Nightmare Attack

Chapter 789 Blind Box

[Recite the URL silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

After a moment, "I didn't hear it either." Jiang Cheng said.

Wang Qi's face darkened, "Me neither."

"Brother Fugui, it seems that you are the only one who heard it." Huaiyi couldn't help but feel worried.

"It's the kind of ticking, ticking." The fat man raised his head and quickly explained: "It's quite clear. How could you not hear it?"

Fatty was the only one who heard this, and the biggest possibility Jiang Cheng could think of was that he was being targeted by ghosts.

"Don't panic." Jiang Cheng consoled him, "Listen carefully. Can you tell where the sound is?"

"I don't know, the sound is very clear, it seems to be coming from all directions, everywhere." The fat man gasped and looked around.

Wang Qi heard this and stretched out his hand, covering the fat man's head, and whispered: "Don't be nervous, close your eyes, and feel it again."

The fat man followed Wang Qi's instructions and closed his eyes. After a moment, his body began to tremble and he said excitedly: "I saw it, it's over there, yes."

"Don't open your eyes! Use your fingers to show us." Wang Qi reminded.

The fat man stretched out his hand and pointed in a direction, "That's right there."

"Huh -" Wang Qi took back his hand, nodded and said, "Okay, you can open your eyes now."

Jiang Cheng looked at Wang Qi for a few times, and finally walked in that direction with a few others. After turning a corner, a relatively hidden door appeared in front of them.

"That's where the sound of dripping water comes from." The fat man stared at the door and said as if to confirm.

As soon as Jiang Cheng touched the door, the door opened by itself before he even pushed hard.

The inside was a little brighter than expected, and there were clutter everywhere.

There are mops, rags and other cleaning utensils placed near the back of the door.

There are also rubber tubes on the ground, rolled up in circles. At first glance, I thought they were coiled snakes.

Walking inside, there is an old table with an orange life jacket and rubber gloves on it. There are two plastic chairs nearby.

On the hook on the opposite wall, a light blue work jacket with short sleeves was hung on a hanger.

This is an equipment room exclusively for swimming pool staff.

In the corner, they found a water pipe, which was connected to the hand faucet on the wall. Water was constantly dripping along the connection between the two.

The "ticking" sound that the fat man heard came from here.

But the strange thing is that when they first entered this room, they could not hear the sound of water dripping.

But after discovering the dripping faucet, I could suddenly hear it, and it was very clear, with no transition at all.

It was like the hearing that had been deprived was suddenly returned to them. 6̾̾

This reminded them of the strange stories in the library.

After thinking for a moment, Wang Qi reached out and tightened the faucet. Now there was no more water dripping, and the sound of dripping disappeared.

Before they could take a breath, there was suddenly a sound that they were very familiar with. When they heard the sound, several people immediately walked out.

It was a sound of water.

Right outside!

Someone is swimming in the pool!

After leaving the equipment room, several people rushed to the swimming pool. The moment they turned the corner, they all saw that there was a little different color in the originally dark swimming pool.

There was light shining from the top of the swimming pool, and there was a little bit of light on the water. Someone was swimming far away.

Like a sword cutting through the water, white water splashed.

It was a woman, but she didn't seem to be wearing a swimsuit. She was swimming with her back to them, her face always buried under the water, and only her back could be seen.

Jiang Cheng could see a little more clearly this time, but after noticing the woman's back, he couldn't help but froze, and his heart trembled violently for no reason.

It was obviously just a vague back, or even just an outline, but Jiang Cheng felt familiar from the bottom of his heart.

And certainly, this person is important to him.

Indescribably important.

The woman swam to the edge of the pool farther away from the others and then came ashore.

Then, he walked in one direction and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Several people followed without hesitation, and now they came to the place where the woman came ashore.

There were clear water stains on the ground. Following the wet footprints, they came to a corner. Behind the corner, there was a dark corridor with cold wind blowing outward.

"Damn it, it's so cold." Huaiyi complained. He was soaked from the knees down at the concierge's place just now. Now the cold wind blows and it's biting.

Wang Qi stared at the corridor and said after a while: "There seems to be a women's shower room in front."

They came in from the boys' side and passed through such a corridor. The layout of the two was relatively similar. The only difference was that it was not as cold. Also, the corridor on the boys' side was not so hidden and deep.

Looking at the current scene, several people felt more and more familiar. Isn't this the experience of the former male employee?

First I heard the sound, then I found the woman in the swimming pool, then I followed the woman to the women's shower room, the next step was to go in, and finally

But later, the development of the plot began to be different from what was expected.

They stood outside and waited for a while, but did not hear the sound of the shower inside. It was so quiet inside that if they hadn't followed the footprints, they would have thought the woman had disappeared again.

"We," the fat man asked in a tentative tone, "should we go in and have a look?"

After a while, the fat man looked at the end of the corridor leading to the shower room. After hesitating for a long time, he said, "Why do I feel that she has no ill intentions? She did not hurt the security guard either."

"Would you like to go in first and have a look?" Huai Yi looked at Jiang Cheng and asked in a low voice.

"It's better not to say goodbye. If you want to go in, let's go together. If there are many people, there will be someone to take care of you." The fat man said.

The group of people walked through the long corridor. There was a table at the end of the corridor. There was a plastic sign on the table with a name written on it. It can no longer be seen clearly. There was also a red seal of Jiangtan University Natatorium Management Center underneath. .

It seems that there is usually someone on duty here.

When I approached the shower room, it was relatively dark inside, but I could still make out the cubicles.

There is no door. There is a translucent curtain at the door of each compartment, which can be rolled up when not in use.

The footprints disappeared at this point because the ground was covered with water.

It's not water accumulation, but water spots left and right, the kind of water stains left after a shower are everywhere.

A few people walked slowly inside, observing the compartments on both sides as they walked. They walked very slowly. Jiang Cheng had reminded them to pay attention to the water under their feet and avoid it if they could.

Some of the curtains were completely opened, but many others were not opened, or were only partially opened. It was probably because some girls left in a hurry after taking a shower and didn't pay attention.

However, this brought trouble to Jiang Cheng and the others. They needed to open the curtains one by one and check behind them.

After trying a few, Fatty felt that this was really exciting, just like opening a blind box. You might not know which one would reveal the ghost.

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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