One Eyed Monster

Chapter 76: The Governor's View

   Alpha Foran was speechless when he saw Governor Rostov.

   Rostov looked at the head of the road minister with a flustered look, and was full of surprise. What could have made this politician so pale.

   "Don't worry, go smoothly first, take your time." Rostov motioned to Alpha Fran to calm his emotions. The more flustered, the more politicians can't mess.

Rostov also sighed when he saw Alfa Fran's gaffe. The young man just couldn't hold his breath, and always showed what he wanted to his face. This is an immature performance and it takes time to experience. .

Alpha Fran stroked his chest, restoring the calmness he should have as a minister of roads in the past. In the long career of Ronato’s political situation, he learned that he should be absolutely unambiguous when speaking, and should not speak. No word is revealed at all.

   "Your Excellency, the last time we discussed the inquiry about Gulu Mountain and the Black Crow Organization, there was an answer from Lili City." The Minister of Road Department who returned to normal was respectful and looked like a different person from just now.

   "So fast, it seems that your friend's efficiency is quite high." Rostov didn't expect Alpha Fran to report this incident either. After all, Alfa Forran’s rush and panic made him feel a little bit in his heart. He is ready to listen to Alfa Forran’s complaints about the new obstacles encountered in the construction of the steam rail, because the last time he saw Alfa Forran’s emotions Slightly out of control was when the steam track laid by the road department was violently disturbed by the local carriage association.

   Except for the difficulty in laying the steam railroad tracks, Rostov could not think of anything else that could make this outstanding young politician look ugly. Because the difficulty of the steam car is no longer a day or two, it has been going on for many years. Although it had the support of the imperial king at the beginning, the capital of Simbal is really far from Rona, and the imperial guards stationed around the capital are too lazy to follow The local wealthy businessmen were against it, and now Rostov thinks back, the pressure that Alfa Fran had been under was really not small.

However, this young man is still a little capable. Despite the bumps and frictions during this process, the steam railroad tracks were still laid, especially when the group of gem sellers saw that the time for the steam car to reach the capital city of Simbal was twice as short as the carriage. , In an instant reversal, in the end, only Ma Xing fought alone, trying to maintain the traditional strength.

   So young people sometimes can bring surprises...

   No, it hasn't been two days since the last private discussion, and the place in Liuli City has responded easily. This kind of made the Governor feel a little relieved.

   But the glimmer of relief was only a flash, because Alpha Forlan's flustered behavior still left a deep impression on Rostov.

"It's not that an old friend from a humble post is efficient, but it was a coincidence that Estov happened to have a certain knowledge of Gulushan and the Black Crow organization." Alpha Forlan took the Governor's words, he was not aware of the Governor at all. The struggle inside the adults jumped.

   "Coincidence?" Rostov slightly straightened his body that was attached to his desk. "What's wrong?"

   "My lord, please take a look at this reply first."

   "Okay, let me see." Rostov took the letter from Alpha Fran and read it word by word.

   Rostov has always been optimistic about Alpha Forlan. If this letter can make a good young politician emotionally fluctuating and his face turned pale, then he must also see what is strange about this letter.

   The beginning of the letter is no big deal, just a greeting between some old friends, nothing...

  The view of innovation is also very thorough. The deputy chief of the Lili City Guarding Court is also a useful talent...

Ok? Gulu Mountain really hides a secret?

Ah! The Black Crow organization originally has this inside story. This ring-style management still has some advantages. Although the method is very insidious, the puppets and the walking corpses are completely abandoned...

   Here, is there still someone guarding Gulu Mountain?


   Rostov, who read the letter carefully, has a lot of inner activities, but no one can see it. Alpha Forlan, who was standing by, looked at the Governor-sama's face calmly, without a trace of waves, and couldn't help but wonder what the Governor-General's views on the matter.

   After a while, Rostov read this reply. He raised his head and looked at Alpha Foran, and asked softly, "What do you think?"

"Uh, sir..." Alfa Forlan didn't expect the Governor to ask back. He wanted to hear the Governor's judgment, but since the Governor has spoken, he can't just shrink back and say nothing. Maybe the Governor The adults are testing him, and maybe the Governor wants to know more about Estef. "My old friend Estef is not an alarmist. I always think he is full of talent and suffocation when I get along with him. It's a pity to be the deputy chief of the guard court at the border. I wanted to bring him to the capital with him, but he refused."

   Alpha Foran didn't know what to say, so he could only talk about Estef.

   "According to what you said, this Estef has some secrets in him." The governor interrupted Alpha Forlan.

   "I'm not sure if there is a secret to hiding, but Estov has maintained a kind of mystery from beginning to end, and this mystery makes many people think he is a weird person."

   "Well, President Emondo mentioned it again last time." Rostov narrowed his eyes, thinking further away.

"My lord, I know my old friend better. Although he has kept a mysterious, I can be sure that every word he said is true. Now the Black Crow Organization is fighting. Attention of Gulu Mountain, I think we need to check the reason for this. After all, this Gulu Mountain, no matter how neglected the empire's territory, it still belongs to the territory of Rhône Capital." Alpha Foran became more excited as he spoke. I don't know what's wrong with me at this moment, I am determined to explore the secret hidden in Gulu Mountain.

   "What you said is correct, but your old friend has already advised you not to go exploring in vain in the letter. Don't you consider his suggestion?" Rostov shook the letter paper in his hand.

"I don’t think about it, I know his personality well. He will never ask for help if he has difficulties. Maybe he is the secret force guarding Gulu Mountain. Now the Black Crow Organization, this dark force invades Gulu Mountain, I think I have to Let him know that guarding this Gulu Mountain is not just for him alone!"

   "Look, I finally told my purpose." Rostov smiled.

   Alpha Fran suddenly started to feel hot. He didn't know what happened to him. How could he get out of control again and again. As a politician, he shouldn't.

  How can I borrow the power of the political situation to assist an old friend of my own? Is it true that I was overwhelmed by emotion?

Looking at the self-blaming Minister of Roads, Governor Rostov stood up, then walked to the young politician's side and patted him on the shoulder: "Everyone has been young, and everyone has had this experience. It's no big deal."

   It's okay not to say these words, Alpha Forlan's face gets even hotter as soon as he finishes saying it.

   His heart has become a mess. He obviously came to listen to the views of the governor. How come the purpose now suddenly becomes to solve his personal problems.

   This is really wrong.

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