Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 83: Discover the organization!

What is the most painful thing in the world?

Is it possible to go to Tsinghua and Peking University with one point left in the college entrance examination?

Is it a middle-aged person who sees the sister paper but no longer feels it?

Or was it possible to chase after the goddess, but failed because he didn't have the courage to express himself?

For a foodie, what is more painful than seeing the food in front of you, but not being able to eat it!

At this moment, Naruto felt the deep malice of the world.

Naruto had the snail in his hand, but he couldn't taste it.

No matter how good your nine-tailed chakra is, no matter how scary your background is, you can't do anything about a small snail.

This kind of feeling is like facing a beautiful woman lying on the bed, you can do whatever you want, but there is nothing you can do!

What a nonsense thing this is!

Naruto looked at Yang Ming expectantly, with a pitiful look on his face, "Brother, how should I eat this snail?"

Yang Ming smiled, never expecting Naruto to be stumped by such a question.

But also, for most people, it is very troublesome to make the dish of snails, and even eating snails is more troublesome.

People who don't know the method, no matter how hard they try, they can't fully taste the deliciousness of snail meat.

Or, it took a long time, and when it was eaten in the mouth, the snail meat was cold, which seriously affected the taste.

But once you learn the method, Yang Ming dares to guarantee that you will love this kind of food.

"You can see how I eat it."

While talking, Yang Ming took the snail in Naruto's hand.

The snails are very small, about the size of a thumb, and their mouths are wet and full of sweet and delicious juice, which makes the mouth water.

Eating snails actually requires a little skill, and it's not elegant at all.

Yang Ming put the tail of the snail into his mouth with his index finger and thumb, sucked out the juice first, sucked by the way, pulled the tail meat hard, then turned the snail body, put the head into his lips and sucked hard, The whole snail is thrown into the mouth.

It sounds slow, but it actually takes less than three seconds.

In the blink of an eye, the snail meat was sucked into Yang Ming's mouth.

He inhaled the juice first, slipped it into his mouth, immediately stimulated his taste buds, and a savory smell spread out.

Different from the umami taste of seafood, it may have been in the soil for a long time. This umami taste has a little bit of astringency, mixed with the spiciness of chili peppers, and it has a unique taste.

As soon as the snail meat entered the tongue, it was flexibly rolled by the tip of the tongue, tangled, pulled between the teeth, and instantly torn to shreds by Senbai's teeth.

Taste carefully, and the role of taste buds will be fully exerted.

That deliciousness, that sweet fragrance!

Fragrant with spicy, spicy with sweet, like a nine-song loop, from fragrant to spicy, from spicy to sweet, and then from sweet to fragrant, back and forth, it is always regrettable that there is not enough variety or taste.

Snail meat is plump and delicate, delicious, rich in protein, vitamins and essential amino acids and trace elements. It is a typical natural animal health food with high protein, low fat and high calcium.

For girls who like to lose weight, snail meat is simply the best tailor-made food.

You don't need much, you just need a small plate, invite your friends, gather together, and add a bowl of rice, enough to eat all you can.

Of course, as the saying goes, extremes must reverse.

Although the snail meat is delicious, the more you eat, the better. For some people who are weak or allergic, eating snails is not so good, because it is easy to cause diarrhea.

Also note that the snail should be eaten while it is hot, it will not taste good when it is cold. When it is cold, the meat will become hard and old, and it feels like eating a stone, which is very uncomfortable.

Seeing that Yang Ming's method was so easy, others followed suit.

Compared with Kakashi's use of bitterness to pick the flesh of the snails, and the smashing of the snail shells without chopping, Yang Ming's method is too suitable for everyone's taste, especially for a beautiful boy like Bai who likes cleanliness.

Bai followed Yang Ming's example, and Cherry's little mouth moved closer, carefully sucking the water of the snails.

That kind of taste is very peculiar, making him feel very unfamiliar who is used to being displaced.

what is it?

Bai raised his head and looked around.

Under the dim light, everyone sat around the table, grabbed the snails with both hands, and tasted it together.

Everyone learned Yang Ming's method to absorb the snail meat, and made a "Zizi" sound, like playing a unique symphony. The wonderful fun is unforgettable.

It's hard to imagine that under the influence of Yang Ming, the two people who beat you to the death in the original book could actually sit and eat together with a happy look, full of warmth and nature.

If Kishimoto were here at this time, he would definitely be surprised!

"Perhaps, it's because of having dinner with everyone?" Bai thought silently.

If someone told him in the past that he could live such a peaceful and peaceful life again, he would not believe it if he was killed.

How many years have passed since his father took the villagers to kill his mother, and he was going to kill him with a ruthless hand. In fact, his heart was already dead.

From that day on, Bai thought that a peaceful life had said goodbye to him forever.

If it weren't for the appearance of Zaibujian, let him re-see the meaning of I am afraid that he is now like a corpse, and life is better than death.

Looking around, Kakashi ate too much regardless of his image, Sasuke and Naruto actually got into a fight, fighting each other for the snails in each other's hands. Sakura took advantage of the two of them's quarrel and sneaked away their snails.

Involuntarily, Shiro's eyes softened.

And when Bai turned his attention to the mysterious Yang Ming, the man who created the current situation, Bai's eyes became extremely reverent and fanatical.

It is because of Yang Ming that he has a peaceful life again!

In his heart, Bai's admiration for Yang Ming is no longer under the slaying, even far beyond!

When everyone was eating with relish and immersed in the ocean of delicious food, they did not find that the originally noisy cicadas stopped.

Outside the house, it seemed as if it was swallowed up by the darkness. I couldn't see my fingers, and even the sound of frogs and cicadas disappeared completely.

The two men stood in the distance, looking into the house through the window.

I saw that they were wearing black robes with bright red clouds like drops of blood printed on them.

That's right, they are members of Akatsuki's organization!

A person who is unknown now, but in the near future, he will stir up the general trend of the world!

One of them covered his stomach, arched his back exaggeratedly, like a lobster, and said, "I'm so hungry, so hungry, I can smell that fragrance from afar, I really want to eat it!"

"I can't stand it anymore. Seeing them eating so happily, I also want to..."

Suddenly, his voice changed, with an indifferent blood in his tone, "I want to kill them all!"

(In order to encourage everyone to interact, now the author often holds activities in the author's words, everyone pay more attention!)

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