Naruto, uncle, I am really invincible

Chapter 286 and Tsunade's date place

Looking up, the rows of trees were like sharp swords piercing into the sky, and the mist lingered on the trees, making them dark and deep.

And there are no leaves on these trees, the branches are like barbs growing on the trunk, and the whole body is pale in color, giving people a feeling of white bones.

Let the uninformed see it, and they must think that they have come to some terrifying Jedi.

However, the woods are filled with moist and refreshing breath. If you come here for the first time, you will definitely be impressed. The breath full of natural energy is inhaled into your lungs for a moment.

I felt as refreshed as I came back after running 800 meters outside in the hot summer and ate a chilled watermelon.

When Tsunade arrived here at this time, he took a light breath. Although he had been here many times, he still felt that his limbs were full of comfort.

This piece of white bone forest is filled with incomparably thick natural energy, and the entire air is also filled with this pure energy.

On the ground and pale tree trunks, some blue-and-white Katsuyu could be seen to the naked eye, and some sticky liquid spit out from Katsuyu's mouthparts and flowed down the branches.

These slimes also contain pure natural energy, flowing freely like this.

Needless to say, this is the Shibone Forest, one of the three sacred places of Summoning beasts in the ninja world, and it is also the meeting place of Tsunade and Uzumaki Qiyun.

The Wet Bone Forest is a huge different space, and the entire space is the domain of the Katsuyu sage, because there seems to be no other large creatures except the Katsuyu sage.

According to Tsunade's information in the family, the existence of wet bone forest is extremely long, and this space has existed in the world long before the concept of ninja was born.

And the ruler here is fortunately a giant Katsuyu with a gentle and kind-hearted personality.

All the other small katsuyus here are split-offs of the giant katsuyu.

The Katsuyu immortals also have special abilities such as splitting, spewing corrosive liquids, and healing the wounded.

"Master Tsunade, are you here again?" A small Katsuyu wriggled out from the depths of the woods.

Compared to the palm-sized Katsuyu on the book next to it, this Katsuyu who only speaks to Tsunade is already the size of a small hill.

But Tsunade knew that this was still not Katsuyu's real body, but a trivial clone of the body.

Tsunade had seen Katsuyu's real body at the time when the contract was first signed.

It was a super-giant creature that could not be described in words. She could not imagine at that time that such a magical creature would exist in the ninja world.

And such a creature has such a good temper!

Tsunade has never encountered a Summoning beast with a better temper than sage Katsuyu in such a long time, and no, neither have people!

As far as she knows, her companion Orochimaru's Summoning is a very bad-tempered creature who sometimes wants to eat people.

And Jiraiya's Summoning beast is better, but also a rude guy who likes to smoke and swear.

She has always been very fortunate that her Summoning beast is the immortal Katsuyu who is very good in size and temperament.

Although Tsunade is a human who is many generations younger than Katsuyu Senren.

But with a gentle nature, she always likes to call her contractor "adult", which can be said to be an alternative existence among the three holy places.

Compared to the mysterious Mount Myōboku, the brutal Ryūchi Cave, the Katsuyu of Shibone Forest is the most docile creature, and the most (bffh) friendly creature to humans.

Tsunade was also a little embarrassed when he heard the words of the little live gnat, it was true because she came to Shibone Forest a little more frequently during this time.

In normal times, although the air in Shigu Linkou is very good and has strong natural energy, but every time I use the reverse Summoning Technique my head is very drowsy.

Therefore, Tsunade usually doesn't come over when there is nothing, otherwise it would be very uncomfortable to go back and forth with his head dizzy.

However, she won't care about this during this time, because she is going to have a tryst with her lover, and the place for the tryst is naturally here.

Despite the simple sigh of the living gnat knowledge, Tsunade still blushed, "Yeah, I'm waiting for Qiyun..."

Uzumaki Qiyun hadn't come yet, Tsunade knew that she had come early, but she couldn't help it, she always couldn't wait for the appointed time.

Taking advantage of this time, Tsunade also asked the live scorpion some questions.

"Living, do you know that the ninja world is not very peaceful recently? It seems that there is a lot of friction between several major countries, and war may break out at any time..."

"There has already been bloodshed on the border between the land of fire and the land of thunder... If you don't pay attention, it's a war..."

"That's right, but the ninja world is really not very peaceful right now, it seems like there's going to be another big battle." The little live cockroach climbed onto Tsunade's shoulder, lowered his body slightly, and his tone was full of sympathy.

She, who has lived for over a thousand years, can be said to know the existence of the modern history of the ninja world.

She has seen too many of this happening over the years.

Humanity seems to be caught in a constant cycle of curse, war and destruction have always flooded this land.

When Tsunade heard this, he fell silent, and even his excitement about seeing Uzumaki Qiyun was a little heavier.

The war is indeed not a good memory, and every war will be accompanied by countless killings and bloodshed.

Although she has not experienced the last ninja war, she has seen countless information from her family and understands that after this war, Konoha will have many more orphans without parents.

"Master Tsunade, I know most of the things in the ninja world.

"This time I can feel that everything in the ninja world has fallen silent, just like the quiet moments before the storm..."

Katsuyu said in a gentle voice.

"Living scorpion, how did you know this? Could it be that you still have your own spies in the ninja world?"

A sound of Tsunade's night dreaming sounded, Tsunade looked back with joy, and it was Uzumaki Qiyun dressed in a white robe.

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