Nightmare Attack

Chapter 352 Waiting is the longest love confession...

"Why?" Jiang Cheng, who was staring at the computer furtively, stopped on the spot, cleared his throat, looked at the fat man and said, "Mr. Lu Xun once said that a normal man"

"Doctor, please shut up." The fat man's head was buzzing and he said with a grimace, "I'm really afraid that your next book will open to Mr. Lu Xun himself, and then someone will catch him and have his head smashed." "

After glaring at Jiang Cheng, Xu Yi changed her attitude towards Chu Jiu, "You continue talking." She said, "Try to be as detailed as possible."

"Don't be afraid." Jiao Tailang also encouraged: "We are all here, you are safe."

I have to say that Jiao Tailang's face is very good-looking, with a sporty and delicate look, and his voice is also pleasant. Chu Jiu looked at him and said "hmm".

Jiang Cheng immediately became unhappy.

The unhappiness can be seen on his face.

The fat man secretly poked him and asked him to be more restrained.

So for a long time in the future, the fat man could hear the doctor whispering something like that. He must not be a serious man with such a name. He only deceives ignorant girls. He is either a trafficker or a scumbag. Barabara's.

Maybe he's still gay.

"I didn't wake up after falling asleep, I didn't sleep all night." Chu Jiu whispered: "Staying in that room, I felt uncomfortable all over and couldn't fall asleep even after tossing and turning.

After pausing for a moment, Chu Jiu's lips turned white, probably recalling, "It was probably in the middle of the night, when I was just a little confused, the light in the bedroom suddenly flickered, and then slowly went out."

"I woke up immediately and hid in the bed." She swallowed, "I huddled under the quilt and didn't dare to move."

"I could feel like there was something suddenly in the room."

"It's very close to me, very close, but I can't see it."

Seemingly feeling that Chu Jiu was too nervous, Xu Yi stretched out a hand and slowly stretched her back. She didn't let go until Chu Jiu's face felt better.

"I was so scared at the time that I shrank into the quilt and wrapped myself tightly. Slowly, I heard some very special sounds."

"It was very small at first, but gradually it became clearer. It was a very subtle friction sound." Chu Jiu recalled: "It was very soft, the sound was very light, and it was just under my bed!!"

"It sounded like the friction of clothes and fabric against the floor. I knew immediately that there was someone under my bed, and that person was crawling out!"

As if she had imagined the scene at that time, Yu Lan, who was closer to her, looked bad, her face was as white as that.

It’s hard to imagine that so many bizarre things happened just last night.

"Then what?" someone asked.

Chu Jiu's pretty face was pale, and her whole body was trembling, but even so, she still suppressed the memory and said: "I gradually felt the bed move, as if something was pressing down."

The fat man gasped, and the ghost actually climbed onto the bed.

"He's right next to me, I can feel it," Chu Jiu said without even speaking his tongue. "He was lying in the position where I was before. I heard the sound of the pillow being pressed."

"He was lying next to me, motionless, but I knew he hadn't left, he was waiting for me."

"It's been a long time, I don't know exactly how long, but I feel like it's getting a little brighter, and I think that guy should leave."

"They are afraid of the sun, aren't they?"

"So I chose the opposite direction to him, leaning against the window, and secretly opened a crack in the tightly pressed quilt. I leaned into the crack and looked outside, and found that it was still dark outside."

"But this is impossible!" she said firmly, "because the whole room was already slightly lit up, so I bravely took another look."

"Suddenly" Chu Jiu called out, "the darkness moved. It was a very strange squirming movement, like countless black snakes scattered around."

"That guy didn't leave at all!" Chu Jiu's face was pale and he couldn't control his voice. "He was squatting in front of my bed, waiting for me, waiting for me to lift the quilt!!"

"That's her head! It has loose hair!"

"Those weird long hairs wormed their way in through the gaps like snakes. Some of them got wrapped around my wrists, and some actually wormed their way into my mouth!"

"I couldn't stand it anymore, so I lifted off the quilt and ran outside. I opened the door and rushed to the corridor. Fortunately, the thing didn't catch up with me." After saying this in one breath, she was still in shock.

"Later on, it was Sister Xu Yi who found me." She said gratefully.

Xu Yi nodded and confirmed: "I heard a sound outside the door. When I opened the door, I saw Chu Jiu outside." After a pause, she added: "It was almost daylight at that time."

"What do you mean that thing didn't catch up with you?" Jiang Cheng asked, "Are you sure she chased you?"

"Sure!" Chu Jiu replied without hesitation.

"When I was running away, I would feel numbness on the back of my neck from time to time, as if someone was sweeping back and forth with the ends of my hair."

"She kept chasing me, but for some reason, she stopped chasing me after I ran out the door."

"When I looked back, I saw a large amount of hair piled up on the door frame, and it looked like there was a head inside!"

"Miss Xu." Jiang Cheng looked at Xu Yi, "Did you see the hair she mentioned?"

Shaking her head, Xu Yi replied: "No, I only saw her door open."

Chu Jiu seemed to have misunderstood Jiang Cheng's meaning and immediately said: "What I said is true. You must believe me. It's really terrible. She has been waiting for me all night for that thing!"

"That's right." Chu Jiu seemed to have thought of something. He took out a small paper bag from his pocket, opened it, and put it on the table, "Look!"

Everyone gathered around and found a lock of hair inside.

The hair was very long, probably a woman's, and it looked wet, sticky, and had a faint fishy smell.

"What is this?" Wei Jinting came up to take a look. He didn't dare to touch it with his hands, so he could only get as close as possible, hoping to see it more clearly.

On the paper that wrapped the hair, there was a very strange thing, which was thin and brown, with a few hairs tightly stuck to it.

"It's the scalp." Someone said softly.

Wei Jinting was agitated for a moment, and then his whole body felt bad. He pursed his lips and his throat rolled with difficulty.

It was Wu who spoke, and the exposed half of his face remained expressionless.

The atmosphere was a little stagnant for a while.

It can be seen that everyone is thinking.

In one night, they were attacked by three ghosts at the same time. What was even more terrifying than the appearance of the three ghosts was that none of them suffered any casualties.

Not only that, they all used their own methods to injure the ghosts.

If there are no ghosts here, then you really have seen ghosts.

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