Nightmare Attack

Chapter 773 Blink (3000)

Jiang Cheng looked at the remains of the sculpture outside the window, sighed, and turned his head to look at Huaiyi. Huaiyi looked confused and asked, "Brother Jiang, what do you think I am doing?"

"You are so perverted.

Jiang Cheng said in a melancholy tone, "What a considerate ghost, but you forced him to death."

Huaiyi: "???"

"Don't do this next time." Jiang Cheng shook his head and turned to leave.

After all, he is a Crimson person, and his brain circuit is not very normal. Huaiyi can understand it. After a while, he caught up and asked: "What should we do now?"

After squatting for such a long time, there are fewer and fewer sculpture ghosts, and it doesn't make much sense to continue.

Jiang Cheng said as he walked: "Let's go find Fatty and the others and ask them how many sculpture ghosts they have eliminated. Add them up to see how many sculpture ghosts are left."

Shen Mengyun stood in front of Jiang Cheng, wearing work clothes, imitating Jiang Cheng's appearance, directing groups of sculpture ghosts to climb the stairs back and forth.

At first, there were only a dozen or so people sculpting ghosts, and then it became less and less, becoming 10, then 4 or 5.

In the end, until now, she had waited for a long time and still hadn't seen anyone pass by.

The corridor was quiet.

"It seems that Mr. Jiang and the others have taken care of everything." Shen Mengyun thought to himself, and Jiang Cheng's face unconsciously appeared in his mind.

But as she thought about it, she suddenly felt heart palpitations.

She couldn't describe it specifically, it was like a needle stabbing her heart.

Her first reaction was that something was staring at her.

She had also encountered such a situation before, but it was far less intense than this time.

But how?

Mr. Jiang said that this piece of clothing can hide the breath of a living person, making the sculpture ghosts mistakenly think that they are the same kind.

"Is there any sculpture ghost still alive?" Shen Mengyun raised his head and searched carefully, "But how did it find itself, and where is it hiding?"

From Shen Mengyun's perspective, he could see the corridor on one side and the hall connected to the corridor.

Similar to her location, there are sculptures and other works of art scattered on both sides of the corridor and in the hall.

But there was nothing wrong with the sculptures, they had been inspected before.

In the dark environment, most of these sculptures only reveal part of their faces, or even half of their faces.

After looking at it for a long time, it's really weird.

She had already checked the scratches on her clothes, and all 25 sculpture ghosts had been eliminated. However, the feeling of being targeted did not weaken, but became stronger.

What puzzled her even more was that she remembered that there was an eye pattern next to the scratch, but now, the pattern had disappeared.

The uneasiness in her heart became stronger and stronger, and even drove her to want her to escape from here.

It was like, she was going to die soon.

Suddenly, her eyes paused.

On the right side of the corridor in the distance, there were several sculptures. She had noticed them before, but this time, she seemed to have a different feeling.

Because of the light, only the lower body of several sculptures can be seen clearly, while the upper body is hidden in shadow, leaving only a vague outline.

"1, 2" Shen Mengyun counted one by one, "4."

"Four?!" She suddenly felt something was wrong. Before, she vaguely remembered that there were only three.

And the last statue is hidden in the shadows, shorter than the other statues.

Just when she concentrated on looking carefully, something seemed to move in the shadow, and Shen Mengyun blinked subconsciously.

When she opened her eyes and looked again, the statues had changed back to three.

Everything before seemed to be an hallucination caused by her nervousness.

But Shen Mengyun knew that it was definitely not an illusion. Something must be happening somewhere she didn't know about.

She wanted to notify Jiang Cheng and the others, but she left her phone in the library.

"Calm down, you must calm down." Shen Mengyun adjusted his breathing and continued to observe.

But not long after she looked away, she soon discovered another strange place.

This time it was on the left side of the corridor, and closer to her.

It was a similar situation to before, with a statue hidden in the shadows.

A statue of which she had no recollection.

It's like it appeared out of thin air.

Judging from the lower part of the sculpture, it is a half-length figure.

Shen Mengyun's eyes paused, and he immediately recalled the story Jiang Cheng retold, the half-length figure that appeared strangely in the art center photo.

But when she reacted, the bust disappeared again.

When she found it again, she was already at the corner of the corridor not far from her, and this time, she could see it clearly.

It was a bust of a human being, with an exaggeratedly twisted neck and a pair of gray-white eyes staring at him.


In the process, Shen Mengyun also discovered the movement patterns of the bust, whether she looked away from the bust or blinked.

In short, as long as the figure disappears from the field of view, even for just a second, it will move towards itself in a very strange way.

In other words, as long as you keep staring at the portrait without blinking, the bust will stay where it is and will not pose a threat to her.

But how could a normal person not blink?

The first thing that came to Shen Mengyun's mind was to stare at the bust without blinking and quickly leave here.

According to her observation, the bust doesn't move very fast and she should be able to get rid of it.

But just when Shen Mengyun was about to take action, she realized that her body was completely unable to move, as if it was fixed in place by a spell.

Only the eyes and neck can move in a small range.

After a moment, she figured out the reason. This restriction applies to both humans and ghosts. She can stop the half-length ghost from moving by staring at the ghost.

Vice versa, so can the other party.

What made Shen Mengyun even more desperate was that the half-length ghost didn't need to blink. Its gray-white eyes had a jade-like texture.

With the last blink of an eye, the halfling ghost finally came to Shen Mengyun.

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng suddenly stopped.

Huai Yi, who was following him, immediately became nervous and looked around, "What's wrong, Brother Jiang?"

"Did you hear anything?" After a moment, Jiang Cheng asked with a frown.

"No, no."

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Cheng patted Huaiyi and quickened his pace, "Hurry, after we find Fatty and the others, we will meet Miss Shen."

At the corner of the stairs, the two groups collided. The fat man became happy when he saw Jiang Cheng, "Doctor, brother Wang Qi is very skilled. We worked together to solve 9 sculpture ghosts."

"There are 10 of us." Jiang Cheng replied lukewarmly. "There was another one who was forced to jump off the building by Huai Yi. I didn't want to stop him."

When the fat man heard this, he looked at Huai Yi and blinked, as if he had made a new discovery about him, "Brother Huai Yi, didn't you realize that you are okay with this?"

Huaiyi had rejection written all over his face, but he didn't know how to say it.

Fortunately, Jiang Cheng rescued him, looked at the fat man and asked, "Why are you here?"

According to the previous arrangement, they should ambush on the other side of the stairs.

"Oh, that's right. I just received a message from Miss Shen. She said she had made a new discovery and asked us to find her." The fat man took out his mobile phone and said seriously.

Jiang Cheng's brows jumped when he heard this, "Chen Mengyun?"

Seeing the doctor's expression change, the fat man was also startled, "Yes, yes, why, she didn't contact you?"

The fat man's first reaction was that something was wrong. Could it be that the doctor was jealous?

He had known Jiang Cheng for more than a day or two, and he knew that the doctor was petty, so he quickly explained: "Doctor, don't get me wrong, Miss Shen may have just been dating you. Oh, she is a girl, she is thin-skinned, you should understand."

Jiang Cheng's expression changed slightly, he turned around and ran downstairs.

Seeing the confused look on Fatty's face, Huaiyi quickly explained, "Shen Mengyun's cell phone was left in the library. Why did he send you a message?"

Hearing this, the fat man's face paused, and then he looked at his cell phone with something wrong, "So the person who sent me the message was a ghost?"

"It's the half-length ghost!" The fat man immediately confirmed.

Because all the sculpture ghosts have been dealt with, they checked.

25, no one is too many.

When the group arrived at Shen Mengyun's location, they saw Shen Mengyun in work clothes, still standing there.

Both arms hang down naturally, with the face facing directly in front of you.

At first glance, it looks no different from nearby sculptures.

Seeing that Shen Mengyun was still there, the fat man took a long breath, but then, as if he suddenly discovered something, he sniffed, and the air was filled with a vague smell of blood.

The closer to Shen Mengyun's position, the stronger the smell of blood became.

And what's even weirder is that Shen Mengyun seems to have no reaction to their arrival.

Jiang Cheng stepped forward, slowly stretched out his hand, and pulled off Shen Mengyun's mask.

The face under the mask was as white as paper. He bit his lips and closed his eyelids slightly, as if they were about to open in the next second.

But for her, there is no chance anymore.

She is dead.

As soon as he approached, Jiang Cheng knew she was dead.

"Miss Shen Chen." The fat man's heart skipped a beat when he saw Shen Mengyun's appearance.

He had a very good impression of this woman, and he could also see that she was very good to the doctor and even saved the doctor.

After Huaiyi saw it, he stepped forward and wanted to help Jiang Cheng put down Shen Mengyun's body.

After all, she was disguised as a bust, with her lower body hidden inside the wooden frame and only her upper body exposed.

But just when he touched Shen Mengyun's shoulder.

An accident happened.

Shen Mengyun actually fell straight down.

No, not all, it was the upper body, only the upper body fell down!

Below her waist, she disappeared

There was no lower body of hers inside the wooden shelf!

She was like a real bust sculpture, with her entire lower body ripped off, including one pair of legs.

Then only the upper body was left standing on the shelf!

Without looking carefully, I would have thought it was the same as before.

Seeing this scene, Huaiyi was so frightened that he took several steps back, and the color on his face disappeared.

From the ferocious and huge wound on Shen Mengyun's waist, one could still see purple internal organs and intestines, and dark red blood dripping all over the floor.

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