Never Fade Skull Flag

Chapter 325: stalemate

"Will?! You dare!"

An anger rose in John's heart. He didn't expect that this guy would be so daring to attack his daughter Jessica while he was fighting Daphne and taking advantage of the opportunity of pirates bombarding the castle outside.

John didn't know that Nina and Andy were in the same group. He thought that Andy was just improvised after seeing the Stone of Destiny. After all, one of Andy's arms was still holding Nina's arm in order to hide it.

And Nina's expression was also very painful, as if she was about to suffocate.

Because he was worried about his daughter, John didn't even pay attention to Daphne. He made a mistake and wanted to rush towards Andy.

And his sword was firmly grasped by Daphne. At the moment he turned around, the blood-red curse ran along the long sword and finally got into John's palm.

Daphne breathed a long sigh of relief, she laughed softly, anyway, after successfully cursing John, she was at least safe.

Andy ignored John's roar. His hand quickly touched Jessica's chest. The touch was soft, but Andy was too late to feel it. In an exclamation, he tore off Jessica. Necklace on the chest.

The magnificent sapphire containing the radiance of the stars appeared in his hands like this. Andy glanced at Jessica, the girl who was embarrassed in fear, smiled, and then slapped her on the back of the head.

There was a gust of wind in his ears, and John punched him vigorously. The fist was full of powerful force. Andy had no doubt that this punch on his body would rupture his internal organs. .


Andy was about to bring Jessica in front of him and forced John to stop, but he didn't expect John's face to suddenly freeze, his face quickly turned red, and blue veins began to appear under the skin on his forehead and side of his face. It bulged, as if there were earthworms circling below.

John fell to the ground weakly, he roared in pain, punched the ground, and the smooth and hard marble floor in the castle hall was smashed.

John turned his head and looked at Daphne with hatred.

Daphne smiled indifferently and licked her lower lip at Andy.

Andy didn't know why Daphne wanted to save him, maybe he wanted to subdue him, but John had already taken countermeasures after that moment of pain. He used the power of the heart of the ocean in his body to protect his internal organs, and then again. Stand up slowly.

"Let go of Jessica, return the Stone of Destiny to me, and I can get you out of here."

John's icy eyes fell on Andy. There was crazy hatred hidden in his eyes. He hated Andy, Daphne, and these damned guys.

Andy's mouth twitched, he held Jessica in one hand and Nina in the other.

"Let me leave, I won't interfere with you and that woman, I can swear to you that after I leave Port Moderis, I will let Madam Nina and Miss Jessica come back here safely. "

John gasped sharply, he clenched his fists, what more to say.

Andy grabbed the unconscious Jessica, and his hand suddenly held her white neck with a hint of madness.

"Lord Frank, you'd better do as I say!"

A flash of panic flashed in John's eyes. He subconsciously wanted to step forward, but found that Andy's hand was gradually tightening, and the unconscious Jessica's face also began to show a twisted pain.

Threatening her father with a girl without any power was nothing to be proud of, but Andy couldn't help it, he had no choice.

Frank's power is too strong, and it is the best way to safely take the gem from this castle.

"Aren't you ashamed of your actions?"

Alan Robert, the little Lord Robert, he took a step forward from the crowd, looked at Andy, humiliation flashed in his eyes, and although his father kept pulling him, he broke free and stood up.

"Let go of Jessica! Fight me if you can! You coward who only attack women!"

"Shame? Ha!"

Andy laughed loudly, he looked down at the noble servants on him, and smiled.

"I'm a pirate!"

For a pirate, holding a noble girl to threaten others is really nothing. Andy disdains to use this method, but he knows that his strength is not enough, otherwise, Andy is more willing to take a stronger attitude. , snatching the gem from John's hands.

The Stone of Destiny is so important, it can save a person's life in a mortal situation! This is very important for Andy, who is cursed and is about to go to the central sea.

After Andy said this, everyone in the castle was a little bit incredible. It was a very incredible thing to have a pirate in the castle, but now, this guy named Will actually said that he Also a pirate!

The castle was so quiet that even John and Daphne felt a little weird.

Only Anna and they looked at each other and read something in each other's eyes.

However, there are a few noble ladies whose faces are a little abnormal. In fact, they know Will. Nina bought Will's hair in a tavern that serves noble ladies. Of course, although it is said to be... ...but the real Will has been thrown into the sea by Nina to feed the sharks.

"Are you a pirate too?"

Daphne broke the silence of the castle. She became more and more interested in Andy. She seemed to think of something, and said suddenly.

"So, it's yours who bombarded the castle? Then this Nina... she's also yours?"


Andy glanced at Nina and sneered, how could he admit that after Andy left, Frank wanted to deal with Nina too easily.

"She's just a stupid woman. I don't know if she was deceived by me. She naively thought I was the **** of a merchant ship and became a servant in Port Modris! Hahaha!"

Andy said, his eyes fell on a few noble ladies, and the faces of those people were a little unnatural.

Andy still remembered Nina's words, the person he turned into was a manservant in a tavern, and when he stole Jessica's necklace before, the expressions of those noble ladies were a little wrong, and they were very likely to know this man. Vice face.

"Is that so?"

Daphne laughed playfully, not sure if she believed what he said.

"Damn pirates!"

John cursed secretly and clenched his fists. He looked at Andy, who was holding Jessica's neck, and Daphne, feeling the power of the curse raging in his body, and sighed weakly.

When I got off the train, I felt uncomfortable all over... Let's start with two thousand words...

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