Naruto, uncle, I am really invincible

Chapter 500 Unexpected Enemy

The border guards of the Land of Water, who were in a mess, only the ninjas who were on the front line were still paying attention to the enemy's attack.

As the Red Nation Fleet approached, they gradually saw what the pattern on the red flag was.

They were still guessing in their hearts, which one of the other four major countries would invade their country so suddenly.

They are the only frontier guards who can still hold their posts in the chaos and report to the enemy.

They are not like the other border guard ninjas who are ignorant, they still have some understanding of the current pattern of the ninja continent.

They couldn't guess in any case which big power would come to invade them at this time.

Especially in this sensitive period, the Second Ninja World War is not over yet.

Why would they send troops to provoke the land of water far away from the Ninja Continent?

Is it the country of fire? It's impossible to think about it, the country of thunder is still eyeing them.

Their layout in the country of rain failed again, and they still had the energy to provoke the country of water, it couldn't be him.

Is the country of thunder? The country of thunder is also close to the sea, and their ships are indeed good.

But wasn't their main energy during this period focused on the Land of Fire and Land of Earth?

You must know that Konoha and Iwagakure have cooperated before, and they actually have the ability to sail the sea, but they should not be invaded at this time.

Is it the land of the land? That is impossible. Although the strength of the land of the land is well preserved, their every move is definitely under the watch of the land of thunder.

Once they take action, the first to react is definitely the Kingdom of Thunder.

And with their understanding of the country of thunder, the country of thunder will definitely tell the news to the country of water, and take the opportunity to pit the country of earth.

After all, the Land of Earth had pitted him with Konoha not long ago, so he wouldn't miss this opportunity.

As for the last country of the wind, they think it is even more impossible, the country of the wind is a desert country, a country full of wind and sand.

Could such a country still have giant ships sailing on the sea?

Isn't this a joke!

While it's true that their (bffh) frontier area also relies on the sea, even if they want to develop their own Marine, that's unlikely.

The Kingdom of Wind is the poorest country among the five recognized ninja kingdoms. If they want to develop Marine, it will cost a lot of money, material, and manpower.

As long as those Sunagakure executives have brains, it's impossible to agree to this.

After all, he couldn't survive on the ground, how could he still have the energy to develop Marine.

The most important thing is that the development of Marine is not something that can be done in a short time.

So they thought about it, but they couldn't figure out which big country would come to invade them during this period.

In their opinion, the other four major countries are too busy to take care of themselves and have no time, energy, or ability to come to the country of water in this period.

If it were other times, they might also invade the Land of Rain, but this time they should be the safest.

The other four major countries were mixed up in the Ninja Continent, and as a water country far away from the Ninja Continent, this period was also the time when they were most relaxed.

Unexpectedly, when they were at their most relaxed, reality hit them hard.

They finally knew that it was none other than those who came, let alone those big countries.

It was the small country that they wanted to eliminate before, or even almost eliminated - the country of the vortex, the current red country!

The red Uzumaki flag flutters in the air, and becomes more colorful as the giant ship moves forward.

All of them recognized the bright red flag on the huge ship.

Vaguely, they even saw the excited crowd on those huge ships.

Yes, they are indeed worthy of excitement, indeed worthy of excitement, after all, they were almost wiped out a year ago.

They have also heard some news and know that the strength of the current state of the vortex is very different.

Since they changed their name to Chi Kingdom, even Konoha has nothing to do with them.

Even at the most urgent moment of Konoha's battle, when there is the most shortage of troops, Konoha will send a part of his troops to the border of the Fire Country to pay attention to the movements of the Red Country.

From this point, it can be seen that Konoha attaches great importance to Chi Kingdom, and this emphasis is also based on their recognition of Chi Kingdom's strength.

The higher-ups at Kirigakure, even the guards, knew about this.

They also thought that if the Chi Kingdom gradually became stronger, they would definitely avenge the previous one if they found an opportunity in the future.

But I didn't expect this one-shot revenge to come so quickly.

All of them stared at the front in shock, and finally someone reacted, and hurriedly ran down the high-rise building and shouted.

"The one who came to attack the country of the vortex... No, it was the country of Chi, it was the army of the country of Chi, and they came to take revenge!

Hearing this sentence, the chaotic crowd seemed to be frozen in an instant.

Everyone was stiff for a second, staring at the shouting guards in disbelief.

It turned out to be Chi Kingdom?!

For a time, they didn't know whether to be happy or sad, but fortunately, it was not any of the other five ninja kingdoms that invaded them.

Sadly, this Chi Kingdom, which they wanted to destroy before, was even a country that could be destroyed by paying some price in their eyes.

They didn't wipe out the country simply because they didn't think the price was worth it.

Unexpectedly, in just one year, this country, which in their eyes was not worth paying a certain price, came to counterattack them.

For a time, everyone present felt a deep shame.

The leader of the fog shadow frontier guard, Suizuki Daimeng, is also very angry.

But he is not a real rice bucket after all, he still has some abilities.

Taking advantage of the time when everyone was stunned, he knew that this was a good time to integrate the troops.

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