The "Celestial Body Sect" is indeed a secret organization that has only appeared for a long time. Its actions are seriously lacking in prudence, and even the old nest is not guarded.

Although there is absolutely no way to stop Louise and Emily from breaking in even if there are guards, but you are not even willing to set up a sentry post, isn't it too perfunctory!

The two swaggered through the gate like this, and the familiar aura they felt outside the villa became stronger, and Emily, who is also a "witch", also felt this aura.

Because, this is the breath of "joy".

Different from the joy of the "witch", the aura emanating from the villa in front of him is full of evil, and one can clearly feel a kind of crazy restlessness from it.

Emily couldn't help frowning and asked, "What is this place?"

The smile on the corner of Louise's mouth was slightly cold, and she replied flatly:

"A secret organization that believes in evil gods."

After finishing speaking, she waved her hand and slammed the door of the villa open.

But even if such a big commotion happened, the enemy had already come to the door, and the members of the "celestial sect" inside the villa seemed to have not noticed it at all.

But what came into view was an absurd and weird scene that people couldn't look at directly, and people didn't know how to describe it.

In the entire hall of the villa, there were more than dozens of people, but they were all naked. Men and women embraced each other, their movements were absurd, and they were extremely chaotic. Moreover, the expressions on their faces were full of joy, as if they were experiencing the most beautiful scene in the world. beautiful thing.

Even when the door was violently opened, it didn't wake up anyone.

When had Emily seen such a scene before, she almost subconsciously took half a step back, and looked sideways at Louise beside her.

Louise is well-informed. Although she was surprised by this, she didn't have too complicated feelings. After all, it is difficult for ordinary people to resist the magical abilities of Extraordinary people. Too much.

She raised her right hand and squeezed it lightly. In an instant, the groans in the hall stopped abruptly, and everyone collapsed to the ground at the same time.

If you observe carefully, most of the men and a small number of women have already bled to death from the seven orifices, while the rest of them just fell into a coma, and it is easy to distinguish between the two. Evil cyan tattoo.

According to intelligence, this is a necessary process for joining the members of the "Celestial Sect". These people have already believed in the "Mother Tree of Desire", and there is no need to live, so Louise is not worried about killing the wrong person at all.

However, there are no Beyonders in this hall at all, so where did the leader of the "Celestial Sect", Follett Ken go?

The scene in front of me couldn't be formed spontaneously, it was more like some kind of evil ritual, that's why Louise made a decisive move to get rid of everyone.

If the ceremony is destroyed, then the person who secretly manipulates the ceremony will naturally be unable to hide.

Louise heard some movement from upstairs, and immediately set off to the stairs, and at the same time gave Emily instructions:


With a light step, he crossed dozens of stairs and came to a secret room on the second floor. He was about to break in, but found that the door was opened from the inside, and a man in his thirties walked out with a haggard face and bright eyes. A bright and scary man.

This person is the leader of "Celestial Sect", Follett Ken, the "Madman" of Sequence Eight.

I don't know what he did. It seems that there is not much reason left. He froze for a moment, glanced at the two women in front of him, and asked strangely:

"who are you?"

Naturally, Louise would not answer, but asked in a deep voice:

"What did you do in the room?"

Follett Ken laughed "hehe", the corners of his mouth were half-opened, he looked a little crazy, and laughed loudly:

"You bastards who broke the ceremony!"

We all know that we broke the ceremony, why are you laughing, your brain is not normal, Louise has no intention of entangled with the "lunatic", and is about to take action to control him, because she feels a kind of warning in the house in front of her that makes her spiritually crazy breath.

However, she had just released the invisible filament and tried to restrain Follett Ken, but suddenly found that the latter's smile became more and more rampant, and even bent down from laughing.

And when he straightened his back, his entire face was completely unrecognizable, his eyes protruded from the eye sockets, the corners of his mouth reached to his ears, exposing sharp teeth, exuding a foul smell.

"Be careful, he's about to lose control."

Even if it gets out of control and becomes a monster, it's just a Sequence Eight. Of course Louise will not be afraid, and throws a large black flame with a wave of her hand. At the same time, Emily standing next to her also does the same thing. attack.

But what no one expected was that Flat Ken, who was about to turn into a monster, didn't rush up, but turned around and smashed through the door, and broke into the secret room he had just walked out of.

What kind of situation is this, about to lose control, but suddenly regain his senses?

Louise's reaction could not be described as unpleasant, she flew into the secret room without hesitation, and at the same time ordered Emily:

"Stay here."

The space in the secret room was not large, probably less than twenty square meters, so even if Louise came in only two seconds late, the items in the secret room were almost destroyed by Follett Ken.

Louise could only vaguely see that a ceremony was being held in this secret room, and there was some kind of wooden statue placed on the altar, but now it has been completely destroyed and turned into powder, which cannot be restored.

With the destruction of the ceremony, the palpitations that made the spirituality actively warn disappeared.

And Follett Ken, who took the initiative to destroy all this, seemed to finally be unable to suppress the tendency to lose control. He turned his head and showed a terrifying smile to Louise, completely turned into a monster, and rushed towards Louise in front of him.

The Extraordinary who was out of control, unable to psychic at all, was of no value, Louise simply disposed of it, and even the monster that Follett Ken turned into was burned to ashes, leaving only a miniature brain gray blobs.

The Extraordinary characteristic of "Madman", unfortunately, has been polluted and can no longer be used, but there may be some other uses.

Louise put it away, looked around, focused on the pile of sawdust, and found nothing of value, and then walked out of the secret room.

"It's over?" Emily asked.

Louise nodded slightly, but didn't speak, as if she was a little bit out of interest.

Follett Ken lost control abruptly, and on the eve of his loss of control, he should have completely lost his sanity, but instead of madly attacking Louise, he rushed into the secret room and destroyed the ceremony he had prepared.

It's like, I don't want Louise to see anything.

And once she thinks that Follett Ken believes in the "Mother Tree of Desire", this makes Louise even more puzzled.

Even if Follett Ken is praying to the "Mother Tree of Desire" or has held some ceremony, is it necessary to destroy the ceremony before it gets out of control?

Is it just to keep myself from seeing something?

This is too stingy, and people who believe in evil gods should try their best to expand their believers. Louise shook her head, unable to understand this kind of behavior.

Then, she glanced sideways at Emily, said with a slight smile:

"See, this is the way to solve the problem, simple and fast, and without any trouble."

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