Chapter 133 Killed Warring States, seriously injured Garp, and the world was shocked! 【Please subscribe】

“Fist bone impact!”

Garp punched out, shattering a dozen Terminator soldiers along the way. His eyes were blood red, like a mad beast. He didn’t care about anything now, he just wanted to save Sengoku quickly.

But the Devil Terminator didn’t It will allow him to get his wish, and he has already intercepted Garp’s only path one step ahead of time.

“Get out of here, old man!”

Garp punched out, and the terrifying power of the punch immediately distorted the space.

But the Devil Terminator was not afraid at all.

“Don’t even think about passing through here. Warring States is dead and no one can save him!”

The Devil Terminator spoke coldly, his arm mechanically deformed, and he punched out with the same punch.


The two fists collided, and the two were in a stalemate. No one could do anything to the other.

“Get out of here, old man.”

Garp was so anxious that he had no time to waste here now. When he thought that Sengoku could die at any time, Garp almost went crazy.

However, at this time, the appearance of another Devil Terminator directly plunged Garp into despair.

“You’ve exposed your flaws, Garp!”

The second Devil Terminator made a cold voice, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone. He teleported and appeared behind Garp, and stabbed Garp’s back with a backhand knife.

With a pop, blood spattered, and the alloy sword instantly penetrated Garp. Garp gritted his teeth

, spit out a mouthful of blood, roared, and blasted the Devil Terminator in front of him with force, then raised his right foot and forced the Devil Terminator behind him away from his body. The restraint brought out a lot of blood, but Garp didn’t care at all. He directly grabbed the Devil Terminator behind him and threw it away violently. This throw contained super strength and directly threw the Devil Terminator thousands of times. Mi.

However, the explosion in the severely injured state seemed to drain Garp of his strength. Garp spat out a mouthful of blood again, and finally half-knelt on the ground.

He looked up at the blood hole in his abdomen, and his heart gradually grew. Feeling powerless. Garp knew that he could not save Sengoku.

Similarly, Cyborg Kong, who was closer to Sengoku, also wanted to save Sengoku, but he was surrounded by three Devil Terminators. Kong transformed into a Titan Giant Ape and knocked away a Devil Terminator with one punch, but he was attacked by two Devil Terminators. Two rounds of sword light pierced the sky, tearing flesh and blood, leaving behind Cyborg Kong. Two huge wounds with bone-deep bones intersecting to form an X.


Cyborg was so out of breath that he almost vomited blood, and his expression was extremely unwilling and angry. Similarly, the three navy generals were unable to come to the rescue.

With a thought in Reynold’s mind, six sharp barbs suddenly popped up from the arms of the alloy armor, and they tore apart instantly. The flesh and blood of Sengoku’s chest was torn apart.


Sengoku let out a scream, and at the same time, he could no longer maintain the huge size of the giant Buddha, and he knelt down at the feet of Reynold as he spurted blood..The breath of life in the Warring States period is quickly extinguishing like a candle in the dark night.


Warring States opened his eyelids with difficulty, his vision was very blurry, and he could no longer see Reynold’s face clearly. The pupils are dim and consciousness may disappear at any time.

The reason why he is not dead yet is that he can only hold on with his last breath.

He wanted to say something more, but he no longer had the energy to say the complete words.

Reynold has shattered Sengoku’s internal organs, and if he can still breathe his last breath, he is already considered a monster among monsters.

“It’s over, the Warring States Period”

“Just go to hell with your sad and meaningless life.”

Reynold’s expression was indifferent, and he raised his hand and slapped the Heavenly Spirit Cover of Warring States.

With a click, the bones shattered.

Reynolds’ terrifying power penetrated his whole body through his skull, and instantly shattered all the bones of Warring States.

Warring States suddenly Squirting out the last mouthful of blood, his pupils finally lost all luster, and his breath was completely cut off. With a pop, Sengoku’s body collapsed.

The legendary navy, the current naval marshal Sengoku, died in this battle!

“Warring States!!!”

The heart-rending shouts of Garp and Cyborg rang out on the battlefield, and tears shed from the eyes of the two veterans.


The strong wind suddenly rose, blowing across the entire Ice Continent and Red Harbor, bringing an incomparable blow to the navy. Despair and bone-chilling fear, the sword in a navy soldier’s hand fell to his feet, but he didn’t know it.

“Marshal of the Warring States Period….died….”


“Marshal of the Warring States Period actually died….”

The naval soldier looked dull and muttered to himself, tears flowing out of his eyes unconsciously. At this moment, he only felt that his mind was blank, as if he was dreaming.

There are many naval soldiers like him. They can’t believe that Marshal Warring States actually died in battle.

“Damn it!!!”

General Aoki’s face was extremely ugly, and he instantly burst out with a burst of ultra-low temperature cold air, freezing the two Devil Terminators that attacked him at the same time. Unfortunately, the freezing time was less than half a second, and the Devil Terminators had already broken out of the ice.

“Qingzhi, you are no match for us, just let us catch you.”

The Devil Terminator’s eyes glowed red, he spoke human words, and his voice was cold. He did not take Aoki’s attack seriously at all. The death of Navy Marshal Sengoku was also spread to the world through live broadcast.

“see it? Admiral Sengoku was killed”

“With just one move, the marshal died.”

“Isn’t this a matter of course?”

“Almost all the navy’s elite were wiped out, and now even the navy marshal was killed in the battle. What could the navy do to fight Reynold again?”

“Defeated. The Navy has completely failed. There is no chance of victory anymore.”

“Yeah hahahaha, the navy was finally defeated, even the marshal died, he deserved it”

“Hey guys, let’s go to sea. From now on, no one can threaten us anymore.”

“The chance to dominate the sea has finally arrived”

“Without the constraints of the navy, all the treasures on the sea belong to our Black Hawk Pirates.”

“Let’s go, little ones, to the Grand Line”

“The treasure of One Piece is calling us!”

“The next Pirate King must be me, Castro Vilsax!”

The pirates all over the world boiled over and were ecstatic the moment they saw Navy Marshal Sengoku being killed. They all know that after today, the navy will never be the same navy as before.

The navy will fall into the dust, and will never be the same again. No one will hunt them down, and no one can stop them. The pirates will usher in the freest world.

Unfortunately, they don’t know that after the fall of the navy, there will be stronger people who will dominate the world. At the same time, he also hates pirates who do evil things.

He will not allow pirates to continue to do evil in this world.

Those pirates who kill people, set fires, and kill innocent people will all die soon. The biggest nightmare was that they didn’t know how to regret it until they died. Unfortunately, it was too late. Of course, these are all things for later. At this moment, all the pirates in the world were rioting.

Most of the bases were invaded by pirates. Without the deterrence of the Navy Headquarters, pirates from all over the world are no longer afraid of naval bases from all over the world. Several naval bases in the first half of the Grand Line were also invaded, because these bases have been mobilized. In short, the navy’s defeat was like a trigger that completely detonated the world.

“Warring States Period, are you gone?”

The Whitebeard Pirates, aboard the Moby Dick.

Whitebeard looked at the dead Sengoku on the live broadcast screen and let out a long sigh.

Then he stopped drinking, but stood up and walked to the side of the ship, pouring the wine from the bottle into In the vast sea, although Sengoku and Whitebeard belong to two camps, they are naturally hostile.

However, in countless life-and-death battles, Whitebeard and Sengoku cherish each other, and both sides admire each other’s strength. He is a human being. Now the death of Warring States means that there is one less hero on the sea.

This is the change brought about by the passage of time. The sea that he was so familiar with before will become increasingly unfamiliar. They old guys couldn’t keep up with the times.

Suddenly, Whitebeard felt that he was really old.

The pirates in the Whitebeard Pirates were also talking about Sengoku’s murder.

“Even the marshal is dead, and the navy is not far away from being annihilated.”

“That’s right. In an hour at most, or even that long at all, this war will be completely over.”

“Even Lieutenant General Garp was seriously injured.”

“His abdomen was penetrated by the Devil’s Terminator’s sword. He may be the next person to die.”

“The naval hero Garp, the legendary figure who successfully captured Roger, the Pirate King, is now about to die.”

Speaking of the death of senior leaders of the Navy, most pirates are excited.

After all, the Navy is the mortal enemy of pirates like them.

Among the many cadres, only one person’s face is a little ugly and he is extremely worried. He is Fire Fist. Ace

“Old man!”

Looking at Lieutenant General Garp being besieged by two Devil Terminators in the live broadcast, Ace was very worried.

Although he became a pirate, he was adopted and raised by Garp since he was a child. The family relationship between the two is Unable to let go. Now that he saw Garp being seriously injured and possibly killed, Ace was naturally very worried, but he couldn’t do anything but watch.

“Did the Warring States Period leave too?”

“Time flies so fast.”

In the main square of the Shampoo Islands, countless people stood in front of the big screen to watch the live broadcast. On a big tree in the corner of the square, Pluto Rayleigh was sitting on the branch.

When he saw the Sengoku being killed, Rayleigh He couldn’t help but let out a long sigh. At this moment, many past scenes appeared in his mind, including his adventures with Roger and many battles with the navy, including the experience of fighting the Warring States Period.

“Have a good trip, Warring States!”

Pluto Rayleigh took out the wine bottle and poured all the wine in the bottle on the ground to pay homage to the dead Warring States.

On the other side, the Revolutionary Army Headquarters, White Earth Island, Baldigo. In the headquarters room, the Revolutionary Army leader Long looked at In the live broadcast, his face was expressionless, and he still had a poker face, but his clenched fists showed the unrest in his heart.

“Old man, it’s not too late to leave now”

“It’s not worth dying for those Celestial Dragon trash!”

Long roared in his heart, hoping that Garp would leave the battlefield immediately, even if he surrendered. As long as Garp shouted the word”surrender”, Long believed that Renold would not kill everyone.

Although Long and Garp had parted ways, the two People have taken completely opposite paths, but the father-son relationship between the two cannot be changed.

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