also hit Chen Fei's hero! A -450 damage appears again! And this damage directly caused the hero's health to be less than 80 points!

The next second, the poisonous dart's continuous damage was triggered again! The hero's health tank is empty!

"Ah~" As a heroic scream came from the earphones, Chen Fei looked at the screen in disbelief!

My hero died like this?

Yes, whether Chen Fei believes it or not, his hero has already been killed by San Dan! In the meantime, it cannot be said that his operation was not good or he made mistakes. On the contrary, until the hero was killed, the operations he planned were quite reasonable!

And the reason why he is in the current situation can only be said to be that Sandan's attack is too fierce! The hero who stared at Chen Fei from the moment he came up attacked with all his strength! Not giving him any chance to breathe! Even after Chen Fei used Banishment, he instantly made the most correct reaction, using three powerful skills to burst out enough damage to kill Chen Fei's hero directly!

But, did Chen Fei lose when he got here?

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