In the expectant eyes of everyone, Bob shook his head: "It doesn't match, the difference is huge, and Al's feet are very wide, if you leave footprints, no matter whether it is a boot that fits or not, the mark will be obvious."

He said confidently.

And Al couldn't have known in advance that they would notice his walking habits.

So, Al is not the murderer either.


Those who have time to commit crimes in the prison, only two prison guards, Kaniff and Al, are not.

Could it be that someone else helped De Lun?

Al just rarely communicates with people, but his IQ is no problem.

He felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere, so he spared his head and stammered, "What's the matter? What can you do with me, and why do you have so many people here today?"

Dean broke the atmosphere of silence, and said with a smile: "Al, it's nothing, we just came to talk to Deren about something, by the way, please stay in the office, we will talk to Deren with Kaniff Let's talk."

"Okay." Al was a little disappointed.

He is prison and home every day, two points and one line, and he is still eager to communicate with others.

Out of the prison guard's office.

Holz took his father back to downtown Los Angeles first.

Dean brought Kaniff to the side: "Man, to tell you the truth, someone attacked Howard, the little boy who was raped by Deren back then, so Deren's parole hearing will be made A good result."

Kaniff suddenly realized: "So you suspect that I did it? I swear, Deren has hinted at me before, but I didn't agree. I will go to prison for up to two years for taking bribes, but for my children, I am willing. Killing is okay. Totally different! I'm not that stupid!"

"I know, but the murderer deliberately left footprints of mounted police riding boots at the scene, someone wants to frame you!" Dean took the opportunity to fan the flames.

He'll need Kanif's help later.

"FK!" Kaniff cursed in a low voice, thankfully said: "Derren, bastard, he tried to get his wife to seduce me before, that woman is very attractive and obedient, but I hold back, Now that I think about it, I'm lucky."

"But he has thought about you. This shows that the person who helped him is very important to him. Do you want to take revenge?"


Kaniff answered decisively!

He knows that many police detectives are jerks in handling cases. They can do anything for the sake of performance. If Dean in front of him is not a man of integrity and doesn't want to use himself for performance, he might be in trouble now!

So Kaniff wanted Deren to regret what he had done!

"Very good!" Dean nodded with satisfaction: "In this case, you record all the calls that Deren has made with your mobile phone, and give them to my colleagues. By the way, you will play a play with me later!"

"Everything is up to you!"

A few words.

Kaniff took the initiative to become Dean's helper.

He has become more and more proficient in grasping people's hearts. With a bit of the shadow of his mentor Anthony, it is estimated that he is not far away from completely forming the mind-reading skills of the Akaz Academy.

Deren wanted to covertly contact the outside world, so he could only rely on Kaniff to provide convenience and give him a mobile phone.

After Kaniff cooperates.

Dean and the others successfully obtained those phone lists.

When facing a murder case.

The police detective bureau in this world still has a lot of authority.

Daisy, who was in the detective office, contacted the communication company and got a fax of the detailed records of those communication numbers.


Most of the calls were between Deren and his wife and son.

Only two phones are not.

A call was placed half a year ago.


It was Deren's mother's phone call. The call time was very short, less than ten seconds, and the other end hung up.

another one.

It is an anonymous mobile phone card.

When Daisy called, the phone card was already turned off.

Deren contacted twice on this call.

Once was also half a year ago.

Once was at the end of November.

Daisy asked for all the communications of this anonymous phone again, and was shocked to find that this calling card had only been used twice, and both of them were in contact with Deren!

She told Dean all these situations at the first time.

Because of the external voice played.

So Harry and Robert on the side also heard Daisy's words.

Harry reacted quickly: "Derlen and his mother first contacted half a year ago, and soon got in touch with the anonymous phone card. I suspect that it is still Deren's mother, just changed the number!"

Robert nodded in agreement.

As long as you are not a fool.

They all think about it.

Especially since they've ruled out all the suspects that Dean listed before, only Deren's mother is left!


Dean didn't expect that, after going round and round, Deren's mother was the most suspect in the end!

This is actually all the old Hunter's fault.

In his description, Deren's mother and Mrs. Haas had unbearable experiences, so when they got older, they have been paying attention to the lonely and widowed elderly and carried out corresponding charity undertakings.

Tough, kind, and upright.

These are the images of Mrs. Haas that everyone got from Old Hunter.

This gave everyone a preconceived impression.

Although Dean had doubts.

But the Fourth Squadron was short of manpower, and he was busy investigating the rest of the clues, and what Old Hunter said was so certain.

So Dean hasn't had time to investigate Deren's mother.

The deputy team made a mistake!

It was determined that Deren's mother was suspected.

This also gave Dean a bottom line.

He called Kanif who was waiting outside, and after whispering something in his ear, he returned to the prison guard's lounge inside the cell.

"Robert, Harry, you will stand behind me later, keep that cold expression, and just use it as a background board for me."

Robert nodded, turning into a poker face in an instant.

"What is a cold expression?" Harry was a little puzzled.

He always had a hippie smile on his face.

"Imagine the expression on a fat girl who weighs 500 kilograms when she stops you and proposes to you, and you want to refuse." Dean explained vividly.

When it comes to women, Harry understands in seconds.

The expression on his face instantly turned into an indifference of being very moved and refusal, not allowing strangers to enter

Not long.

A man with glasses, with a refined and easy-going face, followed the cold-faced Kanif into the lounge.

This man is Deren.

A beast with a human face and a beast heart.

On the way out of the cell, Deren already noticed something was wrong.

Because Kanif, the prison guard who was fed by him, not only did not answer his probing questions, but also had a fierce look in his eyes, as if he wanted to eat himself.

This made him, who was a guilty conscience, even more anxious now.

"Mr. Deren, hello, I'm Detective Dean from the Robbery and Murder Division." Dean crossed his legs and sat on Kaniff's chair.

"Excuse me, what's the matter?" Deren seemed a little cautious.

"Bad news."

Dean was a little playful: "Your parole hearing will definitely fail!"


Deren thought he had heard wrong.

He took care of Kaniff next to him, faked a very good performance in prison, and the only obstacle, Howard, has been killed, and the hearing is basically a process.

How could there be a change!

"What I mean is, you still need to spend fifteen years in prison. When you get out, you'll probably be fifty-five years old, tsk tsk, the best time of your life."

Dean raised his lips: "But don't worry, your wife is very beautiful. Your son can live alone after two years. I will advise her to find someone else to live. If you don't trust others, it depends on you For the sake of being doomed to be lonely in the future, I can also help take care of it."


Which man can stand this kind of stimulation!

Deren immediately tore off the camouflage and jumped at the sitting Dean.

But before he could rush to Dean, Kaniff kicked him in the stomach, kicked him to the side, then pulled out a baton, slammed it fiercely, and cursed: "Get out, How dare you frame me, Deren, I swear, after you live here for fifteen years, at most one year, I will let you lie down and go out!"

Deren clutched his kicked stomach and screamed again and again.

He doesn't understand what's going on.

Everything was fine, why did it suddenly become like this.

Robert also stared dumbfounded at everything in front of him.

He expressed that he couldn't understand Dean's way of handling the case: shouldn't he ask first and then apply a little bit of pressure? Why did it become a threat to silence in a blink of an eye? ? ?

Harry was much calmer.

He'd even seen Dean shoot and kill.

This thing in front of me?

Just a small scene.

Kaniff whipped Deren's body covered in bruises. After taking a deep breath, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and stepped on Deren's bruised and swollen face with his smelly feet: "Bastard, tell me, who are you ordering?" While killing Howard, deliberately leave my evidence at the crime scene!"

The more he spoke, the angrier he became, and he kicked Derren's lower body again.

Kaniff also has a son, and he is willing to take the risk of imprisonment for his son and openly extort bribes.

If not for the money.

He is not used to this perverted wretched man at all!

This kick almost killed Deren.

Because of the pain, he curled up into a ball, with ferocious tears and drooling on his face, he was almost so painful that he couldn't breathe, and passed out.

Deren realized that Kaniff was coming for real!

He really wanted to kill himself!

"Don't tell me, right?" Kaniff swung his baton and smashed it down again.

Not for a while.

Deren's screams became weaker and weaker, and his whole body no longer had a human form.

"Dean." Harry leaned over and whispered, "If you hit Deren again, you will really die."

"so what?"

Dean put his feet on the table, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, and said in a deep voice:

"We just watched and didn't do anything.

Moreover, those who re-offend after being released from prison, because they have learned their lessons, will often become more cunning and cruel once they continue to commit crimes.

Deren dared to kill Howard for parole.

Do you think he will be honest when he comes out?

Don't tell me that your relatives and friends don't have children! Think carefully, what kind of tragedy will happen when they meet Deren? "

Deren's dying screams.

Harry kept his mouth shut.

Seeing that the cigarette in Dean's mouth was not lit, he immediately touched his pocket, wanting Dean to feel his eyesight, but saw that Robert, who had been silent all this time, had already lit it for Dean in a very considerate manner. Stretch out your palm to help him face the wind!

"FK.", Harry cursed secretly.

Really Nima rolls in.

Dean attracts not only women, but also men.

Harry realized that more and more people would compete with him for the position of Dean's number one partner in the future!

"Almost ready."

Seeing that Deren was really going to burp, Dean finally made a sound.

He walked up to Deren, who was no longer human, and took out a cigarette and stuffed it in his mouth: "Tell me, who did you call a few days ago? As long as Kaniff knows who framed him, he will definitely Forgive you and call an ambulance for you."

"I said... I called my mother, ahem she said she would take care of these things for me."

"And Al, why does he have your wife's pantyhose?"

"Ahem. I used the sleeping pills I got from Kaniff to stun my wife, pulled off her clothes, and then used the excuse that I was going to the bathroom to deliberately lure Al into committing a crime, thereby threatening him to help I do things.

In the end, this idiot coughed, he secretly hid a sock, and then came out again, this damned idiot! I'm furious! cough cough."

Dean: "A man with ambition will have good luck, and Al is a fool."

After asking, I have two doubts in my heart.

Dean stretched out his finger, blocking everyone's view for a moment, and pinched Deren's throat lightly.

next moment.

Deren's breathing was difficult, his eyes bulged, his body twitched twice, and he spit out big mouthfuls of black and red blood, staining the cigarettes that fell on the ground dark red.

people die.

Dean got up without changing his face, and patted Kaniff on the shoulder: "You have knocked people out with too much force. Call a doctor quickly. Besides, the climate here is relatively dry. Be careful not to cause a fire."

"Case~" Kaniff looked at Dean pleadingly.

"What case? Our Robbery and Murder Division only cares about murder, and other bribery has nothing to do with us!"

After Dean finished speaking, he waved to Harry and Robert: "Guys, let's go. Before Derren fainted, he said that he called his mother. Let's go and meet that kind Mrs. Haas."

Not long after everyone left.

The Harper Prison, which was originally peaceful, suddenly caught fire because prisoners secretly smoked.

The prisoner, Deren, changed his past and fought the fire bravely, but was unfortunately buried in the sea of ​​fire and died on the eve of his parole

Wait until the top comes down to investigate.

It was found that the monitoring of those days was broken by accident.

As for Deren's body, it had also been cremated by the guilty prison guard Kanif at his own expense.

Consider the impact.

Investigators eventually confirmed Kaniff's claims.

Afterwards, an inconspicuous tabloid published the story of the prisoner's change of heart and heroic efforts to fight the fire, attracting many townspeople to leave candles and little flowers outside Harper Prison.

As for the truth, no one cares.

Including Dren's mother, Mrs. Haas.

Because at this time, she herself is about to face huge trouble!

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