Nightmare Attack

Chapter 637 Don’t worry

"Although you predicted it, sending No. 6 to stop Gong Zhe is still too risky." The cowboy man paused, a trace of weirdness slipped from his eyes, "It's too risky. Read"

"How's he doing there?" the cowboy man asked.

"I don't know." The lazy voice came again, "The phone call couldn't be reached half an hour ago, but I think we'd better not disturb them. After all, it's the reunion of father and son, and it's reasonable to say something from the heart, isn't it? ?"

In a town about ten kilometers away from the villa, on the second floor of a cafe, by the window, a boy dressed as a middle school student turned his head and looked out the window.

The sun was setting, and the afterglow of the setting sun dyed the sky blood red. A few playing cards stayed on the table, spread out by a ray of the setting sun.

In the light and shadow, the characters on the playing cards seemed to come alive.

Leaving went smoother than expected. Although they encountered a cordon set up by several teams of police officers, they were allowed to leave without any trouble after just a few questionings.

This also further confirms that the target of the night watchman is Luohe Fufu and his party, and of course, Pi Ruan.

These people are members of the Crimson.


Until he returned to Rongcheng and sat down on the sofa, Fatty still couldn't stop being afraid. The previous experience was like a dream, and he thought he was going to overturn this time.

Huaiyi was worried about the sisters-in-law in the villa, so he left first.

Lin Waner, Jiang Cheng, and Fatty were the only three people left in the studio.

Because of Pi Ruan's incident, everyone seemed to be in a bad mood. Fatty wanted to say something several times, but in the end he chose to shut up and go to the kitchen to prepare food.

But after taking out the fried steak, Jiang Cheng was the only one left on the sofa. "Where is Boss Lin?" The fat man asked, stretching his neck. The first fried steak was given to her.

"Someone is looking for me." Jiang Cheng said, "It seems to be a business matter."

So Jiang Cheng and Fatty were left alone for dinner.

Boss Lin was away, and the fat man no longer had so many taboos. He took the time to ask: "Doctor, how could Pi Ruan get together with Luo He and the others? Also, don't Luo He and the others have night watchman IDs? How come they themselves People still arrest their own people?”

Jiang Cheng forked a piece of cut steak into his mouth, chewed slowly and said, "They have known each other before, and having documents does not mean they are night watchmen."

"You mean they are not the Night Watchmen, they are Crimson!" Fatty's voice changed. They were worthy of the Night Watchmen's vigorous response. The Fatty's first thought was them.

Originally, they were doing trouble in the name of Crimson, but they didn't expect that they actually encountered the real Crimson, and even encountered three of them in one encounter.

The weirdest thing is that they are pretending to be Crimson, and Crimson is actually pretending to be a Night Watchman.

An idea suddenly came to the fat man's mind. It would be more interesting if Zhao Xingguo and his party were night watchmen. One could add that the night watchmen pretended to be ordinary people attracted by the website.

Everyone is acting, and each other's identities can form a closed loop.

But these are not important at this moment. What is really important is Pi Ruan's identity. The fat man hesitated for a moment before tentatively asking: "Doctor, Pi Ruan and you have known each other for a while, right?"

Picking up the coffee cup, Jiang Cheng took a sip of coffee. It was still a familiar recipe, and the taste of a 5-cent instant coffee bursting on the tip of his tongue: "Well, it's been a few years."

"I know what you want to ask." Jiang Cheng put down the cup and said, "For this period of time, I have always felt that someone is watching me, and now it seems that it is Pi Ruan."

After a moment, the fat man's eyes widened with a look of realization and a little loss at the same time, "Doctor, did you still doubt me?"

The fat man just reacts slowly, not really stupid. Moreover, as long as he is a normal person, he can connect the relationship between them.

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng shook his head.

Seeing this scene, the fat man's face returned to rosy.

"Not only in the past." Jiang Cheng said: "It is also now, but I haven't found direct evidence yet. Don't worry, give me some more time."

Fatty: "Doctor, I swear that I am really a good person. Just like Boss Lin, I am a person who treats you wholeheartedly."

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Cheng's wrist shook and the coffee almost spilled.

"Doctor, what's wrong with you?" The fat man stood up and asked with concern: "I have worked as a nurse, and what you did just now is very similar to a client I once nursed. By the way, he had a cerebral thrombosis, and he was blocked at every turn."

"It's okay." Jiang Cheng glanced at the fat man thoughtfully, then looked away and continued eating the steak on the plate.

After chatting with the doctor about some things that were not available, the fat man himself felt tired, so he packed up the plates and cutlery and took them to the kitchen to clean them.

When he came back, he found that no one was downstairs. The fat man wiped his hands and went upstairs to call the doctor's name. Finally, he found that Jiang Cheng had gone back to the bedroom.

The bedroom door was closed, and the doctor's coat hung on a hanger outside.

"It seems that the doctor is also tired." The fat man thought to himself, "Maybe in addition to being tired, he is also a little worried. After all, Pi Ruan has been following him for so long, and suddenly he said that he was Crimson and was lurking around him with a purpose. The previous It’s all a disguise, and no one would be able to accept it.”

"Besides, the doctor is not as heartless as he seems." The fat man lay on the pillow with the quilt pulled up to his chin. "He just doesn't know how to express himself and is unforgiving, but as a friend, he is still very reliable."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have taken the initiative to help Pi Ruan seek justice."

Thinking of Pi Ruan, Fatty felt angry, but thinking about it carefully, it didn't seem that exaggerated. After all, Fatty scratched his head and found no evidence that Pi Ruan wanted to harm them.

Except Chen Qiang.

On the contrary, the other party treated me to a lot of delicious food, including steak, lobster, and hairy crabs. Now the refrigerator is still full of "materials" sent by Pi Ruan.

It seemed that besides lurking, he didn't do anything harmful to them.

Every time he saw him, Pi Ruan was very enthusiastic, not to mention asking for help. The fat man even felt that Pi Ruan was too kind to him, and his eyes were shining when he looked at him.

If he hadn't seen his secretary, Miss Lin, beside him, and there was no clear understanding between the two of them, the fat man would have definitely doubted his orientation.

"I hope he won't be caught by the night watchman." Turning over, the fat man wrapped himself tightly in the quilt and muttered softly.

Unlike the fat man who relaxed after escaping death, Jiang Cheng did not sleep, but sat on the mattress. The cold moonlight outside the window shone in and just reflected on his face.

He had been thinking about Pi Ruan along the way. Various clues were intertwined, and some of the doubts he had had were finally answered.

Pi Ruan is the pair of eyes lurking next to him, and the most terrifying thing is that this layout started a few years ago.

"But I introduced Pi Ruan to the person I know." Jiang Cheng paused, "But Lin Wan'er."

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