Nightmare Attack

Chapter 631 Stalemate

Opening the door, Jiang Cheng walked into the room. ReadМ

Fatty, Huai Yi, and Pi Ruan were all there. In addition, there was an unexpected person from Jiangcheng - Luo He.

The atmosphere in the room was very depressing. Luo He was sitting next to the bunk bed with an indescribably weird expression on his face, and Fu Fu was lying next to him.

Fu Fu closed her eyes tightly and kept rolling under her eyelids, but unlike the Pan Du Ling Hu Yong she had seen before, she did not have that weird smile on her face, and she looked like she was asleep.

"What's going on?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Before Luo He could speak, Pi Ruan's voice rang out, "It scared me to death. We agreed to take turns keeping watch at night, but it turned out it was her turn. I went to call her, but she couldn't wake up no matter how I called."

"I tried it. Except for not breathing and having a lower body temperature, everything else is the same as normal people." Huaiyi continued.

The fat man heard this and criticized: "Brother Huaiyi, pay attention to your wording. She is not breathing and her body temperature is low. Who is a normal person like this? Let me see, I'm afraid it won't be long before she becomes like Pan Duling. Hu Yong and the others are the same.”

No matter what, Fu Fu must have been tricked. The feeling standing next to her was exactly the same as facing Pan Duling, Hu Yong and the others.

Looking away from Fu Fu, Jiang Cheng looked at Luo He, "When did you come?"

"Just arrived.

Seemingly knowing what Jiang Cheng really wanted to ask, Luo He continued: "I came out half an hour ago. Something happened in the police station and they didn't have time to take care of me."

"I saw several corpses being carried, with white cloths covering their faces. I heard the people carrying the corpses whispering that there were still people dead. Many people died last night."

Having said this, Luo He tilted his head and said as if pointing out: "We have seen those corpses, they are the Japanese women who were with Yoko."

"People from the police station were still at the photo studio and found several photos. The photos recorded a supernatural event."

"Yoko's child is dead, but following a ceremony, her child came back to life strangely." Luo He paused, "The person who presided over the ceremony was the great priest Yamamoto, and the person in charge of taking pictures was from the photo studio. Boss Sang.”

"As far as I know, Yoko's child is also named Mr. Yamamoto."

As Luo He told some situations, the previous clues gradually came together.

The small footprints that Jiang Cheng had seen and the small black handprints on the back of the photo studio owner had explanations.

"The ceremony you saw should be a kind of inheritance." Jiang Cheng thought briefly and said, "The names of every great priest are ancestors of Yamamoto.

"The last great priest, Liu Laizi, was cursed because of excessive use of the gate's ability. Yoko's child is the next successor he chose."

"Every great priest is a disciple, and what they inherit is that door."

The fat man was confused at first, but he finally understood, "So now we have to deal with not only Cripple Liu, but also that child. Is the ghost on him?"

"I think it's enough to just deal with that kid." Luo He said and took out a photo from his pocket. There were two people in the photo.

A man and a woman were hung up with a rope around their necks, their feet dangling in the air. They were obviously dead.

The background is the Feng family mourning hall that Fu Fu in Jiangcheng had just visited last night.

The woman is Yoko, and the man is Liu Laizi.

"Dead?" Fatty stared at the photo, as if he couldn't accept so much information at the same time. Liu Laizi, whom they had been investigating, died silently.

Luo He nodded, "He is dead, and we have searched around the body, but there is no such child."

Looking at the sleeping beauty-like Fu Fu, Jiang Cheng frowned, "What's going on with her like this? Do you know?"

"She was trapped by that thing, in a place similar to a dream, but that thing couldn't hurt her for the time being. Likewise, she couldn't get rid of the thing and leave the dream." Luo He answered without thinking.

"Is this considered a stalemate?" Huai Yi asked in surprise.

"That's right, but it will be detrimental to us in the long run." Luo He replied.

This is obvious. After all, their time is limited. They are very close to the deadline given by Director Qiao to solve the case, but they have just determined the identity of the ghost.

Seemingly seeing what everyone was thinking, Luo He shook his head and said in an uncomfortable tone: "There is no time, we only have a few hours at most."

"She can't hold it anymore." Luo He looked at Fu Fu, with an inexplicable emotion flowing in his eyes. "When I first came here, she was still breathing a little, and her body temperature was not as low as it is now."

Judging from the results, Fu Fu was slowly turning into a dead person, and the face Huaiyi stared at Fu Fu seemed a little weirder than when he first saw it.

He wouldn't be surprised at all if the next second he would turn into a weird smile like Pan Duling and Hu Yong's.

The clue characters Liu Laizi and Yoko were both dead, and the real ghost disappeared without a trace. Seeing that the somewhat promising situation was once again reaching a deadlock.

"What do you mean by a few hours?" Huai Yi looked at Luo He, "I think she still has a few hours. It's impossible for her to die. We all have to die with her."

At this juncture, it doesn't matter whether the words you say sound good or not, what matters is reality.

But what Huaiyi didn't expect was that Luo He was not angry. Instead, he turned his eyes to him and said calmly: "Yes, if she dies, everyone will die."

"Why?" Huaiyi asked.

"As a disciple, you should know that there is a door called the Weird Door." Luo He said, "What is inside this door is."

He looked down at Fu Fu, and after a while, he said, "She also has a door like this inside her body."

"So whether the door in Fu Fu's body is swallowed up, or some unknown situation occurs due to the collision, such as two strange forces losing control at the same time, the end result is the same, we will all die here."

Luo He's tone was very light and there was no threat. He was just stating the facts calmly, but this fact was more difficult for others to accept.

"What should we do to have a chance?" Jiang Cheng turned to look at Luo He. Since he put forward a specific time limit of a few hours, there might be a way.

"My ability can send a person into the dream they are experiencing. If I can find a flaw in the dream, the game will be over." Luo He said.

"In that case, why don't you go in?" Jiang Cheng asked a question that was not very nice, but very relevant.

"Yes, my Brother Jiang is right, why don't you go in?" Huai Yi helped, saying that Luo He and Fu Fu were teammates, so logically speaking, he would be the one to take the spot.

Hearing this, Luo He unbuttoned his clothes and pulled them down, exposing his shoulders. Everyone was surprised to see a dark handprint on them.

"I tried, but failed." Luo He said while putting on his clothes.

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