Nightmare Attack

Chapter 1588 Good people are rewarded.

One step, two steps... Li Bai's muscles tightened. She lowered her head and tried her best to control herself not to think about those horrific scenes, but she couldn't do it at all. The sound of old hemp ropes being pulled kept ringing in her ears. Like a reminder.

Li Bai swallowed hard, her throat was so uncomfortable, as if an invisible hanging rope was also wrapped around her neck, and it was tightening little by little.

Coldness, depression, suffocation...all kinds of negative emotions rushed towards her, like a huge sticky spider web that tightly bound her.

But Li Bai was unmoved. She knew clearly that if she wanted to survive tonight, she must leave this room and step across the threshold in front of her.

Fortunately, she finally did it. The moment she stepped out of the threshold, she felt as if a drowning person finally breathed air. The cold breath disappeared, and she was finally released from her restraints.

Without daring to hesitate, Li Bai immediately used the flames in the candlestick to ignite the oilcloth. The next second, as the flames rose, the surrounding firewood was quickly ignited. The huge fire tore through the darkness and dispelled the fear in Li Bai's heart. .

Listening to the crackling sound of firewood burning, Li Bai could finally take a deep breath. The old house in front of him quickly fell into a sea of ​​flames.

By the light of the fire, Li Bai finally saw clearly that there were bloated corpses hanging under the beams nearly 3 meters above the ground.

The corpse was uniformly dressed in a red wedding dress and red embroidered shoes with white soles. The whole body was dressed very festively, as if it was going to attend a very happy ceremony.

But what really frightens Li Bai is the heavily made-up faces of these corpses. After all, these people are all men. Under the reflection of the flames, these men's lips are as red as blood, and they still have strange faces that are half-smiling, and their eyes are open one by one. It's so big that I won't die with my eyes closed.

However, this fear did not last long, and soon the fire engulfed all the corpses.

A muffled sound came from the fire scene. It was the sound of the hemp rope tightening the body being burned and the body falling to the ground.

Li Bai stopped by the flames for another moment. She could have chosen to leave the moment the fire ignited, but she didn't. It had nothing to do with curiosity, but because she was worried and didn't want to watch these weird newlywed corpses burn to ashes with her own eyes. , she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to sleep well when she went back. When she closed her eyes, all she could see were corpses hanging above her head. These corpses would rotate as she moved, and pairs of eyes staring down at her with unblinking eyes, this It will be her lingering nightmare.

Damn the villagers! Damn Blackwater Village! And... damn the Night Watch!

After leaving the courtyard, Li Bai still couldn't calm down for a long time. When Yao and Shunyu saw the fire in the courtyard, his hanging heart finally relaxed. Counting the time, he knew that Li Bai must also be in trouble.

Li Bai did not conceal what happened in the courtyard. After thinking about the scenes that Li Bai experienced, even the experienced Yao, Shun, and Yu could not help but feel numb. Hanging corpses has been a taboo since ancient times. In some crooked ways, This is all a sinister method of exchanging one's life for one's life, not to mention hanging himself in a red wedding dress.

Of course, these men were definitely not willing. They were hanged alive by the villagers.

The evil in this Blackwater Village cannot be burned away with just one fire. What Yao, Shun and Yu wanted was to wipe the entire village off the map with one fire.

But after listening to Li Bai's story, the one who had the biggest reaction was Li Maochun. He was crying. A grown man's tears seemed to be free of money. He cried sincerely, complaining that he didn't know what evil he had done to be reduced to such a low life. In such a ghost place, I have done good deeds and accumulated virtue all my life, and I have never even argued with others. They all say that good people are rewarded. Why do I...

Li Bai was also aroused by Li Maochun, and she also felt a little regretful. Now it seems that their initial judgment was biased. The possibility of Li Maochun sneaking into Crimson between them is very low. After all, Crimson is not Li Maochun is really not worthy of being one of the best in a hundred.

"Stop crying, where are you mourning?" Yao Shunyu kicked him. It was still so quiet near the village in the middle of the night. Li Maochun's cry echoed in the gray night, which was really scary.

Worried that Li Maochun would lose his mind and run away without performing his mission, Yao and Shunyu directly pressed the limp Li Maochun to the execution ground, no, to the mass grave at the west end of the village, just like escorting a prisoner.

This place is very desolate, and the name "Mass Grave" is worthy of its name. There is not a single decent tombstone, but there are many grave mounds of different sizes.

Because the visibility is not good at night, at first glance, the tombs seem to be continuous, extending into the darkness in the distance.

Yao and Shunyu couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. They walked around this Blackwater Village for a while. The village was not very big and there were not many villagers living there. However, the scale of this mass grave was far smaller than that of the village. The reason for the mismatch in the normal number of deaths was now clear to them. Presumably, the unmarked graves contained poor men who had been imprisoned in this dark mountain village.

A dirt road about two meters wide winds through the mass graves. The road is full of potholes and has obviously been in disrepair.

It looks like this is the road Li Maochun will build tonight.

Not far from the roadside, there is a huge mound. It is called a mound because it is too big, more than ten times larger than those barren tombs. Also, it is too regular. , and obviously relatively new, as if someone had just piled it up not long ago.

Li Maochun was heartbroken after seeing this scene, but in the end he had to walk towards the mass grave. Li Bai, Yao and Shunyu were not very far away. They clearly saw Li Maochun walking towards the mound, and then they seemed to find something. He pulled out a basket from the ground and a hoe-like tool.

That's right now, this mound is used to fill the holes in the road with soil, and the basket and hoe are the tools used.

After all, in addition to large mounds, there are barren tombs of different sizes. If you don't use the soil from the mounds, you might cause some trouble if you accidentally dig up the soil from the barren tombs.

Suddenly, Yao, Shunyu and Li Bai had doubts in their minds at the same time. They had a feeling that this seemingly fatal task seemed quite easy, as they not only provided soil, but also tools.

This doubt reached its peak after Li Maochun cautiously dug several baskets of soil, walked several times in the mass graves, and successfully filled two pits.

"I said... we weren't cheated, right?"

After much hesitation, Li Bai finally expressed her doubts. She observed that Li Maochun seemed to be slightly relieved, holding the basket in one hand and the hoe on his shoulder in the other, working enthusiastically.

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