Mystic Wizard in Azeroth

Chapter 38 Goblet of Fire (Part 2)

Soon Aristophanes finished his lecture on "Computational Alchemy Ⅰ". After they all had a foundation, he began to teach his students the knowledge and content of "Computational Alchemy Ⅱ" in the second half of the semester. Some of the alchemy in it Dumbledore, who passed by occasionally, was also amazed by the idea, and Fleur Delacour, as an auditor, also listened to the lecture.

Harry's scar became more and more painful, and once in a prophecy class, he even dreamed of Voldemort punishing Wormtail, which made him terrified and confused.

He went to Dumbledore and told him what he had dreamed in his dream, but Dumbledore was very calm and told him that Voldemort's power was indeed growing, but Harry didn't have to worry about it, and someone would solve it soon Get rid of these problems.

Harry walked away suspiciously, wondering why Dumbledore was so sure he could solve the problem. Later, he also wrote to Sirius, and Sirius also told him to trust Dumbledore, and said that these things would end soon, and he would walk in the sun openly and become Harry's godfather.

And in Aristophanes' last class, he gave every student a bottle of precious alchemy potion as a closing gift, and said: "Maybe this class is only held in Hogwarts for this school year, It may be just you students, but I hope you can learn what you need from it. Of course, it would be even better if you can innovate and pass it on in the future.”

Then he kept Hermione and gave her a book with great solemnity, which was written "The Wonderful Thoughts of Aristophane Flitwick". Hermione flipped through it, and found that the first half contained some spellcasting techniques that were completely different from wizards, while the second half contained some alchemy formulas. She was a little puzzled.

"You are the first in the final exam, and this book is my reward for you. It records some spellcasting and alchemy techniques," Aristophanes said with a smile, "although I thought about giving it to Hogwarts before. Ci's library, but if you think about handing it in, it must be in the restricted area, and few people can see it.

Might as well award it to the student with the best grades and hope you pass it on in the future. "

Hermione hugged the thick book tightly, not knowing what to say, so she quickly bowed to thank her.

Aristophanes didn't care, he learned everything that should be learned, educated everything that could be educated, prepared everything that could be prepared, and the rest was to wait until the third project started, and then kill Voldemort completely.

On June 24, the third project was held as scheduled. It was Daphne Greengrass' parents who came to see Harry before the game. They spent the afternoon walking in the castle with sister Daphne, while Hermione was copying the book Aristophanes gave him with Neville.

Dinner was bigger than usual, but Harry didn't eat much because he was really nervous now. As the enchanted ceiling turned from blue to a dark purple twilight, Dumbledore stood up at the staff table and the crowd fell silent.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in five minutes, I will invite everyone to the Quidditch pitch to watch the last event of the Triwizard Tournament. Now I invite the warriors and Mr. Bagman to the stadium."

They entered the Quidditch pitch, which had become completely unrecognizable. A twenty-foot hedge bordered the edge of the field. There is a gap in front of them, and that is the entrance to this great labyrinth. The passage inside is dark and a bit scary.

Five minutes later, people began to enter the stands. Hundreds of students filed into their seats, and the air was filled with excited voices and chaotic footsteps.

The sky is now a clear dark blue and stars are starting to appear. Aristophanes, Hagrid, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Flitwick walked into the stadium, walking towards Bagman and several warriors.

"We will patrol outside the maze," Professor McGonagall said to the warriors, "if you encounter difficulties and want to be rescued, just shoot red sparks into the sky, and we will have someone to help you,

have you understood? "

"Harry, Cedric, have a good race and look forward to seeing you at the finish line." Aristophanes said with a smile.

Four people walked away in different directions, distributed around the maze. Then Bagman pointed his wand to his throat and said "loud voice", and his magically amplified voice echoed in the stands.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the final match of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin! Let me report the current score! Cedric Diggory and Harry Potter - 85 points, tied for first place, Huo Gwartz School!" The applause and cheers sent the birds of the Forbidden Forest flying into the darkening night sky.

"Victor Krum - 80 points, second place, Durmstrang Academy!"

There was another burst of applause.

"Fleur Delacour—the third place, Beauxbaton College!"

Harry could make out Greengrass' parents, Neville and Hermione in the middle row applauding Fleur politely. He waved to them, and they waved to him, laughing.

"Now... Harry and Cedric, listen to my whistle!" said Bagman. "Three-two--"

With a short whistle, Harry and Cedric hurried into the maze.

At this time, inside the castle, the office of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.


"Are you awake, Moody? Or should I call you, Barty Crouch Jr.?" As the unconscious person woke up, when he saw the person speaking in front of him, he suddenly felt a little chilly.

"Dumbledore, you..." His voice gradually became hoarse, his face gradually changed, his skin became smoother, and his mutilated nose grew and shrunk. The long gray hair was shortening, becoming a pale yellow.

Suddenly, with a clang, the wooden leg fell aside, and a real leg grew out. Then the magic eye popped out of its socket, and a real eye took its place. The magic eye rolled on the floor, still spinning around.

"Please, Severus, feed him Veritaserum. Kingsley, you take the record, Remus, and tell the members of the Order of the Phoenix in the stands to prepare for battle. Tonight I will will end everything!"

After Barty Crouch Jr. told the truth, Dumbledore's face was not very good. He took out the key he got from the fake Moody, opened the box on the ground, and found the real Alastor Moody, who was very weak from the stun spell.

"Kingsley, throw down Alastor's cloak," said Dumbledore.

After placing the weak Moody and the bound Barty Jr., Dumbledore led Kingsley, Snape hurried out of the castle, and Lupine came to meet him. Snape gave him a disgusted look, but Lupine didn't mind:

"Albus, there are not many people, can we really defeat him by relying on us?"

"If you don't dare to go, just stay and watch the house." Snape seemed a little unusually excited.

"Severus, Remus, don't worry, I will bring you back safely." Dumbledore stopped them, his words brimming with strong confidence.

At this time, there was a sudden burst of cheers from the Quidditch pitch, but then it turned into a chill.

Dumbledore and his party rushed to the Quidditch pitch in no time, and found that the three warriors were standing on the sidelines for questioning, while Harry and the trophy were missing.

"Dumbledore, look!" Snape stretched out his left arm tremblingly, he didn't know whether it was fear or excitement, the Dark Mark on it suddenly became active, and Karkarov in the distance trembled uncontrollably with.

"It's time." When Dumbledore saw it, he stretched out his hand and launched a cloud of fireworks into the sky, which exploded into a phoenix pattern in the sky.

At the same time, a loud cry came from the direction of the castle, and sharp-eyed people could see that it was Dumbledore's phoenix Fawkes hovering in the sky, and the noisy crowd watched the fireworks and slowly fell silent.

"Dumbledore, what's going on here? Why did the contestants suddenly teleport out of the maze? Where's Harry?" Cornelius Fudge asked in a panic.

"He's back, Fudge, if you want, go and gather Aurors who are willing to fight to support me, it doesn't matter if you don't come, this is my last battle." Dumbledore said calmly.

At the same time, many members of the Order of the Phoenix came out of the restless crowd one after another and stood behind Dumbledore. Percy Weasley was still asking her mother, Mrs. Weasley: "Mom, what's going on?" What's going on? Why is Dad there?"

"You mean God... the mysterious man?" Fudge stammered with fear.

"Yes." At this moment, Aristophanes walked to Dumbledore's side. Dumbledore turned his head and saw that the members of the Order of the Phoenix were fully equipped, with healing potions in small bottles on their belts, and three or four scrolls in their hands. , he nodded slightly, and then cast a loud curse.

At this time, only his calm but passionate voice echoed around the audience: "Members of the Order of the Phoenix, wizards, and students of Hogwarts, I am the headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore. I got a piece of news, Tom Marvolo Riddle is also what you call Voldemort..."

Dumbledore paused, ignoring the commotion, "Resurrected this evening. Fortunately, he has not had time to slaughter, and unfortunately, he is gathering his companions, the Death Eaters, to re-spread His dark fear."

At this time, he raised his voice slightly: "And we will face our fears! Let's go, everyone, it's time to meet our 'old friends'! Hold on to me, I'm going!"

Then, under the shocked and worried eyes of the audience, "Puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff", Dumbledore and all the members of the Order of the Phoenix behind him apparated and left here, only the professors of Hogwarts remained in chaos order on the field.

"Harry will be all right?" Daphne said worriedly.

"It's okay, with Dumbledore here, he will be safe and sound." Hermione comforted her beside her.

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