Naruto: Konoha Uzumaki Shirataki

Chapter 229 Artificial Black Hole

Shirataki was stunned, and subconsciously observed Renhua's expression, and found that when the other person said this, he was a little disgusted, a little disdainful, and sarcastic, as if he really believed that "the strongest in the ninja world" was not a good title.

After being silent for a while, Bai Taki suddenly laughed loudly and from the bottom of his heart for some unknown reason. He seemed to be able to understand the other person's mentality. Based on the other person's personality and growth experience, it was not difficult to judge that Lianhua was a real warrior. For him, For many people, although fighting is a means and a process to achieve a goal, isn't it also a kind of enjoyment?

Invincible, the strongest in the ninja world, or a similar title. Would you feel gratified if you truly have that level of power? pride? Do you feel a sense of accomplishment as if all the hard work has come to an end? I'm afraid not, it's that kind of feeling without a qualified opponent.

Seeing this, Lian Hua also sneered, as if she felt she was well rested. She raised her two swords across her chest and assumed a power-charging posture. Her whole body was trembling slightly, as if some extremely terrifying power was gradually gathering.

"It seems that you are ready, Uzumaki Shirataki!" His lips parted slightly, and although his tone was low, it could not hide the excitement, fighting spirit, and a trace of pleasure hidden underneath.

"Ultimate meaning: Lanjuan!" After saying that, he charged, twisting his body and waving his arms. The two ice blades rotated and cut, and the huge chakra contained on them continued to concentrate on the blade, drawing countless lines. Indistinct vacuum trails. With the body as the axis, chakra is continuously released, driving the arms, and the double swords rotate at super high speed without stopping for a moment.

The centripetal force was increased to the extreme, driven by the huge inertial force, ten tons? Hundred tons? Thousand tons? Thousands of tons? The surging force of the vast sea is accumulated, waiting for the moment to explode, accelerating, accelerating, accelerating again. The cold wave is rolling, the mist is hazy, and the lotus spinning at high speed, holding the two swords tightly, the whole person seems to have turned into a small tornado, facing each other in a straight line Zhun Baitaki rolled over, rushing forward like thunder, like lightning, like a volcano erupting, like a flood sweeping across. The size of the white tornado grew larger and larger, tearing apart the atmosphere and exploding the sea of ​​clouds. The sun dimmed and the sky was smeared with a layer of pale color.

Buzz buzz. At this moment, Bai Tiao raised his arms with difficulty and reluctantly moved back, but his body was still moving forward slowly. He squinted his eyes, and his sight penetrated the vast white air, reaching the center of the storm, concentrating on that streak. Sometimes close, sometimes far, sometimes distorted and blurry.

"Has it affected the entire space?" The vague realization made Shirataki hesitate. Should he use Shaoming Vigana to avoid it? But based on the scale of Lianhua's move, even the young Vigana probably wouldn't be able to dodge it. As for Mahakala, in such a chaotic tide of natural energy and chakra, even if Shirataki has reached the control of the microscopic world and can separate chakra from natural energy, his Mahakala cannot absorb natural energy, and Shirataki does not need it. If you try it, you will understand that Mahakala is completely useless at this time.

"So, we can only resist forcefully? That's fine. If you don't succeed, you will be fine! I'm not afraid of you!" Thinking of this, Bai Taki no longer hesitated. At this moment of life and death, the thought suppressed by his reason no longer Fu came to mind, Shirataki planned to create a black hole in his body!

His method of creating a black hole is very simple, which is to infinitely compress the elements created by his own chakra through the infinite compression of the pupil technique Ama Iwato, and finally form a black hole. Among the five chakra attributes, the one with the highest energy conversion ratio, or in other words, the highest for Shirataki, is the water element.

I saw him condensing a water ball as big as the palm of his hand in front of him, and then quickly used his pupil technique. Ama Iwato compressed the water ball. In an instant, the water ball quickly shrunk. Seeing that the water ball was about to disappear, Shirataki moved all the energy in his body. Chakra, frantically converted into water attribute chakra and poured into the water ball.

In the microscopic world that Shirataki can't see, the hydrogen-oxygen bonds in the water molecules break, and the water ball gradually turns into a group of solid crystals. However, this crystal is not ice, but a polymer of hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms that expands when compressed. As the force continues to increase, the solid crystal gradually exhibits a metallic state, forming metallic hydrogen. Then the hydrogen atoms begin nuclear fusion, and their nuclei combine to form helium.

At the moment when helium is formed, the helium material expands wildly, releasing huge energy. This energy was enough to destroy a village. Shirataki felt the destructive power contained in this expanding mass of matter. Without any hesitation, he instantly used the rapidly expanding helium matter in Shaoning Vigana and the power brought by the expansion of helium matter. Keep shrinking. This formed a strange picture. An energy ball that kept exploding was surging in front of Shirataki, like a small sun.

Shirataki was working on three fronts at this time. While performing the two eye techniques of Ama Iwato and Shaona Vigan, he was absorbing the chakra between heaven and earth into his body, converting it into water attribute chakra to provide a steady stream of energy to the helium material. He was like A perpetual motion machine in the ninja world extracts, transforms, compresses, and fuses. After a brief adaptation period of a few seconds, Shirataki was able to maintain his current work. He continued to encourage Hitomijutsu Ama Iwato to pressurize the helium material. Helium material continues to fuse into carbon material, then oxygen material, and finally forms the most stable element in the world - iron.

Because iron is the most stable element, stability here refers to the principle of lowest energy. The lower the energy of a substance, the more stable it is. How to measure the energy of a substance depends on the binding energy between the nuclei in the nuclei of these substances. . The stability of iron is the stability in the atomic nucleus. The energy in the atomic nucleus is much higher than the energy between the electrons and the atomic nucleus. Because the energy between electrons and atomic nuclei is provided by the electromagnetic force, and the energy in the atomic nucleus is provided by the strong force, which is more than 100 times stronger than the electron force.

Because the protons and Chinese characters in iron atoms are collectively called nucleons, and the binding energy between them is strongly combined, the energy evenly distributed to each nucleon is the lowest, which satisfies the principle of minimum energy, so iron is the most stable element. When you compress water or any element such as carbon, nitrogen, or oxygen, nuclear fusion will occur between the nuclei of these substances under strong external force. Light atoms combine to form heavy atoms. If the atoms are already heavy, they can fission first and become light atoms before fusion occurs.

The reason why nuclear fusion occurs is because the energy of the material after the reaction is lower than the energy before the reaction, which satisfies the principle of minimum energy, so this reaction will occur. Compressing hydrogen will turn into helium, compressing helium will turn into carbon and oxygen, and then compressing it all the way to iron, there will be no way for nuclear fusion to occur, because the average energy of iron's nuclei is already the lowest.

Looking at the final product of the ordinary material in front of him, Shirataki's chakra has been drained. It's not because his absorption speed and conversion speed can't keep up, but because he has basically drained the chakra from this area. And Shirataki's two eyes slowly shed two lines of blood and tears due to the excessive use of pupil techniques. But he didn't intend to stop there. Instead, he quickly used Mahakala to open a space tunnel, and then used the power of the reincarnated eye to extract chakra from the Ten-Tails in the alien space!

The already extremely strong compression force was once again strengthened, acting on the mass of iron material. At this time, the compression force had reached at least one trillion trillion atmospheres. If it were not for the fact that this force could not act on natural elements and On the human body, otherwise Shirataki wouldn't have to put in so much effort, he could just release Aman Iwato directly at Renge and crush the opponent into other substances.

The iron electrons are forced into the nucleus by this pressure to react with the protons. Because of the Pauli exclusion principle, electrons do not gather together. They form a certain orbit around the nucleus to form an atom. But if the external pressure is too strong, the electrons will be forced into the nucleus to react with protons and become neutrons. There are originally protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus. After the protons react with the electrons to become neutrons, only the neutrons are left. Iron can no longer remain in the state of ordinary matter, so it becomes neutron star matter.

I saw a new artificial neutron star suddenly light up in front of Shirataki. The size of the neutron star was not large, only about the size of a palm. But the dazzling blue light illuminated the entire area extremely brightly, and Shirataki could be seen squinting and holding the neutron star in his hand. The moment Shirataki's palm touched the neutron star, the dazzling blue light of the neutron star quickly became gentle, like a docile kitten. Presumably because this neutron star was created from Shirataki's chakra, there is a special connection between the two, which is different from the relationship between the Sage of Six Paths and the Tailed Beast, but is somewhat similar.

The neutron star disappeared in an instant and slowly merged into Bai Taki's body. The moment the neutron star entered the body, a steady stream of power surged out of Bai Taki's body, filling his already dry torso. Originally, Shirataki's chakra was dark in color because of the evil god, but now the chakra overflowing from Shirataki's body was indeed pure blue.

He didn't pay attention to these details, but continued to encourage the chakra he had just obtained and continued to compress it towards the neutron star in his body. Because neutrons are also fermions and satisfy the exclusion principle, neutron stars also have volumes and sizes. However, because the external force is too strong and exceeds the exclusion principle, the degeneracy pressure generated will continue to collapse inward until it becomes A black hole.

Feeling the small black hole in the body, it is like a sky-devouring beast, devouring everything around it crazily. I wonder if it is because this black hole is made of chakra. It does not swallow other substances, but only swallows Chakra is then continuously transformed into new energy to supply Shirataki's body. This energy is similar to chakra, but somewhat different. To put it bluntly, it's not qualitative. Compared with ordinary chakra, the quality of chakra produced by black holes is obviously many times higher.

Shirataki felt the increase brought to him by this small black hole. Shirataki's torso, ninjutsu, and pupil techniques were equivalent to various engines, and chakra was the fuel. Now that these engines have been replaced with new, higher-quality fuel, the horsepower is naturally many times higher than before.

Opening his golden eyes, Shirataki glanced at the Ten-Tails in the moving space. After sensing the gap between the two, Shirataki had confirmed that he now has a greater amount of chakra than the so-called Ten-Tails. In other words, even the sacred tree is much stronger!

Seeing the lotus that had already accumulated its energy to the extreme and was waiting for him, Shirataki no longer hesitated, and pure blue chakra surged outside his body.

Crack! Boom boom! Dense silver snakes appeared on the surface of the body, blazing flames burned on the surface of the fist, and the extremely bright spots illuminated this turbulent and chaotic space. The dazzling light, at first glance, actually flickered out black shadows.

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