Nightmare Attack

Chapter 312 Vigil

"Ahem." Xia Meng swallowed a trace of the bloody smell in her throat, stared into Jiang Cheng's eyes, and said fiercely: "You will definitely regret it.

"The bed is over there." Jiang Cheng reached out and pointed at the bed where Xia Meng slept, and the threat was self-evident.

Xia Meng shut up immediately. After a while, she gritted her teeth and said, "No more, just the two of them."

"Who are they?"

Xia Meng looked at Jiang Cheng, and it took a long time to squeeze out a few words through her teeth: "Night Watch." She said harshly: "They are the Night Watch."

These three words seemed to represent a special meaning. Jiang Cheng keenly discovered that when Xia Meng mentioned these three words, something subconsciously appeared in Xia Meng's eyes, and then quickly disappeared.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Cheng asked, "Are they here for Crimson?"


Nodding, Jiang Cheng's previous guess was correct. Since Crimson is so terrifying and cruel in the mouth of middle-aged men, the players in the nightmare will inevitably organize a force to compete with it in order to survive.

It seems that the Night Watchman is one of them.

"Are you also a member of the Night Watch?" Jiang Cheng looked at Xia Meng and asked.


"You'd better be smarter." Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows meaningfully, "Otherwise, you know the consequences.

Xia Meng was extremely angry, but there was nothing she could do. She had already decided to go out and settle the score with him. "I told you, no, it's up to you whether you believe it or not."

"What is the original intention of the Night Watch?" Jiang Cheng continued to ask: "It can't just be to fight against Crimson."

The name "Night Watchman" sounds very decent. The literal meaning is that it is a type of person who protects people's peace at night, and is closer to a guardian-like existence.

Seemingly reading Jiang Cheng's thoughts, Xia Meng swallowed and nodded, "You are right. The original intention of the Night Watch is to deal with nightmares. They will try their best to save people who are involved in nightmares. Survive, the same goes for the siege of Crimson." She glanced at Jiang Cheng with a guilty look, "Crimson's cruelty is beyond your imagination, you should be lucky that you didn't fall into their hands."

Jiang Cheng ignored her completely. He only cared about the questions he wanted to know, so he narrowed his eyes and mocked, "Why didn't I see that the Night Watch was as beneficial to the country and the people as you said?"

Xia Meng was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that he was talking about Tang Shirou's incident.

"I don't know why An Xuan did this." Xia Meng explained: "But he must have his reasons. Maybe I said maybe there was something wrong with the intelligence he received."

Jiang Cheng frowned, "Maybe? Don't you share information?"

"Of course not." Xia Meng replied: "I have already said that I am not a member of the Night Watch, I just have some cooperation-based dealings with them, and we have no affiliation.

"There is no need to tell them my information. Likewise, there is no need for them to tell me."

"But they know that we are together," Jiang Cheng leaned forward, stared at her and said, "Isn't that right? And you also told them the information in the clue newspaper."

"This is all to fight against Crimson." Xia Meng said very naturally: "This is the best choice."

There were footsteps coming from outside the door, not clear, but barely audible, from far to near. After a while, the fat man poked his head in and said: "Doctor, hurry up, someone is here!"

Turning his head, Jiang Cheng looked towards the door and replied, "I'm done."

The fat man saw Xia Meng who was lying on the ground in a very embarrassed state. He muttered something very fast, then turned around and closed the door.

After hearing someone talking outside, Jiang Cheng immediately changed his face. He squatted down to help Xia Meng stand up, and wiped the dust off her buttocks and said, "Miss Xia." He smiled and nodded, "Just kidding. That’s all, you were frightened.”

Xia Meng had already decided in her heart that he was sick, had mental problems, and his emotions were extremely uncontrollable. At least before going out, she didn't want to have any more conflicts with him.


The door opened.

The fat man walked in first, followed by An Xuan and others. When they saw Jiang Cheng supporting Xia Meng, who had not yet recovered from the fear, and was half leaning on Jiang Cheng, everyone's eyes turned. There was a moment's pause.

After noticing the change in everyone's gaze, Jiang Cheng immediately straightened his face and said to the fat man with some complaints: "Why didn't you tell us in advance that someone was coming?"

The fat man understood and defended: "Who knew it would take you so long this time!"

Xia Meng shivered and almost fell to the ground again. Then she gritted her teeth and pushed Jiang Cheng away. After so long, her body had recovered a lot.

A few subtle glances wandered back and forth between the two of them, especially Jiang Cheng who subconsciously adjusted his clothes and belt.

The next second, Youqi's throat rolled violently.

"What's the matter with your sudden visit?" Jiang Cheng's cheeks turned red and he panted.

An Xuan's eyes stayed on him for two seconds, and then said: "The painting has changed again, and I would like to invite you to take a look."

It wasn't until we stood in front of the painting that we realized how big the change was, or how concrete it was.

Almost all the women in the painting turned around. In addition to the previous attic, there was also a blood-colored full moon on their backs, and the circle on the attic also revealed their true form.

It is indeed a drum.

Just like what they saw in the attic.

"Mr. Hao." An Xuan suddenly looked at Jiang Cheng, pointed to a certain place in the painting with his eyes, and then said, "Did you see anything unusual about this drum?"

This drum is painted very realistically, almost as if it was photographed with a camera, every trace of it is almost perfectly restored.

The texture of the drum head and the mottled feeling on the drum body are hard to imagine. This is a feeling that can be presented in a painting. The most important thing is that it is extremely vivid!

It's like the soul has been imprinted into it.

Most of the exposed face of the woman in the painting is smiling, and her pair of bright eyes are almost breathtaking. After looking at it for a long time, the woman in the painting seems to be dancing out of the painting, stepping on the moving melody.

There is a light-colored tattoo on the back a little lower than the exposed neck.

The reason why they say it is a tattoo is because of their preconceptions. It could also be a birthmark or some other special mark.

But these are not important. What is important is that, slightly off the edge of the drum, there is a mark that is exactly the same as the one on the back of the woman in the painting.

After noticing this, everyone present fell silent.

In fact, Jiang Cheng had roughly guessed the origin of this drum as early as when he was in the attic.

Human skin drum.

The drum head of this drum is wrapped in human skin, which is obviously the poor woman in the painting. This also explains why everyone killed by ghosts is skinned in the end.

This is the revenge of the ghost.

"Sister Gu." Chen Qiang stared at the painting and said in a low voice.

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