Necromancer and Super Cemetery

Chapter 273: Undead Fortress Cannon

   Chapter 273 Undead Fortress Cannon

   Such a huge and heavy hammer with enchanted attributes can knock down a section of the city wall with one hammer! If it can be hit, with the abnormal power of the Cyclops, coupled with this enchanted heavy hammer, it can even leapfrog and kill the sixth-level extraordinary creature.

   Including Sinai, the three legends on the side of the Nightmare Castle, and some official-level superhumans, seeing the six Cyclops armed to the teeth all took a breath.

But what shocked them was far more than that. After the Cyclops appeared, there was another high-pitched dragon roar, and in an extraordinarily huge spiritual summoning portal, a huge dark red head protruded out, followed by The sturdy neck, the body full of strong muscles, and the huge fleshy wings wrapped around the sides of the body, finally managed to squeeze out of the portal, and immediately fluttered and flew high, with the sound of dragon roars, shocking the audience.

Although the shadow red dragon is also a young dragon, the red dragon itself is the strongest and the largest among the five-color true dragons. In addition, Alshvaro can bathe in the brilliance of divinity at close range in the cemetery all year round, making him more than ordinary The red dragon has grown better, is more powerful and ferocious, and has a larger body. It is nearly thirty meters long, almost a circle larger than the green dragon Hill Moretti of the same rank.

  As soon as Arshvaro appeared, he flew to the sky to show off his might, and even boldly came to a hundred meters away from the Nightmare Castle, unscrupulously spewing out a breath of flame dragon.

The   thick column of fire slammed into the defensive light curtain with a strong momentum. Although there was only a ripple on the light curtain, the tyrannical dragon's might burst out with his breath, still scaring the defenders on the city wall behind the light curtain.

   And just when the Shadow Red Dragon was showing off its power, there was already a four-winged, two-winged female angel next to the Angel of Death, high in the air...

   About ten minutes later, all the troops that Green's command could mobilize were summoned, including the more than 3,000 kobold zombies under the command of the kobold shaman. Although these kobold zombies have low combat effectiveness, they are large in number and do not occupy the population. They are arranged on the two wings of the undead army, so that the number of the undead army outside the castle has almost reached 5,000. The four angels are not inferior to the tens of thousands of troops in the Nightmare Castle.

  Green waited patiently until the last soldier, the undead soldier, stood, and the entire army formed a huge swallow-wing shape. As long as an order was given, a charge could be launched.

   But before that, it was the time for artillery performances. Just behind the gun skeleton soldiers team, a total of 18 undead cannon squads were intensively preparing for artillery fire.

  Each artillery squad has four gun positions, a total of 64 field guns, and it was ready in less than half a minute.

   The avatar of the angel of death suspended in the air suddenly raised an arm and swung it down. Suddenly, a shelling sounded, followed by continuous shelling.

   The sound of the cannons heard by Mrs. Shirgay and the others came from this.

   In just one round of salvo, the black smoke from the cannon formed a black cloud over the undead army. Each shelling is like a thunderstorm. If it is only one or two, it may be bearable, but the continuous loud noise seems to have no end, and the shock will generate huge psychological pressure.

  The defenders of the Nightmare Castle, because of the characteristics of the Nightmare world, can be resurrected after death as long as their souls are not destroyed, but they are not robots after all, and they are still afraid and afraid. In the face of a powerful enemy, the dragon intimidated first, and then the intensive artillery bombardment suddenly made the guards' momentum drop to freezing point. If they weren't afraid of the strangeness and power of the castle owner, at least half of these people would have fled.

   However, although the artillery bombardment of the undead cannon was amazing, the dense cannonballs rained down on the defensive light curtain of the castle, leaving layer upon layer of ripples, but it was still unable to break through the defense.

After this shock, Sinai burst into laughter again: "Hahaha~hahaha~ I thought you had the ability to scare someone with some scraps of skeletons? You thought this level of attack would be able to break through me. Castle? Stop dreaming, get out of here!"

  Green also frowned slightly: "Does it have to cost the crystals of divine power?" But at this time, he had an idea and remembered that a siege weapon might be able to solve the problem.

   Immediately, Green's mind moved, and his consciousness returned to the cemetery...

Fifteen minutes later, the continuous artillery bombardment in the Kingdom of Nightmare finally stopped. At this moment, the continuous shelling made the barrel of the cannon become red with heat. Forcibly continue to fire the cannon, which will cause damage to the enchanted rune at light, or explode directly.

  The Ice Angel Hill, who had long since fallen from the sky, immediately released dozens of streams of water, evenly wrapping the hot gun barrel to quickly cool down and prepare for the next round of attack.

   At this moment, ignoring the jeering and shouting of the huge face on the opposite defensive light curtain, the main consciousness returned to the avatar of the angel of death, and Green immediately cast a spirit call with all his strength.

   This time, the portal opened by the summoning technique was extraordinarily huge, larger than when the Shadow Red Dragon was summoned, and was erected on the ground.

   Accompanied by the sound of a heavy object crushing the ground, a cannon barrel thicker than a normal human thigh came out.

The    gun barrel was very long, raised high and pointed forward, followed by two cyclops dragging a thick leash, struggling out of the portal.

   Tow ropes are attached to a huge flatbed truck with ten iron wheels on each side. At specific positions on both sides of the flatbed, three thick logs were inserted, and the four Cyclops pushed forward with all their might. Although these cyclops are all women, their strength is still enormous, but it takes eight people to move the flatbed, which shows how heavy the terrifying cannon is loaded.

It took    a full minute for this huge cannon with a caliber of 35 centimeters to come out of the portal completely, revealing the amazing whole picture in front of everyone.

   This cannon was acquired by Green last time in Faerun City. It was newly developed by the Kingdom of Lorenzo. It has the largest caliber, the longest range and the most powerful cannon.

Originally, this huge cannon was not delivered to the field troops, but had to be installed on the Sunset Fortress in the north of the kingdom. Otherwise, the cannon that weighed more than 20 tons would not be able to move without the power of the Cyclops. .

   At that time, Faerun City was also seriously ill and went to the hospital, intercepted the fortress cannon that happened to pass through Faerun City, and prepared to deal with monsters from another world.

  Unfortunately, this kind of ordinary cannon without enchantment, no matter how large the caliber and how powerful the shells are, they still have very limited effect on extraordinary creatures. Moreover, it was extremely cumbersome and had an unusually slow rate of fire. After only two shots were fired, dozens of harpies came down from the sky and rushed into the gun positions. Suddenly, more than 40 artillerymen who manipulated the fortress guns were killed. The others scattered in a hurry, leaving the giant cannon unattended.

  In the end, this powerful weapon that gathered the highest technology and manufacturing level of the Kingdom of Lorenzo was brought to the cemetery by Green like a piece of junk.

   Originally, Green planned to slowly engrave enchanted runes on the barrel, so that the cannon’s attack would be blessed with extraordinary attributes, but due to Green’s own extraordinary level and his inability to alchemy and enchant, the progress of this work was very slow.

Green didn't take this to heart until this time when he faced the monstrous shell shrouded in the Nightmare Castle, it reminded him of the existence of this giant cannon, and he immediately returned to the cemetery without being pretentious. Bring the psionic power to the cemetery's approval.

  In an instant, more than 2,000 psionic energy were poured into it, and the giant cannon was enveloped in a psionic light.

   Waiting for the light to subside and disappear, the iron-black cannon sound with the luster of oil has been covered with dense enchanted runes that contain the energy of death.

   Then came the prompt message:

  Undead Fortress Cannon, level 5 special arms, price 2500, rate of fire 6 rounds/hour…

  Different from the prompts of other arms, the Undead Fortress Cannon has no combat power in the prompts, because the combat power of this cannon does not depend on itself, but on what shells it shoots.

   This big guy is definitely a beast of gold. Unlike the gun skeleton soldiers and the undead cannon, as long as it is trimmed in the cemetery, the ammunition will be automatically replenished. This undead fortress gun must be specially prepared with expensive and exclusive cannonballs. An ordinary enchanted cannonball is worth 100 psychic energy, the grenade that increases the explosion range is 300 psychic energies, and the shrapnel with sub-bomb effect is 500 psychic energy. One of the most expensive enchanted armor-piercing bullets would cost 800 psionic energy, and three would be worth the price of an undead fortress gun itself.

   But there is an expensive truth. Ever since he obtained the cemetery, Green knew that every bit of psionic energy spent in the cemetery would not be wasted. Since the enchanted armor-piercing bullet is priced at 800 psionic energy, it will definitely show the value of 800 psychic energy, so he complained in his heart that it was too expensive, but he did not hesitate to take it first and taste it, whether it was fragrant or not.

As the portal closed, the heavy undead fortress cannons stopped in place. Eight Cyclops, in groups of two, removed the sleepers from the flatbed car and inserted them under the flatbed car as a support to prevent the recoil of the cannon from being too large and directly crushing the axle. The gun mounts were then deployed and supported on the ground on both sides of the flatbed.

  While the Cyclops was in charge of unfolding the gun mount, more than 40 skeleton gunners rushed forward and carried out various operations in an orderly manner.

   After a while, the Cyclops, who had already deployed the gun mount, walked towards the back of the flatbed, and the two worked together to carry a pointed cannonball that was not particularly thick compared to their stature.

   However, this enchanted armor-piercing bullet worth 800 psionic energy is quite heavy despite its small size.

The    cone-shaped warhead is covered with enchanted runes that sometimes shine and sometimes disappear, which contain many magical effects such as collapse, smash, and penetration.

   (end of this chapter)

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