New White Snake Asking Immortals

Chapter 241 Cut off the water

"Don't mess around, Heiyan Ancient Village is stronger than us, we can't beat it. ranwenwww.ranwena`com"

Mu Duo resolutely opposed it. She didn't want to see another war in the village. Yunyao Ancient Village couldn't stand the toss. If it could be exchanged for safety, she was willing to do anything.

"Who said it was necessary to fight to death, I didn't say to fight."

Bai Yu's words surprised Mu Duo.

"Don't fight? What do you want to do?"

"Don't worry about this, you will gradually realize my noble snake character, anyway, try to be friendly if you don't fight, I will figure out how to deal with the young patriarch, you are busy with you." He didn't take the Heiyan ancient village seriously.

It suddenly occurred to me that I didn't know where that ancient village was.

"By the way, tell me the location of Heiyan Ancient Village."

"Out of the gate to the southwest, it's ten days' journey by foot, or one day if you fly. If you see a huge black rock from a distance, it's Heiyan Ancient Village. It's easy to recognize."

Mu Duo has a bad premonition.

"Don't provoke them, they are very strong."

"Don't worry, you don't know me yet, you are a snake that can fight."

With a few perfunctory words from Mu Duo, Bai Yu lay on the couch and slept soundly. It was very comfortable. There was no need to use a knife to deal with a young patriarch. Bai Yu promised that they would not have time to cry in a few days. The effect obtained by special means is a hundred times stronger than fighting.

The saint Mu Duo doesn't know what this snake monster is going to do, but I hope it doesn't make too much trouble...

Early the next morning.

Bai Yu left the village and flew to the southwest.


The residential areas of ancient villages are inseparable from water.

Water is an indispensable key to villages and even cities, especially the mountainous southern tribes are inseparable from water sources. The water source and flow rate become the key to the size of a tribe's village. The ancestors would follow the river when looking for a place to live But going down or going up the stream pays special attention to water.

Even the emphasis on water is written into the family tree to warn future generations that water is indispensable.

There is water in front of the house and behind the house, which saves the labor of fetching water from a long distance, and saves time. It can be drunk, washed, fire-resistant, and cool in summer.

Yunyao Ancient Village has a pond that has been flowing for thousands of years, and Heiyan Ancient Village also has a stream.

The site of Heiyan Ancient Village is located in a sunny valley at the foot of Heiyan Mountain.

There are different requirements for water extraction time.

Drink water before the sun rises, and wash after it rises. If you use water indiscriminately or waste water, you will even be driven out of the village to fend for yourself. This shows that the mountain people attach great importance to water.

Today is the Spring Water Festival in Heiyan Ancient Village.

Villagers wear festive costumes, slaughter cattle, sheep and pigs, take the heads of three animals and place them at the springs of the mountain streams, and place melons and fruits to hold a ceremony. , the villagers will follow the priest to make a long roar.

"Sacred mountain and holy water~"

"Ancestor Blessing~"

"Today ~ the people worship the holy spring ~"

"Holy water~ is the most holy thing~"

"The people of the ethnic group must remember not to be defiled~"

The priest, dressed in costumes covered with animal skins and teeth and wearing a wild animal skull on his head, screamed hoarsely, and the villagers followed suit shouting and shouting. No one dared to disrespect the holy water. The spring water was related to the survival of the villagers and could not be ignored.

"God bestowed holy water on my family~"

"Pray to God~Pray to the mountain~Pray to ancestors~"

"Bless my family safe and sound~"

"Auspicious time~"

"Get holy water!"

The villagers cheered again,

A muscular young man stepped forward, solemnly took the wooden bucket from the priest, bowed three steps and walked towards the spring, kowtowed again, and bowed respectfully to fetch water.

Looking up from the well mouth of the spring, a healthy young man appeared in the circular sky, and then, the young man's expression was dull...

The mountain breeze is cool, and thousands of villagers are quiet and only hear the wind.

The priest frowned, and looked back at the young guy who was still bending over, feeling dissatisfied. He just fetched water and couldn't hold it still. Who would be responsible for delaying the auspicious time.

Why is it still not moving?

Looking at the silent villagers, the priest pretended to be inadvertent and went to the spring well to reprimand him in a low voice.

"Draw water quickly, everyone in the village is looking at you, why are you dawdling!"

The strong boy turned his head, and the angry priest suddenly found that the boy had an ugly face and was sweating profusely. What's wrong? Is it that difficult to fetch water? There were no monsters in the water, and I was so scared that my back was sweating.

"Sacrifice... Lord Priest..."

"Say something quickly!"

"Holy...the holy water is gone..."


The priest was stunned for a moment and didn't realize what it meant. He tightened his scalp suddenly, and pushed the boy away to look into the well mouth of the spring made of rocks. The sand and gravel are left, and the well is empty, and a few small fish are still writhing and struggling in the crevices of the sand and gravel.

How could this be?

For hundreds of years, regardless of drought or flood, the spring has never stopped flowing. It has fed thousands of people in Heiyan ancient village. It is the most envied spring among the surrounding tribe villages. How could it dry up? I remember that I still used mountain water to make tea in the early morning. How could there be no water after holding a ceremony?

The patriarch standing behind noticed something was wrong, and he was sweating profusely when he stepped forward to see it.

I can't hide it, even if the villagers don't take water now, they will still use water when they go back to work. This mountain spring is not only used in the village, but the rice fields at the foot of the mountain are still waiting for the spring to irrigate. Without water, what do they eat and drink?

something wrong! How could it be possible to suddenly cut off the water! Someone must have caused trouble to destroy the spring!

"Search! Search the entire mountain to find the person who destroyed the holy water! Capture all strangers! Quick!"

Countless people were ordered to disperse. The villagers knew the consequences of the cessation of the holy spring. They were furious and vowed to catch Na Xiaoxiao and punish them severely. The most important thing is to find a way to recover. If there is no water, it may mean Finally, I have to give up this place and move.

In fact, what they were looking for was not a human being at all.

In the hidden karst cave two hills away from Heiyan Ancient Village, Bai Yu clapped her hands and stood up to leave.

All the people in Heiyan Ancient Village gathered in Heiyan Mountain to search. They never thought that the murderer would wreak havoc in the distance. The technology involved is even more complicated. It is not just that you can just scour the spring to get water.

Bai Yu is talented in water control, and can adjust the dragon energy of the earth veins. It only takes a little manipulation to dry up the springs of Heiyan Mountain. Can only go down the mountain to the distant valley.

Without water, Bai Yu didn't believe that the battered Heiyan Ancient Village still had time to go to Yunyao Ancient Village to find trouble.

No matter how high the cultivation base is, it can't solve the water source problem. Maybe the gentlemen in the Central Plains can see the problem, but there are no gentlemen in the Southern Wilderness. Just wait, and someday when you feel better, you can repair the water source and change the waterway.

See, some things are that simple.

Leaving the cave, drilling into the underground river and disappearing...

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