Natural fairy species

Chapter 36 Arena Battle

"The acting patriarch of the Chen family came to visit with several clan members yesterday. The patriarch and several elders received him personally. They paid great attention to him and chatted for a long time."

"Several adults were discussing again this morning. The eldest elder asked Bai Wei to lead the two juniors of the Chen family to walk around Hanxiu Peak. But unexpectedly, one of the Chen family was very arrogant, and everyone started a conflict after just a few words. , so much so that we have to compete in the ring!"

"Although the Chen family boys are annoying, they are really capable. Bai Wei couldn't hold on for a few rounds and was defeated steadily."

"But he still refused to admit defeat, so the other party's pretty boy became cruel. Bai Wei's arm was broken by a flying stone!"

The skinny monkey-like clan brother was very articulate and explained the whole story clearly in a few words, giving Bai Zichen a general idea.

The Xiangzhu Chen family and the Mozhu Bai family have been friends for hundreds of years and have been intermarrying for several generations. They are two families that protect each other.

The visit at this time is naturally related to the recent situation in Heishan County.

Moreover, the situation of the Chen family is different from that of the Bai family. As the acting patriarch, Chen Yixin is only a Qi-refining Dzogchen monk, and the family's only foundation-building overhaul has been relegated to the background.

The Chen family's foundation-building overhaul celebrated his 180th birthday seven years ago. Now he only has a few years left to live and may die at any time.

Once they lose this golden bridge, the Chen family will never be able to keep their current property.

Hundreds of fragrant pigs are produced every year, which puts the Chen family's financial resources at the forefront among the immortal cultivating families. Some people have long been jealous.

Bai Zichen's favorite spiritual meal is made by roasting and cooking the part behind the neck of fragrant pig.

The bite is full of meaty flavor and extremely tender. As long as it is available, it is a spiritual meal that he must order.

However, the Chen family's successors failed to live up to their expectations. Several attempts at foundation building failed, and several foundation building spiritual items were wasted.

Time is getting tighter and tighter, and it happens to coincide with the changes in Heishan County. He is probably here to discuss major issues between the two clans in the future with the Bai family.

As for the conflict between the teenagers, it is not surprising.

Bai Zichen had seen Bai Wei before. He didn't have a tolerant temperament and could mock Bai Chongwu, who was much older than him, to his face.

The young clansman who can be taken by the clan leader must be the spiritual seed that the Chen family has high hopes for. It is normal for him to have an arrogant temperament.

The two sides refused to give in, the quarrel escalated, and it was normal for them to enter the ring.

After all, everyone is a cultivator, and in the end of the quarrel, it was the cultivation that spoke.

But it was too much to cause the commotion to be severed.

"No matter how unbearable Bai Wei is, he is still a descendant of my Bai family. It is not anyone else's turn to teach him a lesson. Take me over and have a look."

Bai Zichen already felt like a master of the Bai family. No matter how much he didn't like Bai Wei, he couldn't let the foreign monks lose face of the Bai family.

"Okay! Brother Chen is here, and he will definitely be in trouble against that pretty boy!"

The skinny monkey clan member shouted with joy, dwarfed, and rushed to the front to lead the way.

Bai family arena.

Bai Zichen and others arrived, and there was already a circle of Bai clan members surrounding the ring. Everyone looked angry and stared at the young man on the ring hatefully.

There were several others surrounding Bai Wei. His left arm was abnormally twisted in the opposite direction, his face was twisted together in pain, and all the blood was gone.

"What are you doing here, stupid? Go ask a doctor to see you."

Bai Zichen knelt down and took a look at Bai Wei's injuries. He only had a broken arm and no meridians, so it was not a big problem.

As long as you ask a doctor to bandage it, cast a rejuvenation spell, and then take two pills to build muscle and restore bones, there will be no sequelae after the recovery.

"Bai Zichen, this guy is very good at fighting, and he has endless spells... He also has two protective magic weapons. You are no match for him..."

When Bai Wei saw him coming, he burst into tears and snot in his nose, and spoke intermittently.

"I came to see if you were beaten to death. This person didn't provoke me. Why should I go on stage to fight with him?"

"You..." Bai Wei was so angry that he moved and touched the wound. The severe pain made him unable to speak.

"Brother Bai Wei, I made a mistake just now, I can't help it. I will send you the healing elixir later to apologize and thank you."

The young man from the Chen family said loudly on the stage, cupping his hands in all directions.

"Dear Taoist friends of the Bai family, I have heard in my clan that the Bai family's Taoism is superb and that young people have many talents. So far today, I have just learned a thing or two. I hope you will give me some advice."

This young man stood in the center of the ring, wearing a red robe swaying gently in the wind, with red lips and white teeth, and a handsome face.

At the beginning, he challenged everyone in the Bai family to fight, and Feng Shen's graceful demeanor suddenly emerged, and his good looks did take advantage.

Although this person invites everyone to fight, he is really embarrassed to go on stage because of such a big age difference.

It would be disgraceful to win, and even more shameful to lose.

The fight with Bai Wei just now was witnessed by everyone. The young man from the Chen family was extremely talented in fighting. Bai Wei was no match for him at all, so he blamed the magical weapon for covering his face.

The eyes of the Bai family monks gradually turned to Bai Zichen. Before Bai Ling arrived, he was the only candidate who could go on stage to fight.

"This fellow Taoist from the Bai family seems to be the one everyone expects. He must be a leader in the clan. Why don't we come up to fight and communicate with each other?"

The young man from the Chen family looked at the direction of everyone's gaze and directly named them for a fight.

Bai Zichen let out a long sigh, raised his steps, and jumped onto the ring.

Although he didn't want to engage in such a meaningless fight with others, it went against his own will to refuse to fight when someone bullied him in the face.

"Chen Xiu of the Xiangzhu Chen family, I haven't asked the names of the Bai family brothers yet."

Chen Xiu held a jade dagger in his hand, and after taking a closer look, his face became a little more solemn.

"Are the sixth level of Qi Refining?"

Bai Zichen had just made a breakthrough, and he hadn't practiced the breath gathering spell. As long as he observed carefully, his cultivation would naturally not be hidden.

Not to mention Chen Xiu's surprise, all the monks from the Bai family were in an uproar under the stage. His Qianliju was training too fast.

There have just been voices in the clan, saying that Bai Zichen's cultivation has slowed down over the years, and that he may have exhausted his potential, so he quietly broke through to another level.

This level of cultivation is comparable to that of experienced monks in the clan and can serve as a steward of general affairs.

"When you lose, go back and ask your elders!"

Bai Zichen was too lazy to talk nonsense, and somehow felt that what the thin monkey clan brother said was quite reasonable. The pretty face of the Chen family was indeed unpleasant to look at.

With one stroke of his fingers, a series of fireballs the size of beads flew out, forming a fire net and covering Chen Xiu's head.

"So what if I'm at the sixth level of Qi refining! I'm only one small level away, and it's not like I won't be able to defeat him in a level-shifting battle!"

Chen Xiu's status in the clan is similar to that of Bai Zichen, and he has shown his talent in fighting since childhood.

The basic Five Elements spells can be mastered as soon as you learn them, and you will become masters as soon as you learn them.

Moreover, he can also draw analogies and incorporate his own understanding into the spells.

There are several people in the Chen family who have similar cultivation talents to Chen Xiu, but with their fighting skills, they are all left behind.

Even the foundation-building ancestor of the Chen family praised him as a fighting genius. As long as he succeeds in foundation-building in the future, his future will be limitless.

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