Necromancer and Super Cemetery

Chapter 203: perfect repair

   Chapter 203 Perfect Repair

   It turned out that Green had received a lot of gold pounds from the Royal Bank before, and he wanted to go to Santa College to live, but he did not expect the development of the situation and trapped him in this space world. In order to protect himself and escape, he also took action. The first step was to immediately spend [14000] psionic energy to choose a perfect repair, so that Holly could return to the strength of the four-winged archangel.

  Because it is a perfect restoration, Holly's strength has directly reached the peak of the four-winged fallen angel. According to the reference value given by the cemetery, the combat power is as high as [4999], which is almost a legendary high-level. This is already the limit that the four-winged archangel can achieve. The perfect restoration brings a perfect four-winged archangel, and once the combat power reaches 5,000, it is the Seraph.

It is a pity that the limit of this archangel can only reach the four wings. Although it is a step away, it cannot be reached. Unless Glinken spends more psionic energy to upgrade her in the future, or undergoes countless battles and slowly absorbs the essence of the soul, it is hoped that it will be again. Upgrading, it will be a long process.

   This time, he obtained a total of [18000] psionic energy, and he spent most of it in a blink of an eye, but Green didn't feel bad about it. Although psionic energy was precious, it couldn't be used for cubs. It only made sense if it was transformed into combat power. In particular, the enemy to be faced this time is a legendary powerhouse. If there is no high-end combat power enough to hold the line, it can be imagined that Green's life is in worry.

  With the legendary four-winged archangel, Green had confidence in his heart, and he wanted to catch cicadas with mantises, and waited for both sides to suffer before he could come out and reap the benefits of the fisherman. But he didn't expect to see an astonishing scene. The young red dragon was caught and his neck was twisted. Hiddink and Nikolayevich, who had been temporarily allied, actually sat idly by, and instead became very familiar with the culprit, Sonic. Chatted up.

   This situation is completely beyond Green's expectations, but in retrospect, it seems not difficult to accept.

In fact, from the very beginning, Sonic and Nikolayevich did not care about the loss of Faerun and the lives of millions of people. Instead, they were vaguely indulging and even promoting Sonic's plan. They probably knew Sonic for a long time. the ultimate goal and participate in it.

Green learned of this and was able to guess their plans. This is an alliance of three old Yinbi and ambitious people. They frantically sacrificed the lives of millions of people in Faerun City to divide up the **** of nature. legacy.

  Green couldn't guess when the three of them colluded. It was probably because Sonic felt that he couldn't swallow the legacy of the God of Nature alone, so he exchanged part of the inheritance and turned the two powerful enemies into temporary allies. And Hiddink and Nikolayevich, when facing the legacy of God, did not keep their hearts, and their integrity was lost.

   But at this time, Green was really concerned about the young red dragon that was about to die.

   Since the previous experiments in the Shadow Panther and the Shadow Squad, Green obtained the shadow troops between life and death. Seeing that the young red dragon was twisted and broken his neck, Green was instantly refreshed. If you wait for the juvenile red dragon to die, and then convert it into a zombie dragon, the strength of this juvenile red dragon can at most obtain a full-scale high-level combat power.

   But if the juvenile red dragon can be transformed into a shadow red dragon before it is completely dead, although it will be more difficult and troublesome, the benefits obtained once it is successful will be unimaginable. One of the most important is that the Shadow Red Dragon is not a zombie or a bone dragon, but a real living dragon that can grow and evolve, and may even grow into an adult dragon with a body up to 100 meters in the future.

Moreover, with the precedent of the flame archangel, since psionic energy can promote a wounded angel into a perfect four-winged archangel, Green can foresee that as long as there is enough psionic energy, psionic energy can also be used instead of growth, making the shadow red. Dragons reach adulthood quickly. And the potential of this red dragon will far exceed the four-winged archangel, and the huge benefits contained in it are enough for Green to take risks.

   Therefore, at a critical moment, the flame archangel Holly suddenly appeared and cut off the arm of the natural titan carrying the young red dragon.

   The young red dragon fell softly to the ground at the end of his life. Tears flowed from his big eyes that were gradually darkening, and he silently waited for death.

Green used [Sneak into the Spiritual World] in secret, but after spiritualizing his body, he did not enter the spiritual world, but returned to reality. Like a ghost, he temporarily gained the ability to be invisible. He came to the side of the young red dragon and did not use it directly. Infected by death, first try to communicate with this young red dragon who is about to die: "Little red dragon, be loyal to me, and give you a new life~~~"

  Green communicated directly with the dying young Red Dragon through the fluctuation of his soul.

"What? Am I dead? Did you hear the voice of the **** of death?" Arshfaro thought subconsciously. His body was almost inactive, but the powerful dragon soul could last for a while, and even if the conditions were right, it would lose its vitality. After the physical body, his consciousness dissipated, but the dragon soul did not die, but after thousands of years of development, it transformed into a ghost dragon that lost the dignity of the real dragon.

   Green felt a little helpless about Arshvaro's reaction, so he had to say it again.

   It was only this time that the young red dragon came to his senses. He forced his last spirits and asked, "Who are you?"

   "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you are going to die now, and I can make you live." Green said lightly.

However, the young red dragon did not bow his head excitedly, but sneered: "Hmph, you brazen fellow, I am the descendant of the great red dragon queen, the descendant of the red dragon lord the flame of annihilation, don't you think about it? I became a lowly and lowly undead, and I smelled a lowly necromancer in your soul."

  Green couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. I didn't expect this red dragon to be quite the second. Is this the rhythm of being a martyr instead of dying?

"Is this guy a half-breed? When did the one-strand red dragon still have a heart?" Green was secretly surprised, but he didn't make a sound, and said lightly: "Stupid and humble reptile, don't use you Shallow insight to speculate on the idea of ​​a great being, now let go of your soul, I will give you new life. Your heart will beat again, your blood will run again, the blood of the dragon will be purer, and you will have the opportunity to grow into An ancient dragon, instead of dying here like mud. Live or die, little guy, make your choice."

Alshvaro fell into a brief silence. His brain cells, which were not enough, were thinking about trade-offs. In the end, the desire for survival prevailed over the persistence of other beliefs. Although he did not know what the other party was, gods or demons, then It doesn't matter. The other party promised him a new life, not into that kind of undead creature with no dignity. This stimulated his desire to survive, and when the other party said that, his dragon soul would be lost. It fluctuated slightly, it was a contract in the dark, and it was verified by the great ancient dragon god.

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   (end of this chapter)

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