Ocean Live Room: My Brother-In-Law Is Cheating On Me

Chapter 39: Brother Leopard, Show Me

On the beach, Brother Bao brought the backpack to Ye Xiaotian.

Ye Xiaotian opened his backpack, took out a bottle of salt and a small shovel, and then put the backpack on his back.

Brother Bao quickly ran over, hung the bucket around his neck, and continued to follow Ye Xiaotian.

In the shallow water ahead, there is a dark blue fish struggling. It must have just been hit by the waves.

Visually, it is as big as a palm, at least half a catty.

Ye Xiaotian quickly ran over and held it down with his hands.

“I was just talking about catching razor clams, and now a black snapper actually came here.”

"This thing weighs half a catty and is very powerful."

Saying that, Ye Xiaotian picked up the fish and showed it.

It looks very much like tilapia in fresh water, but it is dark blue in color and has smaller scales.

"Friends, we don't want this fish anymore and will reward our Leopard Brother."

"Come on, brother Bao, thank you for your hard work. Let me give it to you."

Ye Xiaotian said and threw the black sea bream to Brother Bao. Brother Bao jumped up and down with joy, bit it in one bite, and then swallowed it.

The audience in the live broadcast room were surprised.

"Brother Leopard's appetite is amazing. For such a big fish, it's gone in two bites."

"Anchor, how much does Brother Leopard eat a day?"

"Is it expensive to raise a Leopard Brother?"

Ye Xiaotian looked at the barrage and replied.

"The largest harbor seal weighs just over 250 kilograms, and can only eat up to 20 kilograms of fish a day."

"We who live by the sea, the most indispensable thing is fish."

"The breeding farm over there specializes in raising dragonfish. There are many dead dragonfish every day. The purchase price is 3 yuan per catty."

"Twenty pounds only costs 60 yuan, so raising one of these seals costs 60 yuan a day."

"But my friends are not professional breeders, so don't try it."

"First of all, you don't have a breeding qualification certificate. Secondly, you don't understand the habits of seals, so you can easily be bitten or scratched by them."

"Don't look at Brother Leopard's cute appearance, but he is actually very powerful in combat. If ordinary adults don't have tools, they are no match for him."

After saying that, Ye Xiaotian came to Brother Bao.

"Brother Leopard, show everyone your teeth."

Brother Leopard nodded, then opened his mouth, revealing a mouth full of fangs.

The audience in the live broadcast room was shocked.

"Dig trench, are seal teeth so scary?"

"It feels more ferocious than a dog's teeth."

"Generally seals don't have such sharp fangs, right? Is this the evolved version?"

"What an evolved version of God, haha!"

Ye Xiaotian touched the seal's head.

"Brother Leopard, show them your claws again."

Brother Leopard quickly stood up, stretched out his front paws, and showed off his sharp claws.

Damn it, Brother Bao will do whatever Ye Xiaotian says.

The audience in the live broadcast room opened their mouths one by one.

"Damn it, this leopard is really just letting it do whatever it wants."

"This IQ is smarter than my brother."

"One look at this seal and then at my son made me cry."

"Brother Leopard is so powerful. Look at his big paws and slap him. Isn't a piece of flesh going to fall off?"

"Sure enough, seals are still very dangerous."

Ye Xiaotian touched Brother Bao's head, and then went to catch razor clams.

"Seals generally do not actively attack humans."

"But if you mess with him and get bitten accidentally, the consequences will be very serious."

"Don't look at Brother Leopard being so docile now. If anyone other than me makes him unhappy, he will be very vicious in no time."

"The Marine Life Conservation Society wanted to take care of it, so it asked me to raise it."

The audience in the live broadcast room were a little surprised after hearing what Ye Xiaotian said.

"So that's the case, no wonder the anchor can get the breeding qualification."

"It seems that only the anchor can control Brother Bao."

"One thing brings down another. The host is a lay disciple from the Shaolin Temple and knows martial arts."

"A bald donkey and a seal, what a perfect match."

"Where did the monster come from upstairs? If you dare to call me a bald ass, be careful of being sprayed to death in the live broadcast room."

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