Mystic Wizard in Azeroth

Chapter 9 Approval of Application and Admission of Students

A month passed by, and Aristophanes went to the kitchen to teach the elves some new cooking recipes. Some of the Chinese desserts, such as horseshoe cakes and lotus flower cakes, were very popular with the professors, and even serious wheat cakes Professor Ge fell in love with the sweet and sour hawthorn jelly, which surprised people.

Of course, in addition to the kitchen, the report submitted by Aristophanes was also criticized by Dumbledore. After correcting some grammatical errors, he gave his decision: let Aristophanes go to the office to meet him in person on a Wednesday afternoon. Discuss his thoughts and reasons.

For this reason, Aristophanes went out of his way to ask Professor Snape to ask for leave, saying that he wanted to go to St. Mungo's to do research, but it was shameful to ask for leave just after he came to school, and Snape refused. The next best thing to do is to find Madam Pomfrey in the school hospital to ask about the usage of Hogwarts' daily potions. In addition, he also sent some questionnaires about the success rate of potion formulas to the students of the four colleges. We, based on the mathematical knowledge he had learned in previous lives, made a series of statistical tables to try to illustrate the importance of fine weighing.

That afternoon, when Aristophanes came to the entrance of the principal's office on the third floor with his rewritten report based on the data, he said the password "cockroach string" to the stone beast at the door, and the stone beast jumped aside, The wall behind it will split in half to reveal a spiral staircase. He climbed the steps, and at the end he saw a shiny oak door with a brass knocker in the shape of a griffin.

He tapped lightly on the knocker.

"Please come in."

Aristophanes opened the door, and behind it was a large, beautiful, circular room, filled with all sorts of funny little noises. He glanced at the old man sitting behind the table. Although his beard and hair were all white, no one ever underestimated him because of this.

"Oh, Aristophanes, you are here, please sit down," Dumbledore stood up with a smile and asked Aristophanes to sit down, "Do you want some afternoon tea?"

"Good professor," Aristophanes replied somewhat awkwardly. After all, he was facing the most prestigious wizard in this world, even though Aristophanes had a cheat, he was still nervous.

The black tea brewed in the nearby teapot flew into the teacup in front of him as Dumbledore waved his wand.

"I want to thank you for the recipe you gave to the elves. Darjeeling is perfect with them," said the empty plate between the two of them, and a milk-flavored quicksand bun appeared. "This is my favorite kind of food. , it even made me give up my love for cockroach piles."

Aristophanes watched Dumbledore pick up the quicksand bag, eat and drink, and couldn't sit still. He took a sip of the black tea in front of him, calmed down his thoughts, and was about to speak, but Dumbledore interrupted him by raising his hand.

"I know why you came here, Aristophanes, I have read everything you wrote," Dumbledore said calmly, "May I ask if this is all your thoughts?"

"Yes, Professor," Aristophanes replied cautiously, "When my parents took me to make potions, there were many mistakes in weighing. I asked Professor Snape for advice, and he also The effect of the potion has been weakened due to changes in the amount of raw materials added. This is my investigation report from Madam Pomfrey, and the effects of the same batch of potion vary greatly, and the effects of the students after taking it are even more varied." Aris Toffin didn't finish speaking but handed Dumbledore a roll of parchment.

He looked around while Dumbledore was flipping through the pages, and saw the portraits of the former male and female headmasters hanging on the wall, some of them were taking a nap, some were looking at him, and some of them had gone somewhere.

He also saw the Sorting Hat, which was crumpled and lacked the strength of the night of sorting.

Dumbledore's phoenix Fawkes seemed to have just woken up, standing on the gilded perch behind the door, combing his hair boredly, seemed to find someone looking at it, raised his head instantly, saw that it was Aristophanes, and let out a There was a "clang clang" sound.

Suddenly Fawkes flew down, headed straight for Aristophanes, and stopped on his shoulder, looking at him with one eye. He jumped up in fright, but Fawkes remained motionless.

"It seems that Fox likes you very much," Dumbledore raised his head, "This is Phoenix Fox, my partner, come here."

Fawkes flew up and landed on the back of Dumbledore's chair.

"You've written well, Aristophanes, so what are you going to do?" Dumbledore asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Professor, I hope to use the potion science classroom," Aristophanes laughed and said, "I want to work with Professor Snape to refine the production process of some potions. Of course, this is a very huge Engineering, I hope to recruit some students to help us."

Dumbledore leaned back in his chair and thought about it, then he became serious: "Yes, but try not to exceed five places, and there is a time limit. I hope you can at least one potion by the end of this semester." If the production process is not achieved, you will still be your teaching assistant honestly, and you will think about this matter in a few years, understand?"

"Alright, Professor Dumbledore, then I'll go to see Professor Snape to see what he thinks." Aristophanes stood up and said respectfully.

"Okay, you can go down first, and you should do your job as a teaching assistant well."

After speaking, Aristophanes turned and walked out of the principal's office.

"Fox, you say such a genius, is it a blessing or a curse for me to bring him to Hogwarts?" Dumbledore sat on the chair and muttered to himself, "I have seen too many geniuses go astray. , this one still has the blood of a goblin, let's wait and see the follow-up."

After Aristophanes came out, he first went to find Snape, and then with his permission, he set up the "Potions First Refined Weights and Measures Study Group," wrote a notice and posted it in the hall.

Hermione and the others had just finished class and were about to go into the hall to finish their meal when they found a group of people around the door. She went to the edge of the crowd with Neville and Harry, and heard Jordan Lee's voice coming from inside: This group aims to innovate the production process of potion, so as to increase the stability of potion production and the stability of potion effect Finally, a method of making potions suitable for the general public was formed. If you are interested, please go to the potion science classroom to find a teaching assistant to register. This group is an application assessment system, and only five people are recruited. The exam questions involve the part of herbal medicine and potion making. The daily work is relatively boring, and it requires patient and careful students. Work College credits can be added. Team Leader: Snape, Deputy Leader: Aristophanes.

The surrounding Gryffindors heard that the group leader was Snape, and left more than half of it in an instant. The students of the remaining three colleges heard that there was still an exam, so they also left in a scattered manner. The three of Hermione were able to get closer to read the notice.

After reading it, Hermione asked the two of them: "I'm going to try it out, what are you two going to do?"

Harry was very hesitant. On the one hand, he was afraid of Snape and worried that he would fail the exam; on the other hand, he had a good relationship with Aristophanes, and he was very grateful for his rescue of Harry in Potions class.

Neville nodded and said, "I want to try it too. My grandma asked me to learn more from him." He had written to tell his grandma Mrs. Longbottom about Aristophanes, Mrs. Longbottom Keenly felt that the "half-ghost" in this grandson's letter was unusual, so he wrote back to ask him to get in touch with Aristophanes more.

Harry had no choice but to follow in the footsteps of his two little friends and choose to sign up for the Potions classroom.

The number of applicants was not large, and many students chose to refuse Snape's name. Only less than twenty people signed up, and among them, only Hermione and the other three first-year students from Gryffindor came. Aristophanes couldn't laugh or cry.

However, Aristophanes still conducted a special exam in the potions classroom. There were topics on herbs and potion ingredients in the test paper, but they only accounted for two-thirds, and the remaining one-third was on numerical calculations, which made all the little wizards dumbfounded.

The final result was as expected, Hermione beat everyone else to get the highest score, followed by Harry, but what was surprising was that Neville also ranked in the top five, ranking fourth. What was even more exasperating was that there was only one junior Slytherin in the top five, and they still tied for fifth place. This result made all the senior Slytherins who failed the ranking feel ashamed, secretly gnashing their teeth and planning to take revenge on Aristophanes.

However, Aristophanes didn't care. He posted the test scores next to the Potions classroom, which sparked widespread discussion among the students. After all, no teacher had ever done this since Hogwarts was founded.

Aristophanes didn't care about the rumors in the accident world. On the weekend after the exam results came out, he called the six students to the Potions classroom, planning to hold a meeting first.

At nine o'clock on Saturday morning, Aristophanes led a little girl through the door of the Potions classroom and walked in. The five people inside quickly stood up. He waved his hand to let everyone sit down, and then found a seat himself: "We will be a working group for a while, although the leader of the group is Professor Snape, but he basically doesn't care about it, and the main research direction will be decided by me." , I hope we can cooperate well and strive to achieve ideal results. Let me introduce myself first, mainly name and college grade. I will start first."

Aristophanes cleared his throat, "Aristophanes Flitwick, Assistant Professor of Potions and Ancient Magic Literature, you can call me Little Flitwick."

After he finished speaking, he looked at everyone, and then the five students introduced themselves one by one:

"Hermione Granger, first year Gryffindor."

"Harry Potter, first year Gryffindor."

"Cedric Diggory, Hufflepuff third year."

"Neville Longbottom, first year Gryffindor."

"Cho Zhang, a second-year Ravenclaw."

Everyone looked at the little girl next to Aristophanes. She was a little shy, but she still looked at everyone, especially Harry, and said, "My name is Daphne Greengrass, a first-year Slytherin student."

"What a coincidence," Aristophanes looked at the six students in front of him and sighed in his heart, "Except for Daphne, the remaining five people are all people who had a great influence on Harry in the original book, maybe this is the choice of fate Bar."

Aristophanes calmed down, and then said: "Very well, the six of you are the students who passed my assessment. I believe you all still don't know what we are going to do. This is the report I wrote to Professor Dumbledore , in six copies, you take it back and read it. I don’t ask for anything else, each of the six of you writes a report to me, counting how many rough quantifiers like ‘a pinch, a handful’ are in the book.”

He asked Daphne to distribute the things in her hands to everyone, and then said with a smile: "You guys work hard, and I can teach you some 'unique secrets' on spellcasting skills."

The others didn't take it seriously, the Gryffindor trio looked at each other, they had seen Aristophanes cast a spell, and they were all determined to write a work that Aristophanes was satisfied with.

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