Necromancer and Super Cemetery

Chapter 613: 618? War Escalation

   Chapter 613 618 War Escalation

   The next day, the Church of the Holy Light launched a fierce attack again, dispatching three natural disasters at a time, and more than 60 legends.

The    Condor Empire also launched a counterattack, and also dispatched three natural disaster-level, legendary-level powerhouses more than 100 people, and dispatched 30 airships, as well as the empire's most powerful Condor Knights.

  Condor Knights!

   The most powerful elite troops of the Condor Empire, except for the members of the Knights themselves, are all powerful supernatural beings, and the weakest are also official-level high-ranking officers. Among them, officers above the captain are almost all legendary.

   And this knights with tens of thousands of people are almost completely war monsters armed with artifacts!

  The power and wealth of the Condor Empire is fully reflected in this Knight Order. In order to arm the Condor Knights, 30,000 artifacts were used!

  30,000 pieces! Artifact!

   One can imagine what this concept is.

As the Condor Knights appeared on the battlefield, it was like a monster that devoured everything. Wherever it went, it was destroyed. Even when faced with a natural disaster-level powerhouse from the Holy Light Church, the tens of thousands of Condor Knights were uniform. , The combined force condensed a huge lance in the air, and slammed into the natural disaster, not only forcing him back, but also seriously injured!

   In an instant, the Condor Knights had already pierced through the Holy Light Church's position, and they were also defeated together with the reserve team that was trying to fill their positions.

   Followed by the 50,000-strong Horse Run Armor Legion, following the gap opened by the Condor Knights, they suddenly laid a huge wedge on the Holy Light Church's position.

   Immediately, the Condor Knights turned back, pushed back from the rear of the Church of Holy Light, and cooperated with the Ma Runjia troops that followed, and quickly divided an enemy army of more than 30,000 people and quickly encircled and eliminated them.

   This is the 'anvil and hammer method' that the Condor Empire is best at. It uses a solid infantry square as the anvil, while the Knights are hammers with powerful impact, trapping the enemy in the middle, beating continuously until they are eliminated.

   It's just that the ordinary infantry corps originally cooperated with the Condor Knights, but today it has become a Ma Runjia troop, which is far more effective than ordinary infantry, making the Condor Knights impressive.

   I have to admit that, if you don’t consider the influence of superhumans on war, the Condor Empire, which obviously started as a military empire, is far better at fighting than the Holy Light Church, which is better at demagogic people.

   But just when the Condor Knights were swaying and closing, and the Holy Light Church was in a deserted position, a huge black shadow moved from behind the Holy Light Church.

   A behemoth penetrated the clouds and revealed its true face.

   It was a super-giant Void Ship that was thousands of meters long. It actually drove directly into the Void World and descended over the battlefield.

   Beneath the Void Ship, ten thick gun barrels are condensing a huge amount of Holy Light spiritual energy, which is a precursor to the anger of Holy Light...

Behind the Eagle Empire, Prince Simdor had already seen this scene, frowned slightly, but did not panic. Originally at the end of the war, the Holy Light Church dispatched such a strategic void ship as expected. It's just that because of the unfavorable situation of the war, it appeared earlier.

   "Let the Condor Knights withdraw." Prince Simdor said indifferently: "Also prepare to launch a natural disaster cannon."

The Condor Knights are the symbol of the Condor Empire. With the dispatch of the Void Ship of the Holy Light Church, the upper limit of this war has been completely upgraded to the natural disaster level. Although the Condor Knights have the strength to counter natural disasters, it is bound to cause a lot of damage. downsizing.

   And the condor Knights gathered are all the best seedlings of the empire, and they all have the hope of being promoted to natural disasters in the future. It would be a pity to waste them here.

   Immediately, Prince Simdor's gaze crossed the battlefield and looked behind the front line of the Church of the Holy Light, where Archbishop Link's gaze also looked over.

   "Link! The first archbishop." Prince Simdor's mouth turned up, and he muttered, "It seems that it is time for us to move hands and feet."

   Soon, the Condor Knights completed the last "hammer strike" and retreated directly.

   In the back of the Condor Empire, more than a dozen huge and complex devices were torn apart from the camouflage.

This is the natural disaster cannon mentioned by Prince Simdor. The barrel is short and thick, the base is buckled to the ground, and the diameter is more than five meters. Behind each natural disaster cannon sits a natural disaster-level powerhouse. Inserted into the back of the cannon, the natural disaster cannon lit up instantly, magic runes emerged, and on the thick muzzle began to rapidly condense spiritual energy to form a dazzling huge ball of light, aiming at the void ship in the air, ready to go, ready to go. fire.

  In an instant, the ten thick gun barrels under the Void Ship simultaneously burst out an enhanced version of the wrath of the Holy Light, and the thick pale golden beam of light fell from the sky, like a divine punishment from the sky, pouring out to the ground.

   In the face of such a terrifying attack, even if it is a legendary high-level powerhouse, as long as it is within the attack range of Holy Light's Wrath, all life substances will be easily smashed into powder.

  In an instant, including Ma Runjia, more than 200,000 troops were directly wiped out from the ground by the fury of Holy Light.

   Not only the army of the Condor Empire, but also the Punishment Army of no less than 20,000 people were ruthlessly destroyed together with the enemy.

  The thick golden beam of light lasted for nearly five seconds, gradually subsided and disappeared, preparing for the next attack.

   At this time, the natural disaster cannon aimed at the sky by the Condor Empire was finally ready, and suddenly more than ten huge white light **** were fired one after another.

   "Activate the defensive barrier!" "Divine Protection!" "Light Barrier!"…

  In the main control room of the Void Ship, following a series of orders, layers of defensive light curtains or magical barriers of different colors appeared on the surface of this kilometer-long giant ship, trying to resist the attack of the natural disaster cannon.

   In the blink of an eye, the first natural disaster cannon slammed into the outermost defensive light curtain of the Void Ship.

   That magical defense was like a bubble, and it was torn apart without being able to withstand it for even a second, revealing the inner barrier.

   followed one after another, and the white light **** fired by the natural disaster cannons broke through the defensive barriers layer by layer, and finally mounted on the surface of the void ship.

   Immediately, layers of mysterious runes appeared on the pale golden surface armor. With a loud bang, the ball of light hit it. Except for the loud noise, only a big hole was made on the surface! Then it exploded with a bang, blasting a cloud of white light.

The people in the Void Ship didn't have time to rejoice. The second white light ball hit the vicinity. This time, they lost the offset of the defensive barriers in front. The light ball hit the pale golden armor, aroused More golden runes, like ripples, were blocked in the end, but they were much more reluctant than the first time.

   Followed by the psionic light **** fired by the disaster cannons one after another hit the Void Ship, causing ripples of explosions one after another on the surface of this behemoth.

   "Sir! Armor loss exceeds [67%]...[68%]...[69%]..."

   Inside the Void Ship, a priest reported the loss of armor with a grim face. With the bombardment of the natural disaster cannon, the Void Ship's armor was rapidly consumed, and once it returned to zero, it would be the end of these people.

"The Void Ship is an important property of the church, contact the headquarters and apply for evacuation!" The old man who was already a bishop sitting on the captain's seat said slowly, although he had already prepared to return to the Holy Light and go to the Kingdom of God Prepare, but between life and death, if he can not die, he still hopes that he can live a little longer.

   Following the captain's order, it was obvious that everyone present, young and old, breathed a sigh of relief.

   Everyone is waiting for the command of the headquarters, only one voice is still persevering to announce the armor loss reading: [76%]…[77%]…[78%]…

   Finally, a nice female voice shouted: "The headquarters replied, allowing the armor loss to exceed [80%] to evacuate by yourself."

The voice of    fell, and the voice just read [80%], and the captain immediately ordered: "Quickly lift off, prepare to travel through the void!"

   "Yes!" Everyone said in unison, compared to the old captain who was already full of white hair, these young people didn't want to die on the battlefield.

At this time, the natural disaster cannon of the Condor Empire had completed the second round of salvos. Seeing that the Void Ship in the air could no longer hold on, the giant ship suddenly rose at a very fast speed. Everyone immediately realized that this Big guy is running away.

   The more than ten natural disaster-level powerhouses who used the natural disaster cannon below were all in a hurry, struggling to recharge the cannon, and before the enemy escaped, they must knock down this void ship, otherwise, where would they put their faces.

However, with the rise of the Void Ship, it seems that it will exceed the range of the natural disaster cannon, and the hearts of many natural disaster powerhouses begin to sink. Even at this distance, the power will be weakened before the range is exceeded, and then salvo One round may not be able to shoot down this Void Ship.

Seeing that the Void Ship that was raging on the battlefield was about to escape, suddenly a big hand descended from the sky, the palm alone was 200 meters wide, and lightning quickly held down the Void Ship that was taking off. , slammed on the ground fiercely, and with a bang, it was torn apart, immediately causing a series of sacrificial explosions.

Witnessing this scene, as the supreme commander of the Holy Light Church, Archbishop Link was not surprised, but smiled and said lightly: "Prince Simdor, have you finally made a move! Then let me take a look at God How real is the prince of the Eagle Empire!"

While speaking, Archbishop Link stood up, and a pale golden robe wafted in the wind, his figure slowly rose, and then accelerated sharply, rushing directly into the clouds, followed by a majestic sea-like holy light burst. come out.

While   Prince Simdor shot down the Void Ship, he also flew up and rushed above the clouds, where he and Archbishop Link were on the battlefield.

In an instant, two huge and suffocating momentum enveloped the entire battlefield. Compared with the tragic battle on the ground, it seemed insignificant. Time seemed to stand still, and everyone forgot to fight, standing in place and looking up. , Although they can't see anything through the clouds, the battle there determines their fate.

   (end of this chapter)

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