There is nothing wrong with men getting together, smoking and playing cards.

Several old cousins ​​work and live outside all year round, and this time it is not easy for them to get together because of Grandma Liu Anna's birthday.

Of course you have to play cards and brag.

The reason why Ye Xiaotian followed this group of girls to climb the mountain was that he was not familiar with everyone.

Secondly, he neither smokes nor plays cards.

I usually drink some wine, just some red wine and beer.

Also, Anna Liu wanted to go hiking, so Ye Xiaotian, as her boyfriend, naturally wanted to accompany her.

Otherwise, he himself would not be at ease.

On the mountain, Ye Xiaotian and a few girls were looking for bamboo fungus and mushrooms in the bamboo forest.

It's September now, the golden autumn.

Occasionally, one or two bamboo servants can be found on the bamboos on the mountain.

Ye Xiaotian, who has lived in a big city by the sea all year round, experienced this kind of rural customs for the first time.

It still feels quite interesting.

Under a bamboo, Ye Xiaotian found another bamboo fungus.

He carefully dug it out with a sickle and showed it to Liu Anna.

"Anna, I've found another bid here.

"I'm lucky today."

“The weather is also great!”

Liu Anna looked at Ye Xiaotian and said with a smile.

"Brother Ye, it seems that you have integrated into our rural life very quickly."

"I'm also worried that you won't be used to it if I bring you here this time.

Ye Xiaotian smiled slightly.

"No, actually I think rural areas are pretty good."

"The life is leisurely and the air is pleasant."

“Very suitable for living in the countryside.”

"Look at our grandma, she is ninety years old and she is still in such good health.

Anna Liu nodded.

Rural people drink mountain spring water and eat home-grown crops.

Breathe the fresh mountain air.

Being away from the hustle and bustle of big cities naturally makes people in better health than those in big cities.

In the past, everyone wanted to go to big cities.

After people now make money, they want to return to the countryside to retire.

Liu Anna's parents were like this, and so was her uncle.

This time her uncle retired and Ye Xiaotian took over. He returned to his hometown, received his retirement salary, and lived a leisurely and comfortable life.

In this way, he might live to be eighty or ninety years old.

In the bamboo forest, Liu Anna's little cousin found a big bamboo insect on a bamboo.

she shouted happily.

"Sister Anna, Brother Tian. There is a big beetle here, come here and help me catch it!"

Ye Xiaotian and Liu Anna heard this and walked over and looked up.

Sure enough, there was a bamboo beetle lying on the bamboo above our head.

But the distance is too high and it is impossible to catch it.

I used branches to drive it away, but I was afraid it would fly away.

Liu Anna shook her head.

"This distance is too high, you can't catch it!"

The little cousin was very disappointed.

"I haven't caught a beetle like this in a long time."

"I really want to catch one and play with it."

"I'll try to knock it down with a branch!"

Seeing his little cousin picking up branches, Ye Xiaotian quickly stopped her.

"It's okay, I'll help you catch it!"

After saying that, he looked up, then jumped up and caught the bamboo beetle.

This thing is as big as a thumb, its whole body is covered with carapace, it is a beautiful golden color, it has a long breath, and its claws are very sharp. If it scratches people's skin, it will cause cuts and bleeding if not careful.

Ye Xiaotian landed safely and spread his palms.

Several girls were shocked.

"Brother Tian, ​​how do you dance?"

"Are you good at Qinggong?"


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