Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 586 For the Person of

In the picture that appeared before Klein's eyes, the woman wearing the "ghost crown" was in the spirit world. This was why he accidentally saw the spirit world while he was divination through the spirit world.

One is the spirit world in reality, and the other is the spirit world in the result of divination, which is just "the background of a painting".

However, he also discovered something that surprised him. Although the figure of the woman in front of him was blurred, it seemed that she had entered the spirit world.

This is not something that ordinary Extraordinary people can do, at least Klein himself can't do it, he can only enter the spirit world in the state of a spirit body.

Even Ms. Sharon, who is a "wraith" herself, must transform her body into a spiritual body every time she enters the spirit world, instead of letting her flesh and blood directly enter the spirit world.

According to Klein's guess, under the demigod, perhaps only "Traveler" can do this. This is the information he extracted from the spiritual world travel notes submitted by Miss "Magician".

So, the woman in front of him is at least a demigod. In addition, Klein felt a vicissitudes of a long history in her body, and he didn't know if it was an illusion.

Could this woman be an Extraordinary from long ago? How many years has it been dead?

But if it's just this result, it seems that there is no way to explain it to Miss "Power"!

Klein was wondering if there was another way to do divination, when suddenly he noticed that the picture in front of him started to shake suddenly, as if it was about to collapse.

And although the woman in the picture is only from the back, and her posture has not changed in any way, she suddenly feels an extremely painful feeling. There is even a kind of "pain" that can be infected through the divination picture. The trend on Klein.

"I'm just divination!"

Klein exclaimed in his heart, and then ended the divination without hesitation. The scene in front of him disappeared immediately, and his spirit body returned to the giant hall above the gray mist.

At that moment just now, he had a feeling that if he continued divination, he would definitely die, even the gray mist under his feet could not stop him.

Could it be that that woman is a god comparable to "Eternal Blazing Sun" and "True Creator"?

No, if that's the case, the moment I saw the woman's back, I couldn't bear it anymore.

What really caused the divination screen to collapse was the amazing aura that appeared later. The owner of that aura seemed to be targeting the woman in the screen, but what surprised Klein was that he was only divination, and the content of the divination It is likely to be something that happened thousands of years ago, why can it affect me now?

Moreover, he has an inexplicable feeling that the owner of the aura he felt during the divination just now seems to be stronger than the "Eternal Blazing Sun" and "True Creator"?

Even more powerful than the gods, what else could exist?

Who is that mysterious woman in the divination picture? Why does it elicit such a powerful breath?

However, apart from being shocked and confused, Klein couldn't be sure about this. After all, he himself was just a small Sequence Six and didn't have an accurate understanding of the power of the gods. Although he could feel it with the intuition blessed by the gray fog, It can only be used as a reference.

Turning his eyes to the "Phantom Crown" in front of him, Klein couldn't help frowning, feeling very depressed.

He originally thought that this was a very simple task, and he could easily complete it. Afterwards, he would be able to get a new Roselle diary from Miss Power, and everyone was happy.

But who would have thought that divination would reveal the god-level terrifying aura just now, making him linger on the edge of death again.

All I can say is that she deserves to be Miss Power!

It is obviously just a seemingly ordinary "2" level sealed item, but it involves a high-ranking existence at the level of the gods. It almost caused Mr. "Fool" himself to be affected and died. It is really hard to guard against!

Klein sighed. It would be impossible for him to perform another divination. His life is more important than anything else. What he is thinking about now is how to reply to Ms. Power?

If the entire process of divination is relayed to Ms. Power, will it arouse her suspicion?

The divination results showed power at the level of gods, but he ran away in despair. This was a devastating blow to the personality of "The Fool". Not to mention that Miss "Power" has a wealth of mystic knowledge. Some clues were discovered from it, but the consequences were unpredictable.

Klein was extremely entangled. He didn't know how important this matter was to Ms. Power, and it was difficult to grasp the scale in it.

Although in the "Tarot Club", Miss "Power" is very kind, and she is willing to share knowledge and provide help. Even the "Tarot Club" has to change its surname to "Power"!

But all of that was done under the care of "The Fool" after all. If the golden body of Mr. "Fool" was broken, even if there was a slight gap due to suspicion, that would be unacceptable to Klein.

Looking down at the "Phantom Crown" in front of him, and pondering for a while, Klein finally made a decision, determined to hide the mysterious and powerful aura that appeared last in the divination results.

In Miss Power's request to The Fool, she only mentioned the origin of the "Phantom Crown", so that is to say, the mysterious aura that appeared later was beyond Miss Power's expectations...

From another perspective, this is not without benefits for Miss "Power". Even if she is strong enough and quite knowledgeable, she does not have the gray fog under her feet like herself. , the ending may not be too happy.

But if nothing is reminded, with Miss "Power"'s personality, if she accidentally does some dangerous behavior, it is likely to bring unpredictable and terrible results.

After not thinking about it for a short time, Klein didn't hesitate any longer, and "kneaded" the picture of the woman in the divination result into a ball, and threw it towards the red star belonging to Miss "Power".

Afterwards, he waited for a while above the gray mist until Miss Power held another sacrificial ceremony, and Klein threw back the "Phantom Crown" very simply.

At the same time, Mister Fool, who was shrouded in gray mist, said solemnly:

"This thing needs to be sealed."

This is the best way to not only protect yourself, but also remind Miss Power. I believe that with the wisdom of the latter, she can detect something is wrong.

But that's Miss Power's own guess, and has nothing to do with Mister Fool.

Klein let out a sigh of relief, but his mood was a little dull. He had seen through it!

In short, every time there is an intersection with Miss "Power", things will not be too simple. At first, it was just the Backlund smog spread by the "Desperate Witch". Later, the two provoked a state in Bansi Harbor very bad angel

And now, Miss "Power" has already started to come into contact with the magical items involving the breath of a real god. I don't know what she does every day?

It's hard to imagine what Miss "Power" will do on the day she is promoted to a demigod

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