Nightmare Attack

Chapter 329: A way out (Thanks to the leader of the boss without (taboo))

The fat man pursed his lips and turned his head to the other side. "Who will pay for the burden?" Jiang Cheng heard him say.

"Fat brother." After hesitating for a moment, Chen Qiang finally persuaded: "Although I don't know what your relationship is with that little beggar, he is already dead. Even if we snatch him back, he will not be resurrected."

"And you should have figured out that the whole thing is a trap. They want to force us to take action and have already prepared an ambush in advance."

The fat man didn't react at all to Chen Qiang's words. His big body was shaking slightly. Jiang Cheng couldn't see his face because of the angle.

"This is for you." Jiang Cheng said.

Hearing this, the fat man paused for a moment, then slowly turned his head back. His eyes were extremely red and swollen. He turned his head away because he didn't want the doctor to see his face.

"This is for you." Jiang Cheng took something out of his arms and handed it to the fat man, "It fell out of the child and I picked it up."

After the fat man took it, he found a pearl in his hand. This pearl seemed to have been set in some jewelry before. There were signs of breakage on one side, as if it had been forcibly broken off.

Clutching the pearl, the fat man's whole body was trembling. He looked at the doctor as if he wanted to see through his calm face.

"Fat man." Jiang Cheng stretched out his hand, seemingly wanting to touch the fat man's head, but stopped midway. After a moment, he patted the fat man on the shoulder instead, "This is true, I didn't lie to you. "He looked into the fat man's eyes and said, "I promise."

Only then did the fat man look at the pearl in his hand. After a few seconds, the fat man's eyes were filled with tears again, and they fell down.

"Doctor." He clutched the pearl and choked up: "Did you hear what they said? This child was beaten to death for stealing things from the house. How could it be possible if he just stole food?

"She was beaten to death because she was trying to help us!" Fatty said excitedly: "It was me who hurt her! It was me who hurt her!"

"She believed in me so much that I couldn't even save her body."

"If you keep crying like this, you might die too, let alone avenge her." The suffocating atmosphere continued until the door was pushed open and Xia Meng walked in.

The fat man's expression paused, and then he looked away from Xia Meng and looked at the doctor, as if asking.

Jiang Cheng nodded, "An Xuan came back when you were unconscious just now, and he brought back a very important piece of information."

"If the intelligence is true, then I'm afraid there will be a fierce conflict between us and Butler Zhou." Jiang Cheng said, "Maybe the only way to survive is to kill them."

When the fat man heard this, he stood up from the bed. His red eyes and his huge body really overturned Xia Meng's previous impression of him, "When?"

"I don't know the details," Jiang Cheng said, "but it will definitely be very soon."

Don't think too much, this is a normal speculation. After all, the mission is almost over. In the end, either Butler Zhou and his team will be finished, or they will be wiped out.

"One more thing." Jiang Cheng looked at the fat man and said, "Youqi is dead."

"He?" the fat man frowned, "is he dead?"

"Yes." Jiang Cheng nodded, "Someone came to inform us just now that a body was found by the lake. I went to see it and it was You Qi."

Because he was afraid of irritating the fat man, Jiang Cheng did not say that the person who informed them was a big man with a thick wooden stick, and he still had a very provocative attitude.

"How did he die?" the fat man asked.

He glanced out the window again as if to confirm. The genius had just wiped the darkness. According to his understanding of the ghost in this copy, killings usually occur at night.

Unless he was like his teacher Liao Zhi, who slipped away to a dangerous place and then beat the drum to death.

Seemingly thinking of something, the fat man looked at Jiang Cheng and asked, "Did he go somewhere he shouldn't have gone?"

"Otherwise?" Xia Meng said indifferently.

Chen Qiang looked at the fat man and explained: "He went to Master Huang's attic alone, and then something happened."

"How do you know?" Fatty asked doubtfully. After all, Youqi couldn't tell others where he was going in advance.

Could it be that his eyes suddenly became sharp because of Butler Zhou and his group?

"It's An Xuan." Jiang Cheng said, "When You Qi secretly went to the attic, he happened to be hit by An Xuan brother, so we knew about it."

"That's what he said." Jiang Cheng added.

The fat man looked into the doctor's eyes, as if he suddenly understood something.

An Xuan Brothers

The doctor's wording sounded strange, but when he thought of the identities of An Xuan and You Qi, the whole thing became clear.

You Qi was killed by An Xuan.

With the help of ghosts.

Seemingly sensing Fatty's thoughts, Jiang Cheng said in a very natural tone: "Youqi's luck is better than others, at least his skin is still there."

After hearing the doctor's explanation, Fatty didn't feel anything at first, but suddenly he noticed that the expressions of Xia Meng and Chen Qiang had changed.

Especially the latter, he clearly seemed to hear something, but he pretended to know nothing.

Almost at the next second, a light flashed in the fat man's eyes. He turned his head to look at the doctor and found that the doctor was also staring at him.

Yuki's skin is still there.


Obviously, the skins of other people killed by ghosts were peeled off, including Tang Shirou, Qin Jian, and teacher Liao Zhi. Zuo Jing's screams last night were even more heartbreaking.

Their skins were all gone, so why was only Yuqi’s skin still there?

There is only one explanation.

Youqi was not killed by a ghost.

It's people.

Someone killed him!

Although Youqi's skin was still there, Chen Qiang couldn't help but feel chilled when he recalled the scene when he saw Youqi's body by the lake.

Youqi was lying face down on the edge of the lake, looking like nothing, like a person who had been drowned by the lake and then pushed to the shore by the waves.

But after turning his body over, the sight in front of him scared Chen Qiang to the point where he lost his balance and almost sat on the ground.

Yuqi's face disappeared.

No, it's not his face, it's his facial features. Except for the ears, the rest have disappeared. Judging from the wounds left behind, they should have been dug out with a knife or something like that.

His mouth was wide open, his tongue was missing, and even the two rows of teeth in the front had been knocked out.

The abdomen was opened, leaving only part of the intestines.

The injuries on the corpses were hideous and horrifying, and some of them seemed completely meaningless, just to increase the pain of the deceased.

That's all.

No one wants to explore what is missing from the body. After all, everyone already knows who the murderer is.

What frightened Chen Qiang even more was that An Xuan was standing beside them at that time, silently looking at You Qi at his feet, and said in a calm tone that You Qi's missing organ might not be missing, maybe it was in his stomach.

Judging from the final result, that's exactly what happened.

In Yuqi's belly, they found his eyes, nose, lips, and even teeth.

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