Nightmare Attack

Chapter 147 Mother

Unlike the woman who was supposed to be the center of attention, Chen Xiaomeng's attention was completely attracted by Jiang Cheng. She stared at the latter's profile without saying a word.

The fierce side that this man showed after entering the door was beyond her expectation. For a moment, she really felt that Jiang Cheng was a murderer who broke into the woman's home and wanted to kill her.

In her nightmares, she had seen many extremely evil people. Most of them were driven crazy by their missions, but Jiang Cheng was different. The evil in him was innate.

She had no doubt that if the woman disobeyed, he would stab her to death or break her neck as he said.

"Is that man still around this afternoon?"

The woman's eyes widened with fear, and her lips trembled. It wasn't until Jiang Cheng loosened his hand slightly and took in the air again that the woman nodded vigorously as if she was alive again.

"Is he someone sent by the village chief?"

The woman continued to nod.

"Is there anyone else at home besides you?"

The woman was stunned for a moment, then shook her head wildly.

"Think carefully before answering," Jiang Cheng slowly clasped his fingers. In the eyes of the woman, the good-looking young man was like a devil. His thin lips moved up and down, and every detail was reflected in her eyes. "If I find out, the consequences will be ugly."

Her pupils trembled violently, and the woman burst into tears, but in the end she had to nod, her eyes full of pleading.

"From now on, I will let go," Jiang Cheng looked at her and said slowly, "But if you yell"

Jiang Cheng didn't finish what he said later, but he believed that the woman had completely understood.

He slowly let go of his arm, and after a few seconds, he asked in a low voice: "Who is home now?"

"My daughter Honghong, and Honghong's grandma."

When Jiang Cheng came in, he saw another door in the room that was blocked by a quilt. He looked there, then tilted his head to look at the woman, "Are they inside?"

"Yes," the woman replied, looking anxious and immediately wanted to add something, but Jiang Cheng didn't give her a chance.

He lowered his voice: "As long as you answer my questions honestly, they will be fine."

The woman swallowed cautiously.

She looked young, probably around 30 years old, but her complexion was dull and yellowish, and she also had obvious crow's feet at the corners of her eyes.

The tiny frostbite on my hands almost became pieces.

The poor woman was suffocated by the weight of life, especially in a village like this.

After Chen Xiaomeng made sure that the voice just now did not attract anyone, she also walked over. She kept a distance from Jiang Cheng. The behavior of this man just now made her a little repulsive.

"We have something to ask your mother," Chen Xiaomeng said, staring into the woman's eyes.

The woman shook her head and sobbed softly: "You can't ask anything. My mother's throat is broken and she can't speak."

"You can also write it down."

"Mother, she can't read."

Chen Xiaomeng took a deep breath and felt that her patience was about to be exhausted. Every extra minute they spent here was one more minute of danger.

They had to rush back to Anping Town overnight and try to end the mission before the village chief and others could react.

When the woman noticed the change in Jiang Cheng Chen Xiaomeng's expression, she immediately said, "Don't worry, I know what you want to know. My mother also accidentally revealed some of it before."

Hearing this, a light flashed in Chen Xiaomeng's eyes: "Do you know what we are going to ask?"

The woman sighed and glanced out the window with fearful eyes, as if she was afraid of being overheard by something: "What else can there be?" She whispered: "You are the pig-headed men who were caught by the village chief. What you want to ask must be Something about female ghosts.”

"Pig-headed penis?" This was the first time Chen Xiaomeng heard this word, and she couldn't help but curiously asked: "What does it mean?"

"It's a long story. In short, no villagers have been killed by ghosts in the village for a long time," the woman pursed her lips and said, "The ones who died were all outsiders like you who were invited back by the village chief at a high price, that is, You outsiders blocked the disaster for the village and became their scapegoats, so they called you pig-headed men."

Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes, "Does everyone in the village know about this?"

"Yeah," the woman nodded and said, and then she suddenly noticed that the man's eyes in front of her had changed, and her whole body immediately became nervous.

"I don't agree with what they did, and some people don't agree with it, but there is no way. You saw it this afternoon. The village chief controlled us at every turn and prevented us from contacting you!"

"What do you know about ghosts?"

"That ghost is very vicious, but she only targets the Qian family, especially the men. She almost killed the entire Qian family." At this point, the woman's eyes became evasive, and then her voice became weird. The name of the ghost is Zhao Xiangmei. She was a trafficker who once tricked women into coming to the village. She was later beaten to death, but "

Chen Xiaomeng immediately asked: "But what?"

"But that's not what my mother said." The woman raised her head, with doubts in her eyes. "It is said that Zhao Xiangmei left a curse written in blood on a stone tablet by the deep pool in the back mountain before she died. But my mother said The Zhao Xiangmei she knows is illiterate at all!"

How could an illiterate person leave a letter written in blood? !

Jiang Cheng stared into the woman's eyes, and there were waves in his calm eyes, "Who is your mother?"

The woman bit her lip, and after a while she raised her head and said in a heavy tone: "My mother was one of the 29 women abducted by Zhao Xiangmei."

The atmosphere in the room suddenly changed.

"Since your mother suspects that Zhao Xiangmei is not a ghost, who does she think is the ghost?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"I don't know," the woman shook her head, "but it must be one of the 29 women."

"Not all 29 women were rescued?" Chen Xiaomeng frowned, "Someone died?"

The news that all 29 women were rescued was revealed by the village chief, and it seems that he did not tell everyone the truth.

"No," the woman looked at Chen Xiaomeng with a strange look, and after a long time she said: "All 29 women are alive."

Chen Xiaomeng opened her eyes wide.

But Jiang Cheng seemed to understand something. He touched his chin and said to the woman, "Your mother suspected that Zhao Xiangmei had used the identity of one of the 29 people and escaped legal sanctions, and the woman whose identity was used became her scapegoat. The victim's parents, who were misunderstood, beat her to death as Zhao Xiangmei, and then became angry and turned into a ghost."

Now it was the woman's turn to be surprised. She didn't expect that before she said anything, the man in front of her had guessed it almost right.

"Do you have any evidence?" Jiang Cheng looked at the woman and raised his chin.

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