"We have to go into this cage first." "Emily" said frankly.

Naturally, the truth of not getting into the tiger's lair is easy to understand. Louise was already prepared, but she had already tried it just now. Even with the sharpness of the angel sword in her hand, she couldn't break through the red earth under her feet.

So, she didn't say much, and silently listened to "Emily" continue to explain the plan calmly:

"I will go in first, open a passage from the inside, and then you can go in when you see the right time."

It's a very simple plan, but it is effective enough. After all, there is a king of angels polluted by the old days, and few people can break in except the "Bound God" himself. This barrier should not be able to stop the sequence 0 true god, but it is impossible for a god to bear the risk of facing the old days.

Therefore, apart from Louise who "demands money but not life", the "Bound God" cannot find any other helpers.

"You two stay outside." Louise told Bernadette and Sharon, but her tone was full of unquestionable tone.

Bernadette seemed to want to refute something, but was easily blocked back by Louise saying "You are not an angel yet".

This made her a little annoyed, and also very helpless, and she couldn't help but secretly slandered in her heart: "You are not an angel, as if someone doesn't have a '0' level sealed item!"

Well, she didn't say it out loud. After all, she already knew the risk of desire getting out of control. As a "Master of Prophecy", she still has the ability to control it.

As for Sharon, her complexion became more and more beautiful, and she only gave a soft "um", as if she could drip water, but her desire was suppressed a lot, and she was more shy.

Seeing that the matter has been explained properly, "Emily" took a serious look at Louise and said:

"I'm going to start."

As soon as the voice fell, her figure wearing the crown gradually became transparent and faded until it disappeared.

Louise held her breath, and the next second, at the position where "Emily" was originally standing, the red earth suddenly became indistinct, as if it was becoming an illusion.

It seems that the start of the plan was smooth, Louise didn't hesitate, and easily passed through the red barrier that even the angel's long sword couldn't break through with a single leap.

The speed of the fall was very fast, but it took longer than expected, indicating that the thickness of this barrier was far beyond expectations.

Everything will come to an end, and the moment the sense of emptiness disappears, Louise finds herself in an extremely wide space, with "Emily" wearing a crown standing beside her.

And in the center of the entire space, there is a mummy wrapped in a yellow bandage floating. "It" is pierced by countless brown branches and hangs in mid-air.

"The Bound God", the state is really pitiful!

Louise couldn't help turning her head and glanced at "Emily", but the latter didn't change his face, so she continued to observe the mummy about one person tall in the center without interest.

His belly is swollen high, and sometimes a certain position bulges and sags, as if a new life is being conceived.

This shows that the "Bound God" has been corroded quite deeply, but it has not been completely assimilated by the "Mother Tree of Desire", otherwise there would be no signs of confrontation like this.

At the same time, the mummy's mouth kept opening and closing. Although the screaming sound was not real, it could directly affect the soul and body, making Louise feel that she seemed to be passively and gradually taking on the responsibility of the "Bound God". Same fate.

However, it was just a feeling, and this kind of unconscious infection couldn't have a big impact on Louise at all.

Not to mention that the barrier on the surface of the planet is still there, the "Mother Tree of Desire" cannot penetrate too much power into reality. Even in the starry sky, it is not something he can do in a short time if he wants to erode Louise.

"Although I am not affected, what about Emily?"

Louise turned her head suddenly, and found that "Emily" was breathing more and more, her mouth was opening and closing, and even her abdomen showed signs of swelling.

She is being assimilated.

Emily is just an ordinary Sequence Six Extraordinary, and she was corroded and transformed by the "Phantom Crown" early on, and now her body is occupied by Alice, and she is even close to the "Bound God".

Now she is almost equivalent to a "trumpet" "Bound God".

It turned out that this was her fate.

But this seems a little too simple. Although the "Mother Tree of Desire" cannot penetrate too much power into reality, it is not stupid. Could it be that it can't tell the difference between the "God of Bound" and Emily?

"Louise and... won't be in danger, right?" Miss Sharron said in a somewhat hesitant tone.

If she was not allowed to participate in the battle, she would not be able to complete the ceremony for promotion to Sequence Two. Bernadette was very depressed, but she was also unwilling to rashly join the extraordinary event involving a very high level without knowing it, otherwise It may not help but add confusion.

As for Louise's imperative order, I am not afraid of her!

After hearing Sharon's obviously hesitant inquiry, Bernadette smiled slightly: "You mean to say 'Bound God'?"

"Don't worry, 'The Bound God' and Louise, apart from challenging a real god, what else can the two of them not do?"

When Sharon thought about it, it seemed that this was the same reason, and she immediately felt relieved.

However, why does Miss Bernadette seem to know Louise better than herself? Are the two of them very close?

Then, Bernadette said: "After this matter is over, there will be no debt between you and me."

Sharon froze for a moment: "But I didn't do anything?"

"Actually, I didn't do anything." Bernadette said with a self-mockery.

Afterwards, the two fell into silence at the same time.

However, not long after, a crazy aura that seemed to be able to destroy everything descended from the sky, followed by two palms appearing in the sky.

Although it looks like a human palm, the skin is dull and lacks texture, like the worst puppet.

Just the breath made Sharon's mind have thoughts of venting various emotions and desires, as if she was about to become a crazy beast, and transparent blisters appeared one after another on the surface of her body.

She closed her eyes tightly, her face was extremely pale, and she exclaimed:

"'Abomination' Siah, he is here!"

Before the words were finished, the two palms were suddenly pulled apart, and a deep vortex appeared in the sky, and a figure walked out of it.

It is the actual leader of the advanced "Rose School of Thought", the angel of Sequence One, "God" Siah.

He looked at Bernadette and Sharon coldly, without any emotion in his eyes, as if looking at two worn-out dolls.

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