Nightmare Attack

Chapter 181 Visitors

"Doctor," the fat man said in a voice that only he and the doctor could hear.

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng looked up.

"Can you please stop rubbing the oil on your hands on me?"

"Tsk," Jiang Cheng took back his much cleaner hands from behind the fat man and pouted, "Stingy guy."

"Come and see!"

The motorcycle girl's voice sounded, and she was standing next to a large wooden frame.

After several people walked over, they discovered that there were several baskets behind the wooden shelves, and the baskets originally had lids.

But now the lids were lifted and thrown on the ground. Inside the basket were bundles of firewood.

They also found several pieces of cloth-like fabric in another basket.

"These should be used to make torches," Jiang Cheng said.

He picked out a few wooden sticks that came to hand, then tied fabric on them, and finally indicated that he could dip some grease into the utensils.

Just a torch will do.

They also found several stones used for making fire beneath the vessel.

"What is this?" The fat man's sharp eyes saw a very regular large stone standing alone beside the wooden frame.

Because the two colors are similar, no one noticed it at first.

He walked up and moved it, but it didn't move.

Jiang Cheng and Young Master also noticed this and planned to help. However, due to the angle, the point of exertion was not well controlled, so three people together were not as good as one person.

"You all get out of the way," the Loli girl stood behind them.

Everyone turned around and saw a 2-meter-tall man.

The tall man's face turned slightly red as he was stared at by three people at the same time. Then he took advantage of the gap between the three of them to give way and stepped forward alone.

Without even looking at how much force he exerted, the stone was moved.

The moment the stone was moved away, a strong gust of wind suddenly came in, making everyone unable to open their eyes.

The young master covered his eyes with his hands, his expression was intriguing, as if he knew this would be the case early on.

This is a small window, square, and it functions like a lookout.

Facing the sea.

After all this tossing, the sky outside gradually became darker.

Jiang Cheng and others lit several homemade torches, one for lighting and the other to keep out the cold.

After all, it's too cold here.

Everyone came together unknowingly.

Only the elderly woman sat alone in the corner, her whole face hidden in the darkness.

The fat man wanted to call her over, but before he could say anything, Jiang Cheng slapped him on the face, so he held it back.

The temperature continues to drop, and I don't know why it's so cold here.

"Should we light that thing on fire?" The rock climber's teeth were chattering.

She has been exercising all year round and is in good health, but even so, she can't stand the cold, let alone other people.

"Okay," Jiang Cheng was the first to agree.

The rest of the people stared at him with very envious eyes, because

"Fat man," Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes comfortably and whispered, "Hold me tighter. Why do I always feel like there is air leakage?"

He was hugged by the fat man, and the same treatment was given to the Loli girl.

The tall man took good care of her like a butler.

Finally, the young master stood up, moved his body first, then pulled out a burning torch and approached the vessel filled with grease.

Everyone either shielded themselves or closed their eyes, and then a very strong flame suddenly burst out.

The room instantly became so bright that there was almost no blind spot.

The lighthouse is on.

Along with the strong flame, a very strange aroma filled the air.

After working hard all day without eating or drinking, everyone seemed to have lost all their energy back in their bodies after smelling the aroma.

"What does this smell like?" The motorcycle girl took another big breath of the aroma and asked greedily.

The fat man swallowed his saliva and inquired very ignorantly: "It can't be ambergris, I heard that stuff is magical."

The young master shook his head, "The smell of ambergris is not like this, and the color of the wax does not match. The color of ambergris is more yellowish gray, or even black."

After the temperature in the room rose, Jiang Cheng left the fat man's arms.

He stood up comfortably and casually glanced near the window. The next second, his whole body froze.

Through the small square window, he saw that the originally dark sea outside was actually brightly lit.

Buildings of different heights are densely and orderly arranged together, with light spots moving back and forth from time to time.

A city actually appeared on the sea!

"Why is this happening?" The motorcycle girl squeezed beside the square window, her face changed.

The rock climber swallowed, stared at the brightly lit sea city, and whispered: "Could it be a mirage?"

Then, as if to prove what he said, he continued: "Mirages don't only appear in the desert, they can also appear in the sea."

Before she finished speaking, she stopped herself, and then slowly opened her eyes.

Because she saw some light spots leaving the city, then forming into a long string, staggering straight towards them.

Now everyone understood that the lighthouse was lit, and these things found them following the guidance of the lighthouse.

But it's too late to say anything now. The distance between the maritime city and the building is not yet clear, but it certainly seems to be not far away.

Because those light spots were swaying and seemed to be slow, but they had already traveled a third of the way in this moment.

"Leave one person to guard the lighthouse, everyone else goes down," the person who gave the order at the critical moment was actually a Loli girl.

"I'll stay," the motorcycle girl said immediately.

The others no longer hesitated and immediately went downstairs with torches.

It was said that one person was left behind, but in fact, two were left behind, because the elderly woman did not move. She did not even move to the square window to look at the city.

The purpose of leaving a person behind is just to keep an eye on this woman.

The motorcycle girl was also smart enough not to disturb her.

The stairs going up felt very long, but going down was very fast, at least before the light arrived and everyone worked together to close the door of the building.

Then the torches were extinguished, and everyone hibernated in groups in the darkness.

The fat man from Jiangcheng was in a group, the loli girl was in a group with a tall man, and the rest of the boys were in a group with the rock climbing girl.

The three groups of people were hidden in an inverted triangle shape. The position chosen by Jiang Cheng and Fatty was behind a broken stone pillar. Through the gap, they could just see the location of the gate.

A messy sound got closer and closer, and finally stopped in front of the door.

Then there was a knock on the door.

The sound was muffled and deep, and the thing banging on the door was very powerful.

Everyone remained motionless, six pairs of eyes staring nervously at the door.

"anyone there?"

There was a human voice coming from outside. Although the breathing was heavy and the pronunciation was not very standard, it was indeed a human voice.

"We are people from Blackstone Town," something called a human voice outside said, "We saw the light on the lighthouse."

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