One Guard

Chapter 81: Close Contact

"Top of the five best goals! If there is no lore in the next game today, the elbow pass just now will definitely top the top five today!" On the court, the game has entered garbage time, and the coaches of both sides have already Let some fringe players play.

But in Kenny Smith's mouth, he was still discussing the pass that shocked him just now. Kenny Smith used to be an NBA-level guard, but he really couldn't figure out how the ball was passed just now.

The basketball is like a part of Yiyang's body, allowing him to control it easily without making mistakes.

Not only in the commentary booth of TNT, but also in the Mavericks' bench, Yiyang's teammates were also discussing enthusiastically.

"Just now I just received the ball reflexively. To be honest, I didn't expect the ball to come to me." Nowitzki, as the "participant" in the miraculous scene just now, naturally became the object of everyone's questioning .

"Stinky boy! I tried to catch the ball, but the basketball flew in the opposite direction! This guy's pass, even his teammates are tricking!" Terry's laughing expression seemed to be caught by this kind of ball. Playing is also a kind of enjoyment.

And as the creator of this wonderful story, Yiyang is the calmest of all. Yiyang would never say a word unless a teammate took the initiative to ask. The Dallas No. 1 just leaned back in his chair, enjoying the victory he and his teammates had worked so hard for.

After dozens of seconds, the whole game was completely over. The Los Angeles Clippers lost at home by a huge 83-100-17 point difference. Blake Griffin, the No. 1 pick of the Clippers, walked quickly towards the tunnel with his head down, and his stats for today, 16 points and 9 rebounds, were also displayed at the bottom of the screen.

At first glance, Griffin isn't playing badly. But in the column of shooting percentage after the rebound, the numbers are quite eye-catching. 30%, this is Griffin's shooting percentage in this game. In the second half of the game, he spent almost all of his turnovers and strikes. Although he still had a "quasi double-double" data, Griffin's performance was not satisfactory.

Perhaps for purpose of comparison, the director of TNT TV station immediately cut the camera to Yiyang's face. At the same time, Yiyang's data for today is displayed at the bottom of the TV screen.

13 points, 10 assists and 3 steals. Compared with Griffin, Yiyang's data is not inferior at all. Moreover, Yiyang also scored the first double-double in his career today! Getting a double-double in the third game in the NBA is really an achievement worth talking about.

"Today Yiyi's performance is simply great, with a 61% shooting rate, which is unmatched by Blake, an insider. And with ten assists, Yiyi didn't even make a single mistake today! Every pass he made They are all so accurate and deadly. This is the benchmark for a young defender, and Bledsoe should understand why he fell to 18th." After the game, almost all TV commentators were full of praise for Yiyang. Even the local media in Los Angeles had to give a few words of praise.

On the court, Yiyang was stopped by a dense group of reporters. This time, it wasn't just the Chinese media who wanted to interview Yiyang, even many American basketball reporters were interested in this guy who scored a double-double with extremely high efficiency.

"Will the double-double performance you got today break out occasionally, or will you maintain it all the time?" A petite blond female reporter squeezed in front of Yiyang. Yiyang wanted to avoid it, but he was surrounded by people. Can't squeeze.

"This is just the beginning, I will work hard to make myself better in the league!" It is simply a fantasy to escape the "catch" of reporters in Los Angeles. Yiyang simply gave up resisting and cooperated well.

"What do you think about Blake Griffin's poor shooting percentage? It's your few steals,

Did it disrupt his rhythm? "After a while, a provocative reporter asked Yiyang a question full of traps. He only needs to fan the flames a little, and it is very likely to stir up conflicts between the two rookies.

"Dirk and the others were defending Blake throughout the game. I don't know what you're talking about." But Yiyang wasn't fooled, and dismissed that guy without any pain. Then, he rolled his eyes at the ill-intentioned reporter.

After answering several reporters' questions, Yiyang finally made a way for himself and walked into the player tunnel. In the player tunnel, Yiyang saw a reporter interviewing Terry. When Terry saw Yiyang approaching, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yeah, come here!" Terry, facing the camera, waved to Yiyang.

"Come here, show off our tattoos!" Seeing that Yiyang didn't respond, Terry went up and pulled Yiyang to the camera.

"That's why we were able to win, we were determined!" Terry said, puffing up the muscles on his right arm, and immediately, the little O'Brien cup tattooed on the inside of his arm appeared.

Yiyang shook his head, and did the same with Terry. At this time, the reporter in front of him discovered that Terry and Yiyang had tattooed the same pattern in the same position.

"Your ambitions are really not small, Jeter." The reporter immediately took a photo, and then chatted with Terry.

"You know Walker, I never doubted our strength." Terry said, raised his hand to say goodbye to the reporter, and then walked shoulder to shoulder with Yiyang towards the locker room.

"How did you do that? Teach me someday!" On the way back, Terry was still reluctant to part with that elbow pass.

"I'm afraid I'll break your elbow, old bone." Yiyang replied in a cold tone, and now he and Terry feel bored if they don't exchange a few words every day.

Just when Terry and Yiyang were about to walk through the player tunnel to the last corner of the locker room, Terry found a tall woman leaning against the wall, as if waiting for someone. "Jet" took a closer look, and found that this girl was none other than Valentina Vignari, a member of the Italian women's basketball national team who had dinner with Yiyang on the gossip news in Los Angeles.

"Hey, you didn't tell me you had a date, brat. Tsk tsk, that's terrible." Terry looked at Yiyang meaningfully, then took his hand off Yiyang's shoulder, and left alone with a smirk.

"We're going back to Dallas tomorrow, don't worry!" After walking away, Terry yelled at the top of his voice.

Yiyang first despised that old rascal Terry thousands of times in his heart, then he looked at the girl in front of him. The baggy Lakers No. 24 jersey hung from the shoulders to Vignelli's thighs, hiding her pants. It looked like she was only wearing a jersey all over her body. Under the pair of long legs is not high heels, but a pair of Jordan 13 basketball shoes. When it comes to her love for basketball shoes, Vignelli's enthusiasm is no less than Yiyang's.

This girl's unique dress is always very eye-catching. She is like a beautiful female star, but the most special one among them.

"Hey." Yiyang raised his hand as a greeting. After that, he took a step forward and was about to leave.

"Hey, why are you so indifferent to me?" Vignali directly grabbed Yiyang's arm, not letting the boy leave. "Or, are you like this to everyone? I can see that on the basketball court, you really want to stand out for Nowitzki after being violated. Moreover, your popularity in the team is also good, and everyone loves you. Like you. So, I guess you're actually quite enthusiastic, aren't you?" Vignelli didn't let go of her hand, but showed a charming smile.

"I... er... What's the matter?" Yiyang's cold expression coupled with panicked tone made Vignali smile even more happily. This boy seemed to have never been alone with a girl before. The cuteness shown by this cold boy let Vignali know that Yiyang didn't dislike her, but was at a loss.

"You have to teach me how to pass the ball with your elbow." Vignali's big eyes stared at Yiyang seriously. This boy who is not afraid to fight crime in the Woodland area is a bit unnatural in front of a woman looked away.

"I'm going back to Dallas tomorrow."

"It won't be long before the domestic league is over, and I can go to Dallas to find you." Vignali insisted, she just wanted this seemingly cold guy to say "yes" to herself.

"Let's talk about it when you come."

"Hey!" Seeing that Yiyang was about to "run away", Vignali's other hand also grabbed Yiyang's arm. "How did you find me without leaving a phone number?"


Before Yiyang could react, Vignali took out her mobile phone and handed it to Yiyang. "Your number, enter it, and I will call you when I go to Dallas in a few months."

The distance between the two is quite close at this moment, which has exceeded the safe distance between strangers. Moreover, Vignali's hands are still tightly grasping Yiyang. Although, he and Vignali are not strangers. But such a distance still made this guy from the Wood District very nervous.

A faint fragrance diffuses around Yiyang, Yiyang has never been so close to a girl of the same age!

He nervously picked up the other party's mobile phone and entered his number on it. " it okay?"

"Haha, thank you. You played really well tonight, keep up the good work!" Vignali said, winking at Yiyang. Then, full of vigor, she bounced and left the player tunnel.

Looking at Vignali's lively back, Yiyang couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

This girl also seems to be quite special... Yiyang turned around and walked towards the locker room. Italian girl? It's really interesting.

Los Angeles is not just as simple as a basketball court.

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