Nightmare Attack

Chapter 525 Website

The light and shadow in front of them changed, and the feet of several people suddenly became solid. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

When he opened his eyes again, he was back in the elevator where he left.

There was a crisp "ding" sound, and the elevator door suddenly opened. It was no longer the hospital outside, but the 17th floor of the building where they had been.

Jiang Cheng remembered that not far after walking out, he turned a corner and there was Nan Huaili's office.

They are back.

"You two." Huaiyi turned around and showed a wry smile, "I didn't expect that we actually survived."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Cheng's eyes seemed to be suddenly attracted by something, focusing on Lin Wan'er's arm, where there were two obvious hole-like wounds.

As Lin Wan'er moved her arms, blood seeped out from time to time.

The wounds don't go away.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. It was full of missed calls and various message notifications.

And the time displayed on the phone had already been three full days since they entered that strange hospital.

He did not enter while sleeping. The damage suffered in the nightmare has not healed, and time has not been reset. Jiang Cheng's eyes narrowed slightly.

The rules of nightmares have changed, becoming different from what I have experienced before, and becoming closer and closer to reality.

When he encountered the ghost rental car before, Jiang Cheng noticed that there seemed to be a power that was slowly eroding the boundary between nightmares and reality.

The emergence of ghost hospitals now confirms this point.

The middle-aged man obviously knew more than Huai Yi, but extracting information from him required equal exchange, and he didn't have so many constraints when facing Huai Yi.

After all, he is his brother.

After sending Lin Wan'er away, Jiang Cheng put his arm on Huai Yi's shoulder, "Brother Huai Yi." Jiang Cheng smiled and said, "You don't mind taking me to your house."

"No, of course I don't mind."

After getting into Huaiyi's car, the two of them quickly arrived in front of a community. The buildings and facilities in the community were relatively old, and it looked more like an older family area.

"You live here?" Jiang Cheng asked as he opened the car door and stepped out of the car.

Huaiyi didn't look like a man who was short of money, and he drove a good car. He thought he would see a sea-view villa and a bikini girl after getting off the car.

After Huaiyi parked the car, he took out the keys and got out of the car. "This was my parents' house. Later they moved away, and I was left to live here alone."

Jiang Cheng looked at him dissatisfied, "The sea view villa, Yu Jie Loli and other things you mentioned before, are they all just fake?"

"How could it be?" Huai Yi opened his eyes wide, "But I don't usually live there, I just go there for fun when I'm not feeling weak.

Then, as if he had thought of something, he lowered his voice and said, "You also know that in our industry, it's easy to make enemies with others, so most of the time it's better to keep a low profile."

"Hidden in the city, who would know that I am hiding here." After saying that, Huaiyi chuckled and said: "Every time I come back, I change my clothes in the car and put on this equipment. Let alone an outsider, I am When my parents came back, they didn’t recognize me.”

Jiang Cheng looked at Huaiyi who had changed his outfit and was wearing sunglasses, a mask, and a cap. He felt that there was something wrong with this guy.

In such an old community with a serious aging population, driving a black Mercedes-Benz Jeep and still wearing such a weird outfit

Is he here to be funny?

As he hasn't been approached by his enemies yet, Jiang Cheng really wonders if this guy doesn't have any enemies at all.

I looked like a very smart person in the nightmare. How come I left the nightmare and forgot my intelligence in the nightmare?

Looking at Jiang Cheng's eyes, Huaiyi scratched his head in embarrassment, "Actually, it's not as scary as it sounds. After all, there is a trade union in charge of it. Generally speaking, no one dares to mess around. We are not those crazy people in Crimson who have enough food and clothing to support themselves. High-quality talents." At this point, Huai Yi stopped abruptly, and then came back abruptly.

"Don't be nervous." Jiang Cheng shrugged nonchalantly, "You can say whatever you want. We Crimson are not unreasonable people."

"That's it." Huai Yi said with a guilty conscience.

"Yes, for those who don't cooperate with us, the most we can do is tie you up and mail them home." Jiang Cheng looked at Huai Yi with kind eyes and said gently: "Separate mail."

"First mail the limbs, then the torso, and separate the head and facial features. If you behave better, we will also include a tutorial with the package." Jiang Cheng patiently introduced: "After your family receives the package, follow the tutorial Let’s put it together again, and then the suona will sound, and the funeral will take place directly.”

Hearing this, Huaiyi's legs shook and he almost sat on the ground, "What did Brother Jiang say? Let's not talk about this anymore. It's so exciting. Come and sit at my house quickly."

Huaiyi's home is the third-to-last family building in the community. It still has a very old, dark green unit door. A few buttons on it have fallen off, so it has obviously been broken for a long time.

There is no elevator in the old community, so there are only 6 floors in total.

Huaiyi's home is on the 6th floor, 602.

According to him, the family across the street had moved away long ago.

Huaiyi's room was not large, and it didn't feel like a home overall. It felt more like a rental house. Things were piled everywhere in it, and there were a lot of beer bottles.

But I saw no cigarette butts and no ashtray.

"I don't smoke." Huaiyi told Jiang Cheng not to dislike it and sit wherever he wanted. At the same time, he explained: "I just drink beer occasionally, not white. I can't drink well."

Looking around, he didn't find anything of value. Huaiyi's life was still very simple, except for a laptop on the table in his bedroom.

The computer looks relatively high-end and is incompatible with the environment here.

Huaiyi noticed Jiang Cheng looking at the computer and immediately explained: "We usually take orders on the guild website."

"The Guild is just a proxy name. It's actually a website where someone posts some pending cases."

"Of course, it's all about that kind of thing."

Jiang Cheng nodded. He naturally knew that Huaiyi was referring to supernatural events.

"There are people of all kinds inside, including people like us and ordinary people with means and backgrounds. In short, the water is very deep."

"Everyone's appeal is to solve these difficult cases. The website is just a platform." Huaiyi lowered his voice, "What is really scary is the force behind the manipulation of the website, which has the shadow of that thing."

"Country." Jiang Cheng glanced at Huai Yi and said.

This is an obvious thing. It is impossible to create such a place without disturbing the state machinery. Without its acquiescence, not to mention a guild, even 10 would have to be wiped out.

After all, disciples are also human beings, and they are all human beings who are not afraid of 62 steel core armor-piercing bullets.

"This business was also received from the website?" Jiang Cheng tilted his head and asked.


Jiang Cheng thought for a few seconds and then said: "Pull out the information on this business, I want to see it."

Soon, a piece of information appeared on the computer.

"Codename: Chuangrong Building Grimace Incident."

"Supernatural incident level: C level."

"Threat level: ☆☆"

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