Nautical Explosive Soldiers: The Five Elders, How Many Divisions Do You Have?

Nautical Explosive Soldiers: Five Old Stars, How Many Divisions Do You Have Chapter 223

Caught by them!

The four five old stars all took to the sky!

Enter the interior of this ancient weapon!

Everyone shines!

The climate of most of the great sea routes!

It has become extremely weird at this moment!

Magnetic force, thunderstorm, rain cloud and all elements!

Start gathering!

"I have to say that the technology of those guys in D is really amazing. The king of heaven is an important weapon to prevent many islands in the world from being swallowed by sea beasts. The special environment created makes it possible for human beings to survive in this dangerous sea!"

"Every time I see this kind of thing, it makes me feel excited. It's a pity that this kind of technology is also geneticized to avoid our hunting. Some abilities are hidden in the individual's body genes, so it's hard to find!"

"The most important thing now is to let the leader of the allied forces die!!"



"Edson is dead too!!"

"Isn't the World Government planning to retreat?!"

"The defeat is set! Are they so arrogant that they can't even accept the defeat of a war??"

"The leader of the Allied forces is too terrifying!"

"It's not impossible for the world to change hands!" The giants watched another top powerhouse like Edson fall!

Everyone's heart is used to acceptance!

But this still shocked them!

"Their vision should not be so short-sighted! Temporarily retreat, the advantage may still be with them! If you fight to the end, it will be as the Allies want!"

"Could it be that they have any means?!"

"If you really have the means, it's impossible to watch several top powerhouses before and after fall!" Silver Ax really didn't believe it!

No matter which organization in the world!

It is impossible to ignore the life and death of the top powerhouse!

"Maybe it's not easy to use this kind of method." Jabba said thoughtfully!

At the beginning, their Roger Pirates were already very powerful!

There are also several top powerhouses!

There are many allies that can be linked!

Like the Whitebeard Pirates!

Can finally be Captain Roger!

But still gave an answer that the strength is not enough!

And a whole new era is needed!

Let more strong ones be born!

"In this case, there is only one possibility to turn the tide of the battle, kill the leader of the allied forces!! But right now, can this kind of monster really be killed? Invincible defense, surpassing the strength of ordinary top powerhouses! Don't be killed by him Death is fine!" Morgons analyzed it after a while!

Feeling pretty hopeless!

He changed his mind!

If Ryan is the enemy!

So what should he do?

Thinking of various results!

Only one came to mind! Surrender and surrender can live!

There is simply no way to kill this monster!

Listen to Morgons!

Everyone is silent!

Ryan's strength!

Desperate indeed!

But maybe only such people!

It is possible to change the world!

"The morale of the world government is low, I'm afraid it's really going to lose!" Reporters from the Chambord Islands!

They all held the paper and pen in their hands nervously!

Is this war finally coming to an end?

Has the world government failed? !

Well done! !

The source of chaos in the kingdoms of this world!

Those who support the Allied Forces look forward to this in their hearts!

And people who still support the world government!

It feels like the end of darkness is coming!

Let them suffocate! !

Everyone is nervously waiting!

What will the future world look like? !

Maybe it's just a matter of this moment!

"The world government has been king and hegemony for a long time, can't accept failure? Gu la la la! The more unacceptable, the more losses will be! It seems that those old guys are also old and dizzy!" No withdrawal!

Watching Edson die suddenly again!

Can't help grinning!

It is rare to see the world government suffer such a big loss!

"Hahaha! World government, you are finished!!" Waldo, the world destroyer, laughed loudly!

The battle situation is already clear!

If the world government still insists on it!

Then kill them so that they can't turn over!

Only in this way can his great revenge be avenged!

"The world government will lose, it is unimaginable..."


"Marshal of the Warring States Period, let's make the last fight, Shangfeng may let us do our best to kill the leader of the allied forces!" Akainu's body was full of boiling magma!

The magma is bright red.

It was his own blood!

Akainu from the bloody battle with Whitebeard!

Until now, the bloody battle against Rennes!

Injuries and self-consumption!

Bigger than Sengoku Kong!

If you continue to fight!

next to die.

Probably a red dog!

"I'm afraid so!" There was no retreat order for a long time!

Maybe it's Wu Laoxing who wants them to consume the enemy as much as possible!

Planning to fight to the end!

Although unwise!

But if this is Wu Laoxing's decision!

They can only fight to the end!

The body of the Buddha in the Warring States Period has been cracked!

Maintain this fighting posture at this moment!

are extremely difficult.

Especially when there is energy in the body.

has been eroding.

It's nothing at first!

But now it has seriously affected their combat power!

"Then let's fight to the end!" Marshal Kong didn't flinch in the slightest!

They believe that Wulaoxing chooses this way!

They must have their own reasons!

The five of them are known as the most perfect team in the world!

Regardless of combat power or wisdom!

All perfect!

Five people are like one!

Make every choice!

are optimal.

It has always been like this!

And at this time!

Ryan knocked the three of them away with several sticks in a row!

Just when the three of them were about to fight back again!

A voice sounded behind them!

They were all taken aback!

Then a vortex appeared behind each of them!

Get a hand out of it!

Pull them in!

The three of them disappeared immediately!

Ren's expression changed immediately!

"The whole army stay away from me!!!" Renn was super domineering at the moment!

Feel the danger like never before! !

Something terribly locked on itself!

Ren said, and the mace suddenly swept around.

Many friendly troops were swept away by Rennes!

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