Nightmare Attack

Chapter 1585 Kill me.

A gust of night wind blew by, and Yao Shunyu shivered uncontrollably. He came to kill people tonight, and what was in front of him was a festive wedding room. He couldn't help but feel a little confused.

He walked forward vigilantly, and without much effort, the rotten wooden door slowly opened with a "squeak" sound. Through the light emitted by the lantern he carried, Yao, Shun and Yu could see clearly that the hall of this room was decorated like this. The scene of the newlyweds worshiping in the hall is surrounded by festive red curtains. However, there are no rankings for ancestors or pre-set chairs for the elders of the clan in front of the hall. Instead, an ink painting hangs in front of the hall.

The ink painting uses mountains and forests as the background, with a temple in the middle. Although the composition is simple with only a few strokes, the painter's brushwork is extremely expressive. Yao, Shun, and Yu almost immediately recognized this temple as the temple where the painting teacher disappeared last night.

After looking at it for a long time, Yao, Shun, and Yu felt a certain uneasiness in their hearts. He stared closely at the painting, or to be precise, the door of the temple in the painting. At some point, the door of the temple actually opened a little, maybe. Less than one fifth.

Suddenly, Yao, Shun, and Yu shook their heads violently. As he looked at the painting again, his heart was filled with fear. He was actually unable to determine whether the temple door was closed when he first looked at it, or now. so.

A blur of ink passed between the open doors. It was clear that Yao, Shun and Yu saw nothing, but there was always a voice in his heart shouting loudly, telling him to run away as far as possible.

It was impossible to escape. Yao Shunyu forced himself to calm down. His mission tonight was not completed yet. If he left at this moment, he would truly die.

Controlling his gaze, Yao Shunyu opened his legs and stepped towards the threshold of the wedding room. He saw another door on the right side of the hall. For some unknown reason, there was actually a hanging on the door. Put the copper lock.

Without the key, Yao, Shun, and Yu easily broke the rotten door bolt without much effort. Yes, the door bolt of this door was actually set outside the door. At this moment, Yao, Shun Yu, who was holding the copper lock in his hand, had a bolt appear on his forehead. White hair and sweat.

He suddenly understood the purpose of the door bolt. It was not to prevent thieves, but to prevent things in the room from escaping.

But it's too late to say anything now, the door has been opened.

Yao and Shunyu raised the lantern and bravely looked into the dim room. It was completely like a wedding room, with festive red paper-cuts posted everywhere. An old-fashioned wooden bed stood in the corner, with a red curtain hanging on the wooden bed. And behind the curtain... The moment Yao, Shun and Yu saw the curtain, their hearts went cold. A cold air rose from the soles of their feet to the sky. At this moment, a bloated shadow actually appeared behind the curtain!

In a hurry, he didn't even know how to describe the feeling this shadow gave him, as if it was not a person, but a rough water tank.

But this is impossible, because things like water tanks don't have heads, and the shadows behind the curtain obviously have heads.

After a few seconds, Yao Shunyu, who gradually calmed down, suddenly made a bold guess. He stepped forward and opened the curtain with one hand. The next second, even though he was mentally prepared, the scene in front of him was still... It made him take a breath.

Behind the curtain, I saw a bloated human figure sitting cross-legged on the bed, and this figure was covered in red, with a red wedding dress, red embroidered shoes, and most importantly, a bright red hijab on his head.

This was clearly the bride's attire. This arrangement gave Yao and Shunyu the illusion that today was his special day and that he was the protagonist of the night, the groom.

Now that things had happened, Yao Shunyu calmed down. He stared at the "bride" in front of him and probably guessed her identity.

No other bride is so tall and thick, and her body is so strangely bloated.

Under the red hijab is a man, a man imprisoned in Blackwater Village.

Yao Shunyu couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable. Looking at this situation, the man in front of him was the target he wanted to kill tonight.

Yao, Shun, and Yu looked around and saw no knives, only a big stone placed at his feet.

The edge of the stone was not sharp, but it was substantial, and there were even mottled blood stains on the surface.

Taking a deep breath, Yao and Shunyu's disgust for this village reached its peak. Obviously, this kind of murder was not the first time in the village.

Using such a big stone to smash someone to death, he was still such a pitiful man in front of him. Yao Shunyu clenched his fingers. He didn't want to do this, but he had no choice. He secretly told himself in his heart that if he had the chance, he would use This stone also smashed the village chief of Blackwater Village to death, smashing her to pieces. Such a thing should not be alive.

Now that there was plenty of time, Yao and Shunyu did not take action immediately, "Can you hear me?"

The "bride" in front of him was motionless. If it weren't for the arrangement of the task, Yao, Shun and Yu would even suspect that she was dead.

Removing the "bride's" hijab rashly will lead to unpredictable consequences. Yao and Shunyu were not that stupid. He tentatively stretched out his hand and touched the bride's shoulder. Unexpectedly, the next second, the bride who had been silent for a long time seemed to As if he suddenly woke up, he hunched over and moved backwards, his movements clumsy like a fat flesh insect.

The red hijab on his head also fell off, revealing a familiar face. Yao Shunyu was stunned for a moment. This was actually the bearded man he saw this evening. He was actually here!

But what made Yao, Shun, and Yu angry was that the man at this moment had been tortured beyond recognition. His mouth was sewn shut stitch by stitch with thick hemp rope, and his hand tendons and hamstrings were severed. As the movements continued, Bleeding outward.

I didn't notice it before because there was a layer of white powder sprinkled on it, and the red wedding dress covered up all the crimes.

There were still blood stains on the man's ears. Feeling the panic in the man's eyes, Yao Shunyu understood. The man's ears were also destroyed with bamboo sticks. No wonder the other party didn't respond at all to the questions he asked, because he couldn't hear them at all. .

The man was also stunned after seeing Yao Shunyu. Then, he immediately looked behind Yao Shunyu, with fear in his eyes. Yao Shunyu fully understood that he was afraid of those women, those women with cruel and outrageous methods.

Without a knife, Yao Shunyu carefully removed the sutures on the man's mouth little by little. The man's mouth was full of blood. Because his tongue had been cut off, he could not speak a complete sentence.

The man collapsed on the bed, but his bloodshot eyes stared at Yao Shunyu, and his mouth kept opening and closing. Yao Shunyu understood that the man repeatedly said only three words: Kill me!

Suddenly, the man's expression became extremely painful, blood foam gushed out of his mouth, and something was squirming violently under the red wedding dress.

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