Nightmare Attack

Chapter 158 Transaction


The man's head was bruised and bleeding, leaving a bright red mark on the wall.

Jiang Cheng had no intention of stopping.



Time after time, the blood splattered stained the wall red, like a bloody totem from ancient times.

Jiang Cheng loosened his grip on the man's hair, and the bloody humanoid object fell to the ground with a thud, like a puddle of mud.

Half of the man's head was deflated, and the red and white goo was mixed together and still flowing outward.

Jiang Cheng wiped his hands on his clothes with his backhand, and then turned his head to look at the position of the village chief and others, his eyes as calm as the night before the storm.

Everyone was shocked by the performance of Jiang Cheng and Chen Xiaomeng, especially the former. Just a look in his eyes scared so much that no one dared to rush forward, and his throat rolled uncontrollably.

They also claimed to be ruthless people and would kill anyone who saw through the conspiracy in Xiaoshijian Village. Many innocent souls had already been buried in the Qian family mansion.

But it wasn't until today that they realized that their cruelty was like children playing house in front of the man a few meters away.

He is really cruel.

The kind that is ruthless to the core.

"How are you?" Chen Xiaomeng lowered her voice.

She didn't think Jiang Cheng was injured because it was completely a crushing game. She asked such a question at this moment more to relieve her anxiety.

The terrifying aura overflowing from Jiang Cheng's body made her breathless.

Jiang Cheng looked at his hand, rubbed it with two fingers, and suddenly said, "It's a little sticky."

Chen Xiaomeng felt a chill down her back.

"How long are you going to keep this guy?" He turned his gaze to the bearded man huddled on the ground.

After seeing Jiang Cheng's performance, Luo Hu started pretending to be dead. He endured the severe pain without saying a word and fell to the ground like a dead pig, but Jiang Cheng still noticed him.

His heart was about to beat out at this moment.

"You can't kill me!" Bearded Man yelled in fear, "My father is the village chief. If you kill me, my father will not let you go!"

Jiang Cheng smiled, with neat white teeth on his blood-stained face, "You said it as if I would let your father go."

Hearing this, Chen Xiaomeng's face was full of worry. This man was obviously not normal. Although he suffered a loss in the first wave of attacks on the village chief and others, he still took advantage of the favorable location and the fact that the opponent underestimated the enemy.

If Jiang Cheng takes the initiative to attack the village chief, even if he has only three heads and six arms, he will be under siege and die in an ugly way.

Chen Xiaomeng didn't mind Jiang Cheng's death, but not now.

Once Jiang Cheng is done playing, she will be next.

"Don't be impulsive," Chen Xiaomeng tried to dissuade him. She swallowed and whispered, "Let's save his life first. When we find the mechanism and open the door, you can do whatever you want."

The village chief couldn't hold back anymore. He only had one son left who could carry on the family line. If another accident happened, the family would be ruined.

For the mountain people who value inheritance above all else, the sky is falling.

The village chief said loudly and hoarsely: "Don't harm my third son. As long as you let him go, any conditions can be negotiated."

Chen Xiaomeng was really afraid that Jiang Cheng would make some weird demands that would lead to the death of both parties, so she immediately said, "It's not impossible to let him go. First, tell me how to open the door at the back."

Hearing this, something flashed in the village chief's eyes.

Chen Xiaomeng immediately warned: "I tell you, don't try to play tricks!"

She put the sharp tip of the hairpin close to the bearded eyes, which scared the latter so much that he almost peed and begged her father to quickly agree to their request.

"This" the village chief hesitated for a moment and replied: "This is no problem, but you have to release the person first."

Chen Xiaomeng sneered and directly pierced one of the bearded hands with a wooden hairpin, nailing his hand to the ground.


The screams rang out, and the village chief, who was eager to protect his son, was in confusion. He quickly waved his hands and said: "That's enough, that's enough. For the sake of fairness, we can send two people over to help you open the door."

He licked his chapped lips and continued: "When the door is opened, return your son to me."


"Then just one person!" The village chief's face gradually darkened, and it could be seen that this sinister old guy's little patience was about to run out.

Chen Xiaomeng took a deep breath and said, "Deal!"

She thought she could deal with only one person. When the door opened, she entered the darkroom directly and left through the iron door.

As for what Jiang Cheng wants to do, it has nothing to do with him.

The village chief and his group gathered together to whisper. Chen Xiaomeng squinted her eyes. After a while, a person came over.

Jiang Cheng stared at him expressionlessly.

It was the man who had delivered food to them on a pole before, and Jiang Cheng secretly gave him a steamed bun.

This dark-faced man was obviously different from the other people in the village. There was no madness in his eyes, but as calm as a river city.

He spoke very little and stayed alone most of the time. When Jiang Cheng handed him the steamed buns, he just pursed his lips and smiled.

He is nearly 2 meters tall and has a strong build. His dark and shiny muscles bulge like hills under his clothes.

Coming towards him at this moment really put some pressure on Chen Xiaomeng.

The village chief and others obviously had other thoughts, but Chen Xiaomeng had no better way at the moment. She picked up the bearded man and dragged him to the door.

Be careful and alert.

Jiang Cheng poured out the kerosene from the kerosene lamp, poured it on the quilt he took out, and then took out a box of matches from his pocket.

His move instantly caused the village chief and others to panic.

This hotel is almost entirely made of wood, not to mention the furniture and floors. If a fire really breaks out, the consequences will be disastrous.

Jiang Cheng made it clear that he told them.

If it's a trick, everyone will die together.

The village chief's face was so dark that water could drip from his face.

The tall, strong man slowly walked over. As he walked, he lifted up the hem of his rough clothes to prove that he was not carrying a weapon.

But this also unintentionally exposed his muscle lines.

He is strong, very strong.

When he walked in front of Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng even had to look up to him.

He turned around slowly, indicating that there were no weapons hidden behind him.

Then he turned around, walked to the wall painted black, leaned down, and poked something in the corner. The wall suddenly trembled, and then a crack opened.

The secret door opened.

Chen Xiaomeng's face glowed again.

Then the man took a step back, apparently signaling Jiang Cheng, who had been watching him from behind, to open the door.

"I know what you are thinking," Jiang Cheng looked at him and said after a few seconds of silence, "You want to sneak up on me from behind while I am opening the door."

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