Necromancer and Super Cemetery

Chapter 132: 137 Explore the misty world

   Chapter 132 137 Explore the misty world

   Green is very satisfied with the Mage Tower after the merger, the function has not been weakened, and it can be taken anywhere and anytime, unlike other Mage who have to find a way to find a place to place the Mage Tower. This is also why the mage towers in this world are generally too majestic to be built. It is not that the construction technology cannot be achieved, but that the movement is inconvenient, which restricts the mobility of the mage.

Because the radiation range of the mage tower is limited, about 100 kilometers to 300 kilometers, even if most of the mage towers can be moved, it is quite troublesome and troublesome, so most of the formal-level mage will stay in one place, and easily do not leave the radiation range of the mage tower, Otherwise, it would be quite dangerous to lose the magic power supplied by the Mage Tower, and the strength of the Mage would drop sharply.

Now Green has no such restrictions, and after entering the cemetery, it merges with the magic guild to form a new mage tower. Everything was damaged before, everything needs to be repaired, and all the magic runes that must be redrawn are all new, so that Green does not need to go again. Raise funds and spend energy to restore the mage tower.

   Moreover, on the top of the mage tower, it looks like a huge metal antenna, with a magic ball wrapped around a purple light suspended at the top.

   That is the [Magic Cannon] that comes with the Mage Tower. According to the attributes of the cemetery, the [lv3] Magic Cannon’s attack power is as high as [550], which is more than ten times that of the undead cannon. It is simply a weapon for defending the city. The disadvantage is that the firing rate is very slow, every five minutes, and after firing, it needs to be recharged, and each charge has to consume [10] psionic energy.

The addition of this big killer in the cemetery has added a lot of security to Green's heart. Even if a high-level formal-level powerful enemy is now rushing out of the gray fog around the cemetery, with this [Magic Cannon], there are also The power of a fight.

   This also changed Green's original plan. Originally, he planned to go back to Langton City to find the old one-eyed and then order an arms. At the same time, through the contacts of Viscount Paul, he opened up new arms trading channels and obtained at least thirteen cannons. The twenty-four undead cannons are divided into six squads, four of which are arranged on the city defense fortress, and the other two artillery squads are used as mobile firepower, so he has the confidence to send reconnaissance troops to explore the fog of war shrouded in the surrounding.

   But now, with the [Magic Cannon] on top of the mage tower, the defense of the cemetery has been greatly strengthened.

Moreover, Green got the news that Rhine City has been in trouble recently. [Natural Church] and [Blood Eye] are angry, especially it is said that the boss of [Blood Eye] [Blood Knight] personally killed [Natural Church]. High-level priest Shirthova, followed by the crazy revenge of the [Natural Church].

A full ten official tree spirit parasites madly swept away everyone who could find the [Blood Eye], in exchange for the bloodier revenge from [Blood Eye], making the entire Rhine City a battlefield for them. .

Not only that, the Church of the Holy Light also followed, because the Crusader team led by Major Quares mysteriously disappeared, no one alive, no dead body. Cut the knight.

   Holy Inquisition Knights are equivalent to legendary mages, and they belong to the high-level who really hold power, no matter in the [crusade] or [the Church of the Holy Light].

   The big man of the [crusade] immediately led a team of paladins to Rhine City, making the already dangerous and chaotic situation even more dangerous and unpredictable.

In the face of such a complicated situation, Green certainly wouldn't fall into it. Since he got the mage tower, he took Laura to hide in the lakeside villa to get up, except to send some messages to the Special Bureau of Langton City every once in a while. news, and all other time and energy was devoted to the foggy world.

   Soon the first kobold shaman, Emma Hart Silurus, led the exploration map team.

This mobile unit consists of two teams of kobold zombies, a team of hard-skinned ghouls, and three wailing banshees. The kobold zombies act as cannon fodder and meat shields, the ghouls act as assault forces, and the wailing banshees Responsible for magic support, division of labor and cooperation, with a clear purpose, clear the gray fog around the cemetery at the fastest speed, and find valuable things to bring back to the cemetery. If you encounter a strong enemy, try to avoid fighting.

   This is Green's first time exploring this strange and mysterious misty world, and he is extra cautious.

The choice of the kobold shaman to lead the team is also out of prudence. After all, only the kobold shaman is from the misty world among his heroes, and the kobold shaman is relatively familiar with the nearby terrain, although it is only 100 kilometers away, but At least unlike other people, going out is all about feeling, and I don’t have a clue in my heart.

  The kobold shaman was very excited to get this task. It seemed that Green let him work is the embodiment of his dog life value. He immediately got busy, organized the manpower, and was ready to go.

Because Green couldn't come to the foggy world in person, he could only observe everything that happened in this world from a 'perspective' for the time being. The original tribe moved forward, and this was the only way out of the cemetery.

  This foggy world is very magical. It is full of thick and persistent gray fog. Even if troops are sent to disperse the fog and reveal the real terrain, the gray fog will rise again after two or three days to cover the ground again.

At this moment, the road from the cemetery to the kobold tribe was once again shrouded in gray fog. Only two evil spirits were left as sentries in the abandoned tribal camp there. Green could sense their presence, but because of the gray fog, This made him unable to shift his perspective, and he had to wait for the kobold shaman's team to disperse the blocking gray fog again, forming a passage from the cemetery to the abandoned camp, before Green could shift his perspective to the two remaining evil spirits at will. .

  Green watched from the [God's Perspective] the undead troops below were rapidly advancing under the leadership of the kobold shaman, and deeply inserted a white bone stick every five meters.

This is the method that Green came up with. He judged that the reason why the undead creatures can drive away the surrounding fog is because they have psionic energy in their bodies, so as long as they leave some things with a small amount of psychic energy along the way, they can avoid the gray fog from covering the ground again, at least A passage from the cemetery to the exploration troops can be preserved, allowing Green's consciousness to travel back and forth between the two anytime, anywhere.

Facts have proved that this method works well, and those bones as road signs can be seen everywhere in the cemetery, because the cemetery is full of undead spiritual energy, which infects these bones all the time, so that it contains a considerable amount of spiritual energy. , When used as a road sign, it is rich and rich.

   After passing through the abandoned kobold camp, the kobold shaman did not stop, and continued to the south along the next road.

   In fact, he entered the foggy world, and Green didn't know which side was east and which side was south. For the convenience of marking the map, he stipulated that the direction directly opposite the cemetery gate was south.

The    team continued to move forward, walking tirelessly for more than an hour, and finally found an ancient abandoned tomb.

   (end of this chapter)

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