Nightmare Attack

Chapter 766 Newspaper (Thanks to the leader of Lian Ichuan)

It was Jiang Cheng who raised his eyebrows slightly, it was Shui.

No, it’s just a footprint!

Wet footprints!

When she saw the footprints clearly, Shen Mengyun's eyes paused. After a moment, cold sweat instantly wet her back.

The footprints were pointed at the door, which was ajar, and the lock on it was missing. And the most terrifying thing was that there were only footprints of entering the door, but no footprints of leaving!

Their throats couldn't help but roll up and down. Looking at the dormitory door that was ajar, everyone's expressions changed.

The Heart-Eating Demon is inside.

There is only one door between them.

Thinking about it further, Shen Mengyun's chest rose and fell violently, and her breathing became rapid. If Jiang Cheng hadn't taken her upstairs, she would have stayed alone in the dormitory, so the person she is now is not, no, she was not long ago. What will happen to her?

She will be quietly replaced by the Heart Eater

Jiang Cheng pinched her arm, and Shen Mengyun broke free from fear. Everyone quietly retreated away from the door.

Then, quickly walk out along the corridor.

With the discovery in front of the dormitory door, everyone paid more attention to the ground under their feet, and soon found more wet footprints next to the wall.

The footprints continued intermittently all the way to the dormitory door, and finally broke off in front of the doorkeeper's room.

It could be seen that the footprints were from the concierge's room first, and then to Shen Mengyun's dormitory.

The door to the doorman's room was closed, it was quiet inside, and the lights were also not turned on.

Huaiyi swallowed, his eyes full of uneasiness, and whispered: "We haven't seen the concierge for a long time."

Just this simple sentence seemed to stir up the surrounding environment and make everyone more and more uneasy, because he was right, no one had seen the uncle for a long time.

When did it start? Jiang Cheng recalled.

It seemed like it was yesterday or the day before, because they were in a hurry every day, and the concierge left a very strange impression on them, so no one thought of actively looking for him, avoiding him if they could.

"Do you want to?" Shen Mengyun lowered her voice and looked at Jiang Cheng. She had an almost comical trust in this man.

Wang Qi didn't know if he thought of something, so he stretched out his hand and grabbed the rusty door handle, but before he could exert any force, Jiang Cheng stopped him.

Jiang Cheng looked at Wang Qi, the expression on his face said don't worry.

Wang Qi slowly retracted his hand and turned his palm upward. Everyone saw that several of his fingers were stained with water. It seemed that he just wanted to test the door and did not want to actually open the door.

Now it seems that the concierge may be in danger.

Leaving the dormitory, they kept their pace as low as possible, just like before.

At 12 o'clock at midnight, according to Yuan Xiaoyi, they successfully entered the Art Center building. Judging from the decoration inside, the Art Center was much more impressive than the Student Activity Center.

The fat man also muttered in a low voice. Sure enough, people who study art are different. They have money and know how to play.

After Jiang Cheng heard this, he immediately explained to him that he also studied art, was a serious art worker, and had dedicated his life to art.

The fat man knew that this was another of the doctor's petty problems, so he replied with a look of disdain: Doctor, please shut up. Those things you know will be put in a pig cage in a feudal society. You have to thank Harmony. Society saves you.

Shen Mengyun was confused as he listened. What kind of art requires dedication? Why does it involve soaking in a pig cage?

On the other hand, Wang Qi, who was standing at the back of the team, seemed to understand. He raised the corners of his mouth and forced out a not-so-good-looking smile.

"I asked you to be serious, please." Huaiyi turned his head and said with a grimace: "We have entered the art center, and there are weird stories here. Can you respect them?"

Jiang Cheng corrected him with a serious look, "Don't forget, we are here today to hit them on the back of the head."

Huaiyi was stunned for a second and wanted to refute, but found that there was nothing wrong with this. This time was not an escape mission, but a head-on confrontation with the things in the ghost story.

Just like Brother Jiang said, if you hit them on the back of the head, there is no need to pity them at all.

Of course, it is not ruled out that they were hit by them.

Shen Mengyun stopped, pointed at the wall and said, "Look, is there a road map on it?"

Looking up, there was a piece of paper taped to a wall not far from the door, marking the locations of classrooms in the art center.

The conspicuous location was specially marked with a red pen. The fat man squinted and looked closer, "It's the exhibition hall!"

The exhibition hall is the sculpture hall. Yuan Xiaoyi said this, but the name is different.

"Let's go to the duty room first." Jiang Cheng turned around.

The duty room is not far away, just turn a corner. Just like Yuan Xiaoyi said, the lights are on but no one is there.

But it's not visible from the outside.

The glass window in front of the duty room was blocked with a large white cloth. The white cloth was hung in the duty room like a curtain.

However, after walking in, the interior was quite decent. A fur coat was draped on the back of a chair, a registration form was placed on the table, a red landline telephone, and many newspapers.

The white cloth used as a shield in front of them was not hung up as they thought at first, but was held by two wooden clips, one on the left and one on the right.

It looks very rough and not strong.

It must have been done secretly because the school didn't allow it.

And it's not white cloth, just an old bed sheet that has been washed white.

There is a large enamel cup on the right hand side of the table.

The style and so on are now rare. There is still half a cup of tea inside, and the inner wall of the cup is covered with a thick layer of tea stains.

Looking at it as a whole, it feels like there was someone sitting here just now.

But Jiang Cheng touched the cup with his hand and found that it was ice cold.

"Okay." Huaiyi stood up from the table and nodded to Jiang Cheng.

Following Jiang Cheng's instructions, he found the red alarm switch under the table and turned it off.

After leaving the duty room, the group went straight to the sculpture classroom according to the map instructions. Yuan Xiaoyi said that there were tools they could use there.

But not long after they left, a gust of wind suddenly blew in the empty duty room.

The wind got stronger little by little, blowing the newspapers on the table.

The newspapers covering it were opened one by one, as if someone were flipping them, and they didn't stop until the bottom one was exposed.

This is a newspaper that looks very old. The pages are yellowed and the corners are badly damaged, as if it has been turned out and read frequently.

At a cursory glance, the content inside is mostly tidbits, or about strange people and things, coupled with exaggerated and eye-catching headlines.

Usually those who write like this are local tabloids with relatively low circulation.

In the corner of the newspaper, a small frame is separated, and the introduction inside is bolded in black letters——

An art teacher from Jiangtan University died late at night in an exhibition hall. The only suspect was unconscious. He was run over by a truck as soon as he was released, and died tragically under the wheel. Is this the result of the reincarnation of karma to repay the displeasure, or is it a vicious ghost who is desperate for his life and cannot escape? What will happen next? Report to a special observer to analyze this for you


The next second, the wooden clamp on the right fell off, and the sheet fell due to gravity, covering half of the chair.

On the originally empty chair, a human figure was propped up strangely.

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