Never Fade Skull Flag

Chapter 362: The snake wakes up

What surprised Andy was that there were two obvious meat buns on the head of this strange snake, as if something was about to come out of it.

"Could it be that dragon tiles can really create a dragon?"

Andy looked at this guy carefully. The snake's body was filled with a lot of dead energy, especially in its head. This was probably the curse left by the native gods, and it was also the reason why the snake fell into a deep sleep.

However, because the blue crystal stone caused the movement of the dragon tile fragments, the lake illuminated by the blue light was filled with a mysterious power, and that power was continuously digging into the python's head, driving away those black dead auras.

And with the influx of blue power, the python's body is shaking slightly, as if receiving baptism, and the two bulging meat buns on its forehead are also constantly absorbing blue energy, which is pregnant with a certain a powerful force.

"Maybe let it sleep here for hundreds of years, and it will really become a dragon."

In the legend of the Tenglong Empire, dragons are the true gods of the sea. They are the most powerful sea beasts in the world. Even the sea beasts formed by the spirit of the sea controlled by the elders of the pirate alliance are not the opponents of dragons.

Of course, this is just a legend. After all, no one has ever seen a real dragon. The only thing related to a dragon is the legendary dragon tile, a fetish born in the ocean.

The more mainstream view is that the founder of the Tenglong Empire actually created a powerful and huge empire after obtaining the dragon tiles.

He named the divine object obtained in the ocean dragon tiles, and the animal-shaped pattern on it was called dragon, and left the pattern of the monster on the flag of the Tamron Empire, as the symbol of the royal family, which has been passed down to this day. And then handed down, is the legend about dragon tiles.

However, the Tenglong Empire has a history of thousands of years, and many legends have been unverifiable, and no one knows whether it is true or not. Anyway, the legends about dragon tiles have been circulating in the East for thousands of years.

Andy swam gently to the position of the wreck. He already felt a little suffocated. The power of the heart of the ocean slowly circulated in his chest, alleviating this suffocation, but it could not last.

"It seems that more fish gill medicine should be prepared in the future."

As Andy swam to the wreck, he thought to himself that it was a pity that he had never encountered fish gill medicine in the alchemist shops of these ports.

Fish gill potion is a kind of potion specially prepared for exploring pirates. It is made from a strange seaweed in the deep sea as the main material. Pirates who drink the fish gill potion will grow a pair of gills behind their ears. , the pair of gills can last for hours, allowing pirates to breathe in the ocean like fish.

When Nie Xiao discovered the pearls condensed from the tears of the merman on a coral island, he took the fish gill medicine and got into the coral cave under the coral island alone to find the legendary merman, but in the end he almost failed to leave. Coral Cave.

For adventurous pirates, there will always be times when they need to dive to the bottom of the ocean or stay in the water for long periods of time, and at this point, gill potions are the only thing that can help them.

It is said that the seaweed required to make fish gill medicine is very rare, and it has only appeared in the central sea area, so the fish gill medicine should also be regarded as a special product of the central sea area.

Andy landed gently on the wreck, and he felt the whole ship tremble slightly.

Because of the python monster, there are no fish in this lake. After leaving after the last headhunter priest, Andy was the first creature to set foot on this boat for so long.


A strange sound came from under the boat, like the sound of the python. Andy looked sideways, but found that the python was shaking more and more, and the black-brown eyelids on the huge head were also slightly. Trembling, as if on the verge of waking up.

Andy seemed to feel that the python wrapped around the sailboat stretched his body in several circles, which surprised him, and quickly held his breath to ensure that no air bubbles would come out of his mouth and nose.

He bent down quickly, looked down at the transparent treasure chest on the deck, the blue light inside was dazzling, and a fragment the size of a palm could be vaguely seen.

"Take the treasure chest away first."

Andy picked up the treasure box. Although the treasure box was made of special spar, it seemed that the spar used to make the treasure box was not heavy, so Andy easily picked up the treasure box.

Andy looked back at the statue of the gypsy wizard at the bow of the boat. He knew that the witchcraft legacy left by the wizard was likely to be in this statue, or in the crystal ball in the statue's hand, but the python was always there. May wake up, so he still decided to take the dragon tiles away first.

After all, if the dragon tile was taken away by him, the python would definitely chase it out of the lake.



The sound under the lake was getting louder and louder. Andy didn't have time to think about it. He used his feet to use the wreck's springboard, and the whole person was like a tuna, drawing a white water line at the bottom of the towards Swim on the lake.

A black light flashed on Andy, and Andy felt that the last trace of the curse of doom shrouded him disappeared. He quickly turned around, only to find that the deck he had just stepped on had cracked.

The balance of the wreck that had been kept on the bottom of the lake for many years was broken, the deck was broken, and silent fluctuations spread on the bottom of the lake. The mast shook slightly and smashed towards the python's head.

"damn it!"

Andy's face froze, and at the same time, he was a little fortunate. If it hadn't already consumed a lot of bad luck caused by the curse, I'm afraid this scene would have happened when he just stepped on the deck of the sailboat.

"Whoa~ cough cough!"

The sound from the water made Liye, who was waiting on the edge of the lake, jump down. He found Andy, and saw the glowing treasure chest in Andy's arms, and was immediately excited.

But before he could say anything, Andy on the lake had already shouted.

"Quick! Get ready! That guy is waking up!"

Andy swam to the shore quickly, but before he came to the lake, a huge vortex suddenly appeared on the calm lake, and a strong tearing force came from the center of the vortex, Andy's body Uncontrollably drifted toward the center of the vortex.


An angry beast roar came from the bottom of the lake in the center of the vortex, and several water columns burst into the sky. This scene shocked Liye and Gaga on the shore. They even forgot to go to La Andi. Bundle.

Fortunately, Olivia responded quickly. She had already prepared a long cable from the bag, which she had prepared for the possible island cliff.

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