Nightmare Attack

Chapter 336 Miao Village

It was Xiaowan whom I had met in the brothel before.

And she called the dead middle-aged woman mother.

Looking back and forth between Xiao Wan, the middle-aged woman, and Butler Zhou, the fat man took a deep breath. It turned out that they were a family.

"You guys" Xiaowan stared, as if she wanted to kill someone.

She looks quite outstanding, otherwise she would not be as good as Xuanji, but at this moment, her pretty face is filled with resentment.

"Why why?!" She clenched her fists and yelled at the top of her lungs: "Why do you people want to help that villain?"

"He did so many evil things back then, shouldn't Mr. Huang deserve to die?!"

Housekeeper Zhou was holding the middle-aged woman's body, his whole body trembling. It could be seen that he was truly moved by the woman in his arms.

He stroked the middle-aged woman's face and combed her hair little by little.

"Back then" the fat man was stunned for a moment.

Xiao Wan, however, seemed to be going crazy, crying and scolding them. Gradually, Fatty's eyes began to change from confusion to clarity, and finally, even his pupils began to tremble.

No one likes to have a wound opened, not only because they are afraid of pain, but more importantly, they are unwilling to face the bloody reality under the wound.

Their previous guesses weren't entirely correct.

At least here in Xuanji.

She is really the daughter of Housekeeper Zhou and Xiaowan's biological sister.

What shocked Fatty even more was that she knew all about the mystery.

She is not only a victim of the conspiracy, but also a participant in the conspiracy and the most determined executor.

Even the conspiracy itself was originally thought up by Xuanji.

In order to convince her father, mother, and sister to carry out the plan, she spent countless hours, and finally, the family agreed with tears in their eyes.

The purpose is revenge.

Revenge against Mr. Huang.

Although it seems now that Mr. Huang is an out-and-out good man, even anyone in the town knows the title of Mr. Huang and Huang Dashanren.

In the eyes of the people in the town, Mr. Huang is kind-hearted, kind-hearted, and willing to give charity. Whenever the harvest is not good in disaster years, he will set up a porridge shed in the town to give out some rice and porridge.

Even people from several nearby towns would come to ask for a meal after hearing the news.

It was because of this meal that many families did not starve to death.

But only the survivors like Butler Zhou know how this kind-hearted and wealthy "Huang Dashan" made his fortune back then.

What despicable and vicious methods were used!

Ten years ago, about 30 miles away from here, there was a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters called Miaojiazhai.

Although it is called a village, it is actually a village with a population of less than 200.

This Miao village is extraordinary. It has beautiful mountains and rivers and outstanding people. It is especially famous for its tea production. During the rainy season, the tea merchants who come to collect tea almost destroy the village gate.

The village owner here is called Miao Fu, who is the biological father of Housekeeper Zhou.

When the disaster came, housekeeper Zhou was out with his family and was not in the stronghold, so he barely escaped.

When I returned to Miaojiazhai, everything had changed.

The originally beautiful village became torn to pieces, with scattered corpses everywhere. When he pushed open the door of his house with trembling hands, the scene in front of him almost made this tough man faint immediately.

Nine heads were strung into strings and hung on wooden stakes nearby.

At the top is his father, then his mother, brother, sister, and at the bottom is his little nephew who is less than 5 years old.

A pair of bloody eyes opened angrily, refusing to rest in peace.

The wind blew, and the string of human heads swayed slightly.

The corpses were piled messily aside, and the blood dripping freely next to the headless body silently accused the perpetrator of the evil deeds.

Almost immediately, the man named Miao Cheng knew who the murderer was.

Less than 30 miles away from Miaojiazhai, there is another village called Huangjiapo.

It is also famous for its tea production, and it is a bitter business rival with Miao Village, which is not far away. The two families have been fighting openly and secretly for many years.

Recently, news came from above that the prince was considering choosing a tea as this year's tribute.

This is a great honor.

After all, within this hundred-mile radius, the only two families that could take action were Miaojiazhai and Huangjiapo.

The final winner will definitely come from one of the two.

So the prince sent someone to tell both families to prepare tea, and he wanted to taste the tea himself to decide the final winner.

But on that day, the old housekeeper who was responsible for making tea turned black and fell to the ground when he was trying the tea for the prince.

After a while, he died of anger.

And the tea he drank was sent from Miao Village.

Later, after inspection by the pharmacist in the palace, several teas sent from Miao Village were found to be highly poisonous. What's even more vicious is that only the best teas among them were poisoned.

The murderer's evil heart is clearly revealed.

The prince was furious, and hundreds of people died in Miao Village. The entire village was almost burned to the ground, and more than a hundred acres of tea fields were trampled by war horses.

Afterwards, a notice was posted, condemning the Miaojiazhai group as a major crime of rebellion, and the entire clan was to be executed.

From then on, Miao Cheng and his gang became lonely ghosts. They changed their surnames and even used some helpless methods to change their appearance. From a rich family with no worries about food and clothing, they became the humblest actor.

Of course he didn't dare to show his face in the theater, so he could only put on paper clothes, disguise himself as a human being or a ghost, and sing for others in exchange for a meal.

Finally, by chance, he found some survivors of the Miao Village and took them in, and everyone gathered together to make a living.

One of the children who survived the massacre was stuffed into a gap in the grass wall by her mother and barely escaped death.

And her parents and relatives all died.

According to her, the person who came with officers and soldiers at that time was the steward of Huang Jiapo, who is now Mr. Huang, a member of Huang Dashan.

He also took advantage of the officers and soldiers not paying attention and left the same poison as in the royal tea at the scene, and was undoubtedly searched out by the officers and soldiers in the end.

The serious crime of Miaojiazhai's evil intentions was confirmed.

Later, the entire village was massacred.

From then on, Miao Cheng changed his name to Leader Zheng. The only purpose of these homeless ghosts gathering together to survive was revenge.

At the same time, Huang Jiapo's business was booming, their tea was valued by the superiors, and Mr. Huang himself was promoted step by step, and he even became a nominal official by buying connections.

I moved to the town and lived a leisurely life.

Perhaps he knew that his sins were serious, so he prayed to gods and worshiped Buddha everywhere. Monks and Taoists often came and went to chant sutras and ask questions.

He is also charitable and kind to others. Over time, he actually got the title of Huang Dashanren. His only son, Mr. Huang, is even more proud of Mr. Huang.

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