Nightmare Attack

Chapter 692 Showroom

At this time, Jiang Cheng found a journal on his desk with "Anatomy and Clinic" written on the cover. This reminded Jiang Cheng of the two anatomy professors Yuan Xiaoyi mentioned.

After that incident, the two professors seemed to have disappeared from the world. Not only did students never see them again, but their names were also removed from the college website.

Judging from the seal on the door, Jiang Cheng was 80% sure that this was the former office of the two professors, but it was closed after the incident.

"Doctor." The fat man said in a surprised voice, "Come and see, I found it!"

The fat man stood in front of a small table that was left alone by the wall. There were several pieces of paper on the table and a bottle of blue and black ink. There was a registration book under the ink bottle.

Jiang Cheng picked it up and read it, and found that it was almost identical to the one he saw in the security room just now.

Jiang Cheng handed the notebook to the fat man, "You sign it."

It could be seen that the fat man had a physical resistance to signing on it, but because the doctor asked him to do so, he did not hesitate and quickly signed his name on it - Wang Fugui.

Then they didn't stay long, found the stairs on the other side, and quickly reached the third floor.

Just after they arrived on the third floor, Huaiyi seemed to sense something. He turned his head, looked at the stairs he had just passed, and frowned: "Did you hear anything?"

Wen Liangshan swallowed his saliva and said, "I heard something before. Could it be done by another group of people?"

"No." Huaiyi said in a deep voice: "Since we separated just now, we haven't heard the voice of the other group of people. I suspect that this building will block our communication with each other, even if there are two people on the same floor." In the corridor, I couldn't hear the other party's cry for help. "

"So terrifying?" Looking at Wen Liangshan's unseen look, this was obviously beyond his knowledge.

This is obviously saying that even if one group of people is killed by a ghost, the other group of people not far away may not know anything.

"It's not that scary, just take care of yourself." Jiang Cheng interrupted.

Huai Yi frowned slightly, but then Jiang Cheng patted his shoulder very naturally.

Huai Yi's eyes changed and he understood immediately. Jiang Cheng also agreed with his guess. He must have even noticed something following them in the darkness behind.

But you can just know some of the guesses and don't say them out, because saying them will not do any good except making everyone more frightened.

Even if there is really something following them behind them, can they turn around now and fight that thing desperately?

Now their only hope of survival is to get the signature signed.

Yuan Xiaoyi on the third floor specifically mentioned that at the end of the corridor on the third floor, there is a second specimen showroom, which displays many human specimens in transparent glass jars.

There is obviously no one inside, but it makes a strange "click-click" sound in the dead of night, like someone tapping a glass jar with their hands.

And there is no need to clean it inside, it is very clean.

Jiang Cheng guessed that the registration book on the third floor should be stored in this specimen display room.

Now that they had a target, their speed was much faster. Jiang Cheng was at the front, taking pictures of the wall with his mobile phone. After passing by one brand after another, they finally found this specimen showroom with rumors about strange stories.

"The Second Specimen Exhibition Room." The fat man said word by word to the words on the sign beside the door.

Wen Liangshan looked at the door and said in a very strange tone: "Look, this door is open."

Only then did everyone notice that the door of the showroom was ajar, as if someone had deliberately left a small crack. When they got closer, they could feel the cold air coming out from the crack.

This time Jiang Cheng didn't force Wen Liangshan, but opened the door himself.

After shining the flashlight inside, the scene inside can't help but send chills down the back. Different organs are floating in the glass container. Under the influence of the light, they look increasingly weird.

The solution in the originally transparent glass jar also looked filthy, with floc constantly surging back and forth inside, making people's scalp numb.

Jiang Cheng and the others slowly walked into the room. Their first impression was that it would be a pity if some supernatural events didn't happen here.

The entire showroom was much larger than they imagined. It was divided into two rooms, inside and outside. There were several rows of display racks in the middle of the room, which greatly restricted the view.

Even though time was running out now, Jiang Cheng did not let everyone separate.

If they were to be separated in a place like this, Jiang Cheng had a feeling that if they met again, they would have to come out with more than one person.

Quickly walking between the display racks, Jiang Cheng became more and more convinced that the registration book must be here.

After searching the showroom outside, they then entered the inner hall, but as soon as they entered the inner hall, the scene inside caught them off guard.

Rows of severed limbs floated in glass containers, as if greeting the uninvited guests.

"Strange, why are there so many hands and feet?" Huai Yi sounded confused. Although he has never been to such a place, this is the specimen display room of the medical school, a place where students can observe the specimens more intuitively.

According to common sense, a few specimens of the same kind are enough, but here there are dozens of severed hands and feet!

What do you want to do with such a quantity? Why does it feel like you are not in a medical school, but like you are in the warehouse of those killers with collecting habits in foreign movies?

These are collections.

Others had a similar feeling. Finally, when he turned a corner and moved to the last row of the exhibition hall, Boon Liang Shan, who was also lighting up with a flashlight, couldn't hold back and screamed.

"What the hell are you yelling about!" Huai Yi pulled him over. If the situation here didn't allow it, he would have taught him a lesson.

Wen Liangshan stared at the nearest glass jar, which was placed on a higher shelf. A human head was soaked in it.

Jiang Cheng also shone the flashlight on the human head. The solution in the glass jar was turbid. After so many years, the human head in the jar was still lifelike.

This was the head of a middle-aged man. From Jiang Cheng's perspective, he could see the pale muscles of the neck.

But fortunately, the human head closed its eyes and was very quiet.

As the light extended to the distance, the fat man's face became extremely ugly. The display shelf against the wall was full of human heads.

The impact brought by this moment was incomparable to other specimens.

But there was also good news. They found a small table opposite the display shelf where the human heads were placed. It seemed to be temporarily placed here.

On the table, there was a registration book.

This time Jiang Cheng leaned over and signed his name on it.

After signing, just as he looked up, his peripheral vision inadvertently passed over a glass jar containing severed fingers in front of him.

The next second, his movements froze, and through the reflection of the glass jar, he saw that the dozen or so human heads displayed behind him all opened their eyes.

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