Online Game: God-tier Assassin, I Am the Shadow!

Chapter 274 Shadow is crazy? Justice incarnate?

Catastrophe Pluto was completely frozen on the spot.

Before it reaches the third stage, its skills are originally gray.

So I didn't notice that this skill was banned.

Then it glanced at the skill bar...

Logically speaking, by the third stage, all its skills should become available.

But in addition to this third-stage opening skill, there are two other strongest skills that have also been banned!

"Have you never heard of such an abyss curse skill?!"

This great disaster Pluto was completely dumbfounded.

It only knows that abyss skills include slowness, silence, etc., but they definitely do not include this kind of banned skills!

Forget it if it is an ordinary epic BOSS.

There must be an 'inviolable' affix on his body to resist such control effects.

Silence counts as 'control', and banning skills naturally also counts as 'control'.

But it's a pity...

Catastrophe Pluto Hals happens to be an unusual epic BOSS.

Because his 'Old Calamity Snake Fang' is too unnatural, as long as he wears this thing, Hals will lose the protection surrounded by superior affixes, including the inviolable affix!

Instead, it is the effect of 'Old Calamity Snake Fang', which clears all high-level affix scales and statuses on the body every 5 seconds!

Normally, this would indeed make the great disaster Pluto more powerful.

Although it has lost the upper-level affix surrounding it, the value of the upper-level affix surrounding it is not high. It only adds 5 points of instant death and nightmare affixes every second.

As for the effect of the 'inviolable' affix, it resists control.

As an epic BOSS, Hals's BOSS template comes with high control resistance. When encountering control effects from players, he can quickly adapt and render them ineffective, and is directly immune to the same control.

It's a pity that it met Qin Feng!

Qin Feng's Abyssal Blight Curse skill has reached the 'ancient level'!

Starting from the epic, there are legends and myths above, and above that is ancient times...

It can be seen from this that the level of this skill is much higher than that of this BOSS!

This makes Hals' control resistance and adaptability to this skill very weak!


It's not that Hals is too weak, the problem is that Qin Feng is too strong!

If it hadn't been for the effect of the 'Old Natural Disaster Snake Fang', this epic BOSS would have been thrown into a nightmare state by Qin Feng, making him cry for his father and mother...

Good thing!

Cataclysm Hals soon discovered a blind spot.

"The duration of the Abyss Blight Curse is two minutes."

"This skill ban will end soon."

It continued to run away, trying to stall for time.

But soon...

【Abyss Blight Curse! 】

Qin Feng then added a curse and banned its three skills again, and those three skills were still banned. Who made those three skills the highest level in Hals?


"Is this skill cooled down so quickly?"

Catastrophe Pluto Hals was dumbfounded on the spot.

The cooldown time of the Abyss Blight Curse in its impression is ten minutes!

Why did it take less than two minutes to cool down?

"This assassin's cooling rate exceeds 400%?"

"This is completely unreasonable!!"

How did it know that after Qin Feng's Abyssal Blight Curse advanced to the ancient level, the basic cooldown was only 100 seconds, and at a 369% cooling rate, the final cooldown only took 21.3 seconds!

Even if Hals's BOSS template, resistance and adaptation slowly take effect, and the time for each curse to ban the skills becomes shorter and shorter, Qin Feng can completely maintain the effect of his curse.

When this giant skeleton BOSS was cursed and had his skills banned again, he fell into a state of confusion.

It discovered that everything that had happened since it encountered the human assassin was completely inconsistent with its knowledge and completely subverted common sense!

"Assassin! Let me go, we will never offend!"

"In that case, I can exit this place and restore all the transformed human players to their original state...otherwise, they will never be able to recover!"

The Cataclysmic Pluto Hals, with the dark eyes burning with faint black fire, sneered at the people around him!

I'm coming.

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth curled up slightly.

When the epic BOSS cannot be defeated, various methods will be used to make the players relax their vigilance or want to beg for mercy. In short, there will be all kinds of conspiracies and tricks.

What Catastrophe Pluto is doing now is naturally ‘coercion’!

It's a pity that Qin Feng doesn't want to do this at all!

Experience told him that it was best not to believe a word of nonsense the BOSS said before his death, otherwise something big might happen.

"If Big Eyes hadn't said that as long as the undead royal family is killed, the undead people transformed by it can recover, I would really believe its lies."

Qin Feng remained unmoved.

When the blood bar on the head of Catastrophic Pluto turned red again, Qin Feng started to pursue him again!

However, what Qin Feng didn't know was that this scene was seen by a player flying in the sky!

It was a female player riding a gray eagle mount, hovering in the sky.

Although Qin Feng was chasing the BOSS everywhere, the female player was flying in the sky after all, so she kept observing the battle between Qin Feng and the BOSS...

Until then, she was shocked!

"Shadow actually takes action?"

"The BOSS says that if you kill the BOSS, those who were transformed will never recover!"

“That’s more than two thousand people!!”

"In order to kill the boss and get the loot, Shadow actually ignored the lives of more than two thousand people?"

“It’s so heartbreaking!!”

The female player opened her friend list angrily and found a gamer code with an English name.

Since the female player has an eagle mount and has a wide field of vision, the other party has approached her before and told her that if she provides some negative news about Daxia Official and Shadow, she can give her a life span.

She didn't agree at the time.

But now she feels that this dark information about Shadow should be valuable, right?

not to mention……

She also really felt that Shadow was so disrespectful to human life and this behavior must be exposed!

"If I don't say it, no one will know that Shadow actually has a choice..."

"Even if he kills the epic BOSS, he will still be regarded as a hero."

"But what to do with those two thousand people? Did they die in vain?"

"There are more than a thousand people who have fallen into a nightmare state because of him!"

"The domestic media is on the same side as the Shadow. They can only expose it to the outside media and expose the cruelty and inhumanity of the Shadow!"

For a moment, this female player thought she was the embodiment of justice!

As a result, a message quickly spread on the Internet.

The epic BOSS Catastrophe Pluto Hals has so far transformed more than 2,000 players into ‘undead’ skeletons!

According to the BOSS, if the BOSS is killed, these players will never be able to recover!

However, 'Shadow', in order to get the spoils of the epic BOSS, chose to continue to hunt down the BOSS, completely ignoring the more than two thousand transformed players!

When the news spread, there was an uproar on various forums!

Daxia officials reacted quickly and refuted the rumors immediately.

"Shadow said that as long as the BOSS is killed, the transformed players can recover. I hope you don't listen to the rumors and be deceived by the gossip!"

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